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  1. I think Hasbro knows that the fun of this product is collecting. Not having Scalpers show up and jack the prices so that some figures become impossible to find/purchase. I hope the Magneto they release is just the classic Magneto with something minor changed. And I can not wait for that Psylocke. I hope all the scalpers are pissed.
  2. Worlds. Infinite worlds. Much like this one. And in all of them....ALWAYS the wall crawler!!

  3. DEMOGOBLIN: Probably not a new head, it's probably the "Demon head" Hobgoblin in new colors. Remember, in the comics Demogoblin was the one with a long tongue.The possessed Hobgoblin just had crazy sharp teeth. The thing Demogoblin will have is probably the firey glider. MYSTERIO: Been waiting for EVER for a Hasbro remake of this guy. I hope it's Ultimate Mysterio, but fishbowl head will do. He's just so iconic. I don't even like his story or powers in 616, but I appreciate his history and status as a legendary Spidey villain. NOIR: I don't have much to say about NOIR. SPIDERWOMAN: Hope it's her modern outfit. With the jacket and sunglasses? SPIDERPUNK: Meh. I know others will be happy, but I feel like there could have been other or better characters thrown in here. Like where's Shriek? Or could we have gotten Doc Ock finally? Demogobz is just a repaint, Mysterio is going to be the bucky/cap body with thor cape and a fishbowl head; long story short they can afford to do a really insane non-baf character in this wave. PROWLER: Because he's in the movie, he's in the wave. I get it. Whatever. GWENPOOL: No shock here. BUT here is where I get excited. What Maximum Carnage characters have come out: We've got Spidey, MJ, Black Cat, Venom, Cap, Carnage, Demogoblin, Morbius....We're missing a few on either side. Deathlok, Firestar, Cloak and Dagger on the hero side and Shriek on the villain side. I think the BAF of this wave should be... BAF: DOPPLEGANGER!! We haven't seen him as a figure in over 20 years. They're CLEARLY trying to cover that era of comics with the likes of Demogoblin, Morbius, Blade, etc. Maximum Carnage is not only VERY popular already, but will be even moreso when Carnage finally comes to the movies in Venom. This guy is the type of character that would look great in future movies as well. He's a character that could make a great lackey villain and die in the end without ruining future films. But most importantly, he's be an amazing looking figure.
  4. My problem with vehicles is that most characters don't need them. So what would they make that would make sense? A SHIELD jeep? Cop car? Thor, Hulk, Hobgoblin, Scarlet Witch, Black Cat, Wolverine, Rogue, Electro, War Machine--just a few of my figures that I can see from this angle. None of them drive cars or planes or anything. And there is already a ghost rider bike, helicarrier, and blackbird out there. I guess they could re-release those, but Ghost Rider currently sells for around $60, I'd rather they re-release him than his bike. As for the issue with money. I'd have to disagree with some of you. It's really just about preference. It seems like you, that responded, aren't all that much into ACBA or dynamic posing. And that's totally fine. But I am, and for those like me, I don't want to pay MORE money to get what we already should be getting. And let's be fair, BTW, not all Legends are WORTH $20 price mark. Eel? Diamondback? Scourge? Captain America #5835893? Scourge was actually a good figure haha, but my point is that, no, I would not want to justify raising the price to get stuff that should already come with the figure. The Deadpool figure shows that they COULD do it exactly as I described without issue. Between every NORMAL wave include an "Accessory Wave" figure (as described above), which is just an "army building" figure with a ton of extra accessories. And as for the base sets. Well, they could just be Toys'r'Us exclusives. An "Asgard" or "Dr.Strange" set with a ton of magical and energy accessories for people like you @DSmith. You'd be one of the one who wouldn't care about the guns, so don't buy that one. The point of the bases is to include those extra accessories. So you don't need or want extra guns, but like energy effects? Buy an energy effect base. Want extra webbing and Venom goo? Wait for a Spider-Man base.
  5. Hello everyone, Teddo Ichiban, here! I've had this idea for a very long time and I've wanted to share because I like posing my figures, but I hate that the figures don't come with much in the way of helping collectors to do this. So Toybiz is long gone, but they used to have tons of accessories, a collector comic and usually a base or stand. It made each figure worth more than it's money's worth. As you know, though, Hasbro has a different sort of business model and cuts a few corners here and there. Some may argue that the figures physically look a lot better, but they come with almost nothing and sometimes barely have a paint wash or anything over the base colors. I don't mind, I prefer the look of the Hasbro figures, but I do feel like they could use more accessories. I don't like collections where the collectors just stand their figures up like an army at attention. They're called action figures, posing them and putting them in action is sort of the entire point.... I think a solution that Hasbro would be happy with AND collectors would enjoy would be Accessory Waves! These waves would be themed just like the figure waves (Spider-Man, X-Men, Netflix, GOTG, etc.), but would either come with in two generic body figure sets (Like the recent Nick Fury, The Chameleon/JJ, The SHIELD Agent, Hydra Soldier, AIM Soldier), or come as one large base per wave. The figure waves would come in the normal boxes, but just have a ton of accessories, not unlike the Deadpool from last year's Juggernaut BAF wave. The base waves would have a detailed base with tons of accessories in the box. This would allow them to have accessories and bases to display figures in dynamic poses, BUT it wouldn't make the cost of the figures go up. They would also work in such a way that by buying the Figure or base waves, even a collector who has bought every previous wave still gets something new, or a new way to display old figures. While someone who just got started with these waves would only be starting off well stocked. Below are some examples: Spider-Man Accessory Wave: Figure 1: Peter Parker in jacket and jeans. Alternate Head: Random civilian with hat and sunglasses Accessories: Camera, Skateboard, grocery bag, web line (short), web line (long), swinging webline, safe, wallet with cash sticking out, wad of cash, flight stand. Figure 2: Doctor Connors in lab coat and clothes Alternate Head 1: Hank Pym Alternate Head 2: Generic Scientist [The peg would also be able to fit the Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Reed Richards heads] Accessories: Mutagen vial, laptop/tablet, laser gun, explosion effect, Cryotube Marvel Knights Wave: Base: A warehouse set with a back wall and two side walls, perfect for ACBA or collection display. The base would be roughly W:9" x L:18"x H:9" The warehouse can hold as many characters as you feel look acceptable. So for those who would only put two or three characters in the space at a time, or those who'd have a giant brawl with 20 characters, both could use the base. Accessories: Wooden table, Gun shelf, weapon chest, flight stand (x2), wall pegs, Assault Rifle, Handgun (x2), TMP, Sniper rifle, Batons, grapple gun, whip, web line(x2), fire effect, grenade, Energy blasy effect, briefcase, an extra Cap shield (because mine broke lol) So not exactly these, so please don't bog down the discussion by arguing my examples (if you don't like something I suggested, just be creative and think of something better, don't get stuck on an example), but something LIKE that. For example, you only have a cosmic cube in your collection if you bought Red Skull. Did Marvel Legends release an Infinity Gauntlet? Items like those would come with the base sets. What do you think? What TYPES of things would you want to see? I think this would be a great way to handle army building and background characters.
  6. 1. Since X3, have there been any figure releases alongside the movies? I'm not being sarcastic here, I'm really asking. I don't think First Class, DOFP or any of the other films had figures made in the 6 inch figure scale. 2. Like the all female Toys'r'us box set? 3. Never say never. Hasbro has shown that they're nothing if not surprising. And collectors have shown that the stupid misogynistic rules of yesteryear have nothing to do with what we will pay. I think of the top five most expensive second-market Hasbro Legends, at least 3 are female.
  7. I don't think there will be a Deadpool wave this year. And if they do one next year, it'll tie in with the film, so I'd say: -Deadpool (movie version) Accessories: twin uzi, Swords, Ryan Reynolds/Wade head. -Cable (movie version) Accessories: Machine gun -Domino (movie version): Accessories: Twin handguns, sniper rifle -Lady Deadpool (same accessories as Juggernaut BAF Wave Deadpool, but different colors) Variant of Lady Deadpool: Gwen Pool Variant of Domino: Mystique -[Whomever the villain is. I'd like to see a movie take on Arcade or Mojo] BAF: Spiral I chose those characters because Hasbro seems to want to promote current characters foremost, but if there's nothing current in the movies or comics, then they go for classics. We do not have a recent Mystique or Spiral, so they'd need to update those classic characters and they have nothing to represent the more modern characters like Gwenpool, Lady Deadpool or the movie versions.
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