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Which one is better


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Not even close. The Toybiz version is far superior. Paint, sculpt, articulation, and just detail in general is so much better. Look at the ball and chain. The Toybiz version looks so realistic, while the Hasbro version look more like something from Fisher Price.


Yeah ! I love the Toyz biz figure ! better .....

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I'm with Pooda, I think both miss the mark of a 'great' Crusher Creel. The FFF one is strange. It's a good scale height but grossly under-massed for the character. Creel has always been depicted as a very muscularly massive villian, and it just looks too skinny for my taste. The TB one missed with the prison orange jumpsuit pants. I think Creel's classic black and white striped pants are a must. If they could be combined... and have interchangeable arms and legs, now that would be an Absorbing Man to get your hands on. I hold out hope for one in a Thor Wave or two. He is, first and formost, a Thor villian from the earliest days of the comic... although he did appear in DD first as just a regular human boxer.

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How about this one? This is the one I still use in my Hulk set up. It is from TB's Avengers line (pre-Legends) from the late '90s. To me, it is the classic sculpt of AM and is in scale. The articulation is non-existent, but he's great for posing on a shelf. Loki and the Scarlet Witch from this line are both great alternatives to their Legends counterparts as well.

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