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An Apology to Hasbro


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I really was pissed at my Dominio figure because her leg and arm were bent until I acquired a loose Rgoue from the XMC from toybiz. Yes, I knew they were from the same mold, but I thought toybiz was better at packaging and care of their product. Guess I need not be so hasting in placing them blame. The only thing I have against Hasbro is that they are not consistant with their product, but the end of the year has a lot of promise. I can't wait!
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hell yeah a lot of promises. i've already spent so much on the multiple super hero squad figures they put out recently that i have no money left for any legends that come out. i'm glad they held off a bit. i dont care what people say on sculpts or whatevers, but hasbro is giving us a lot of stuff this year. even if the hulk figures are crap, they still did push a lot out within the first half of this year.

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