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How do you setup ML Teams?


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For ML heros, there are really just two main groups: Avengers and X-Men. For the most part, if they were ever a member of the Avengers, and aren't generally known for being on another team, I put them with the Avengers. So in cases like Luke Cage and Iron Fist, they stand back to back among the ranks of The Avengers, but with like Wolverine and Beast, I try to keep them closer to the X-Men side (I have the Avengers and X-men right next to each other just for those two) At the very end, I put the smaller groups, like FF/Defenders and the loners in a cluster to make up a larger group (ie Blade, Spiderman, DareDevil) Doctor Strange stands by Hulk and Namor and Surfer, with Namor and Surfer standing right in front of the Fantastic Four since they are mostly from that area of Marvel. I need to take pics someday.


I keep Heros on oneside of the table, and Villians on the other side, with DC and LCHB seperating the two

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I put the Xmen all together and for the others I put them on the same shelf I just group them together-like the Fantastic 4 then the Avengers then Heroes for Hire,Omega Flight,,etc. and then the rest at the end.I try to keep up with the current teams, but I collect comics like I once did so I rely on marvel.com to help out.
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I only have the figures since the Toybiz 'all villain' Onslaught BAF wave displayed.


I have the FF on the top shelf, along with some misc non ML figures. I also have the Movie Fantasticar up there.


On the 2nd shelf I have villains, including 8 HYDRA soldiers.


On the 3rd shelf I have Avengers and assorted non-affiliated heroes.


On the 4th shelf I have mutants, both good and bad because Blob wouldn't fit on the villain shelf.


On the bottom shelf I have all the LCBH as well as extra Hulks and other large figures.

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on my top shelf is the fantastic four (1st movie figures until they make a comic ff i like) and cosmic characters like galactus,surfer,ronan,beta ray bill,anhilus)also i have my what if fantastic five team (hulk,ghostrider,black suit spidey, wolvie, and black panther) second shelf is tony starks initiative,third shelf is the rebels. fourth shelf is x-universe characters.then i have a villians shelf ,iron man armory and an exiles shelf (made up of different versions of people)


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i include spidey,luke cage and captain marvel in my avengers set up...i also have a marvel knight set up(punisher,DareDevil,Moon knight and ghost rider)...i don't include even one wolverine on my avengers...I also don't include beast on my avengers as well...I include movie and ultimate figures on my set up...i don't care if the figure is a movie or ultimate figure as long as the figure is marvel...


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