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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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Just pre-ordered the expensive/rare figures on Amazon from the Guardians wave(Angela, Darkhawk and Yondu). All were 19.99.








Can't wait to get my hands on the X-Men wave. Getting 4(5 if you count Old Man Logan) new X-men characters in a wave is amazing.

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Got X-Men!!!!!! Northern CA


And most importantly, you clocked the entire wave in one fell swoop! That's the best feeling to have with "figure search"! CONGRATULATIONS!
Thanks! There was another collector there that picked up the other case they received. He had a buddy that came a little later and I passed off the other Old Man Logan to him.


Had to dig through their pallet on the sale floor. The manager didn't like that at all, but I got the figures so I'm happy.

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In case any of you guys have been met with nothing but frustration in your search for the GOTG wave, it bears mentioning, the big 3 (Target, TRU and Walmart) will be undergoing their semi annual resets and won't put any new product on the shelves until March 1st (most stores anyway). Some of you have already run into interference from store managers and such because of this. Keep looking, but bear that in mind.

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My local Walmart finally clearanced their insane amounts of Odin and thanos waves as well as some giant man and dormammu waves.


I got nick fury and red guardian for $5 each and went back a couple days later, and all the figures were gone. All the other clearance toys in the area were marked at $1 so I possibly missed out on getting a bunch of figures I needed for $1 each

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