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Titanium man


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I cannot find Titanium man anywhere. Where has anyone found him? I reall want him picked up a red Ironmonger and a blue one and Titanium man is the one one I want from the second wave. wave 2 Ironmonger isn't all that special, right?


i haven't seen it yet either. same with the new opening cockpit ironmonger. i've been keeping a look out for them.

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I found mine at Wal-Mart. He came with the Iron Monger with the open Cockpit.



so did I, just beat this scalper to it as well as the one open-cock pitt Monger.


that's always a great feeling to beat those people to it. especially when you know exactly who they are. i was at a walmart once and found a bunch of new figures and saw this guy who buys for a comic shop coming so i grabbed all the new ones walked away and dumped the ones i didn't want in a reshop cart so they would go back on the shelf later, after we were both long gone.


i'll admit, i've scalped a few times, but maybe buy an extra. I did that with the Ironman movie warmachine from walmart, got one for myself, one for ebay. and left the extra dozen there. these people will come in and buy every single one of them.

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I cannot find Titanium man anywhere. Where has anyone found him? I reall want him picked up a red Ironmonger and a blue one and Titanium man is the one one I want from the second wave. wave 2 Ironmonger isn't all that special, right?



The only time and place I saw them was at a Wall-mart 2 weeks ago, I got both of them. There was only one Titanium man and 3 open-c Ironmonger. Recently I have run into 4 scalpers, and whats worse my cuz at TRU says that the a couple of workers have been hording up different kinds of stuff to sell on ebay , also my friend at wall-mart says some employees there have found out the demand for Jokers from the movie line and also are hording them to sell on ebay.

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I found them the other day at KB.


The few Walmarts and Targets in these parts to restock any at all lately have all stocked up on the first wave of them again.


I got there just as the guy was pricing them and getting them ready to put out, so it was good timing on my part. The higher price sucks, but then again I don't have to worry about beating the scalpers to them anymore.


Iron Monger is pretty cool I must say. Much better than the first version. Titanium Man is ok. I wonder, how much different is he from a Halo figure?



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There are ZERO Iron Man figures and any of the TRU, Targets and/or Wal-Marts in my area, (Long Island, NY). I was unable to get a War Machine or Titanium Man figure. I hope it will not be this hard when the next wave of IM figs come out (Satelitte, Captain America, etc...)


yeah, they're wiped out here too. I just hope they don't restock then not sell and take up shelfspace so the next wave will have trouble making its way out.

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yeah i just found them today at walmart. it was early so i figured whynot stop in and see if they have anything new... as luck would have it, two iron mongers with open cockpit, and one titanium man. i passed on Ti Man (sorry i didnt get it for anybody here! didnt know he was in demand!), just got the open cockpit monger. took him home and immediately started touching up paint aps.







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we got him at the kb that i work at. he is only one per case in both wave 2 r1 and r2, but wave 2 r2 cases have 2 cockpit iron mongers whereas r1 only has one. we only got 2 cases so i bought one tm and another employee bought the other. definitely the best figure of the line so far. not comic accurate but i like him a lot. got the cockpit monger too. all sweet

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Just curious as to how you guys know that the people you say are scalpers are actually scalpers, they could just be collectors who like to have more than one of the figures (even though one should be enough) just like alot of collectors on this site have. I've seen titanium man 3 times so far, only bought him the first time I found it though. I always leave anything I already have on the shelf for someone else, because that's what I would like a fellow collector to do for me.

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Just curious as to how you guys know that the people you say are scalpers are actually scalpers, they could just be collectors who like to have more than one of the figures (even though one should be enough) just like alot of collectors on this site have. I've seen titanium man 3 times so far, only bought him the first time I found it though. I always leave anything I already have on the shelf for someone else, because that's what I would like a fellow collector to do for me.



I for one have straight out asked them.

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Found 'em both at Wal-Mart! I love Titanium Man; he's a perfect Doombot. Iron Monger has some issues though....I can't keep the cockpit closed all the time. I don't really get the features they put in there. The head pushes down into the body so the cockpit can close, except, the head of Iron Monger has a hole in it so the human head can fit. So why does the human head push down? Because of the spring, the cockpit doesn't close as well! On top of all this, the Iron Monger head doesn't move at all! I understand this was so the human head could fit in it....but it doesn't! The head pushes down! So why the heck doesn't Iron Monger's head move?


Ah well. This one has more range of movement in the legs, I just wish they hadn't made that whole funky feature for the opening cockpit. If they had just let the head fit in the helmet hole, then the cockpit would stay closed. However, since it doesn't fit in the hole, they could have made the head move! Overall I imagine that this thing went through alot of changes at the last minute, since the pic on the back of the packages doesn't line up with the figure.

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If any one is interested titanium man and open cockpit iron monger are available thru walmarts web site.


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=9192614 (titanium man)


http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=9192617 (iron monger)


They've been in and out of stock over the past couple of days.


Finally got them and they ship fast.



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