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About the Iron Monger 'variant'...

Magic 8 Ball

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I've heard from several reputable places that there is an Iron Monger with blue eyes/chest, and that the regular one has red in those places.


And yet, I've never seen a NON-blue Iron Monger. We're talking several dozen at this point, and every last one of them has had blue eyes/chest. If he's a variant, he's certainly not rare, at least not from my personal experience. I could go to Wal-Mart right now and pick up half a dozen. He also isn't selling for anything more than the regular one on ebay, which leads me to think he's just not that hard to find.


On the other hand, I've never seen an Iron Monger with red eyes/chest, and I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether it exists. I'm guessing that maybe there was a running change, and all the Iron Mongers are now blue, making it more accurately a variation, rather than a variant... it would explain things in my area. We rarely get variants to begin with, let alone 5-6 of them at a time.


Anyone have some light they can shed?

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When the Iron Man figures first came out they only had the Red Chest Iron Monger with the smash fist action feature. The Open Cockpit Iron Monger has a blue chest.

I'm talking about the fist smashing one, which supposedly is in red with a blue variant, yet I've only ever seen it in blue. My question was whether or not the blue one actually is a variant, or if it's a running change, which the sheer number of blue ones on the pegs would suggest.


As far as I'm aware, the opening cockpit one is only in blue.

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if you've never seen the red version, you missed it. it was a VERY early running change. pretty much only the very first shipments had a red chest light and eyes. i saw about 6 of them when they first came out, and i skipped them because i thought they messed up and wouldnt change it, plus i hated the punching action.

but now i wish i had one so i could use him to punch myself in the crotch.


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wait is this one worth more or going to be worht more?


that's the jist of what i was getting at. most likely, yes. eventually. or maybe only while IM toys are hot. who knows.







the run of these figs went pretty wide, so alot of people were able to get these.....but the cock pit version is worth more.




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