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Wal-Mart Ares Wave .

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OMG ! What in the world ? .... this wave is coming out in September ?


8 pieces for Ares......


-Scarlet Spider

-Heroes Reborn Iron Man

-Ultimate War Machine



-Human Torch





What do you guys think about this wave ? I mean we all knew about the Nemesis Wave over a year ago...and now they come in and strike us with this .....

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If I can find them (which I never do where Wal-Mart exclusives are concerned) I'll be thrilled to own them. The only figures I'm mildly "down" on are the Human Torch and Ultimate War Machine.


That, and I'm mildly surprised/annoyed that Hasbro's coming out with Crossbones before a Winter Soldier or Bucky-Cap. (Or at least a re-release of a modern Cap).

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so this sucks cause we are gonna have to be looking for the wave at target at the same time. plus walmart sucks for getting more then one case in on their exclusives (marvel legends thats is)trust me guys the walmart i work at as had banshee and emma frost on the shelfs since last jan and thats it. oh well i guess their is the internet . (end rant) by the way will the exclusives be available in the online stores

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From what i have seen, there seems to be a general consensus that the wal mart exclusives will be available on the wal mart website, but not others due to its exclusivity, but i have found the "target exclusive" on a couple different websites, take that as you will



the target wave is on bigbadtoystore.com, but marked up by about $40 bucks so if the walmart exclusive ends up on any other site it will be marked up. hopefully i can get the exclusives at my walmart but probally wont since they still have hasbro wave 1 Banshee, Emma Frost, X3 Beast and Hercules warming the pegs

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OMG ! What in the world ? .... this wave is coming out in September ?


8 pieces for Ares......


-Scarlet Spider

-Heroes Reborn Iron Man

-Ultimate War Machine



-Human Torch





What do you guys think about this wave ? I mean we all knew about the Nemesis Wave over a year ago...and now they come in and strike us with this .....



you added scarlet spider. do you mean ben reily spiderman? or do you know something more? i hope you know something more :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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