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Hit a double jackpot today, which has never happened to me before in a figure hunt. This is my best haul in perhaps a year. My last 3-4 posts to this thread after trips to Vegas I came up empty... today, however...




First, it is unusual that I would make the hour-and-a-half trip to Vegas on a Thursday, but my daughter had an early morning orthodontist visit, so there I was. The ortho referred us to a dentist, that was in the same shopping plaza as a Target. Inside the Target, Four skrulls sat waiting to join my army. And an A.I.M. soldier. Then, I figured, what the heck, I'll pick up the Ben Reilly Spidey. How bad could he be, right? Walking out with a huge boost to my army, I was already ecstatic. Then we ate at Olive Garden, hit the LCS and stopped by one Wal-Mart. Just one. Waiting for me THERE were Taskmaster, Silver Samurai, Loki and the mighty Frost Giant!


This is probably a run-of-the-mill haul for a lot of you guys, but for me it is a very rare experience. I live in Pahrump, for crying out loud! Anyway, the other good news is that I finally won an auction for the Fin Fang Foom BAF yesterday, so he's on the way too. Next week I should finally feel confident enough to post in the Collections thread, at long last.


Now, on to opening these bad boys and letting them meet the others, mingle a bit, then kick into ACTION!


Ronnie which walmart was this? Did they have anything else good



Finally opened my Galactus yesterday. Awesome! My only beef with the figure is his voice lol kinda sounds like he needs to go the bathroom really bad. I held off buying a Silver surfer for when I got this set and I am highly disappointed. His joints are ridiculously loose and he WILL NOT stay on his board. Why wouldn't you put magnets on his feet and board like the Legends one?

Got 3 more Skrulls and 2 more AIM as well as an extra multiple man.

Now my two-packs should be here today or tomorrow :)

Just picked up a Cap/Klaw SW comic pack from a local WM that usually doesn't have anything...


man, this one was impossible to find...very happy!

I saw one of those too at WM for the first time in retail. Too bad I bought mine two months ago in a Comic Book store for $19.99.


Found Cap Am Series 1 and Deluxe 1 at R US. Pass on a few due to paint apps. Thanks to Josh for keeping me in the loop. I def felt the vultures swarming us.... lol. Those didn't/won't last long today. I know they will be everywhere soon but these guys were just swarming today... NOW I just need wave 13 and the x-men box set.


a great haul today!!!


First I went to Wallyworld and picked up a Frost Giant for Lizardking, as he is fairly local to me, but cant find anything around him.


thanks to hellseekers persistance at our local TRU, after 5 months our TRU finally got in some new MU figs :smile: . To bad it was a revision case :sad: . But i was able to grab a thing, a reg archangel, a Black boot punisher, a reg cap and a MU thor (realised i had never picked up the last two when they came out originally).


Then, right above the MU figures... BUM BUM BUUUMMMMM.....




I grabbed all of the regular figures except the ultimate (i just hate the bladed break apart shield). The also had the Deluxe figures, of which I grabbed the concept cap with the USAgent shield and the Jet Pack Cap. The Parachute Cap was already gone.


I'll post pics later today.


They also got in the Disc Shooting Cap Shield for kids (it comes with 5 discs). It looked awesome and had quite a bit of heft to it, but at another $20 I just couldnt take the hit. I think alot of little kids are gonna be hurt when they get smacked in the face with this thing when playing with their friends. :smile:


They had the Movie Master Green Lantern 2 packs as well, but at $23.99 they can keep them. They look really good though. The GL 3 1/4 Killowog with speeder was there, but the only articulation is the shoulder and hips, so i passed. The sculpt is garbage as well. On the back of this pack they showed the Sinestro and Green Guy figs. Same crappy sculpting, and same crappy articulation. I'm gonna have to pass on this line.


I managed to set aside a set of Cap figs for hellseeker and he got them as well. A good day for 3 guys from the boards!


.... now I just need for the MU 2 packs, Wave 13 and the X-Men set to appear here, and all will be good.... At least for a couple months. GOTTA FEED THE NEED!!!!! :biggrin:


Alright so I went and hit up some targets and a toysrus. Targets didn't have anything, but one employee was super cool and went in the back and pulled two cases of MU for me. Turns out they were revision cases... :/ darn. So I passed on all those. Was thinking of adding the skrulls to my army, but I already got 5 and figured that was enough haha.


The toys r us employees had told me they were getting some new marel stuff in today, so i got there at the time of opening and browsed around. I was expecting to pick up wave 13 but they didn't get it in :[. Another sad face haha. They didn't have any cap figures either.. BUT, they did have 5 boxes of the x men set. I was originally going to pass on it, but after looking at the thing, it's pretty cool. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with the price too, that I the only person I actually have is the colossus figure. Oh for those that were wondering it's like 38 bucks after tax. If anyone has some good stuff to trade let me know! I can pick you up an x men set on my way back from work today!


Oh and I saw some GB Frost Giants too haha

Alright so I went and hit up some targets and a toysrus. Targets didn't have anything, but one employee was super cool and went in the back and pulled two cases of MU for me. Turns out they were revision cases... :/ darn. So I passed on all those. Was thinking of adding the skrulls to my army, but I already got 5 and figured that was enough haha.


The toys r us employees had told me they were getting some new marel stuff in today, so i got there at the time of opening and browsed around. I was expecting to pick up wave 13 but they didn't get it in :[. Another sad face haha. They didn't have any cap figures either.. BUT, they did have 5 boxes of the x men set. I was originally going to pass on it, but after looking at the thing, it's pretty cool. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with the price too, that I the only person I actually have is the colossus figure. Oh for those that were wondering it's like 38 bucks after tax. If anyone has some good stuff to trade let me know! I can pick you up an x men set on my way back from work today!


Oh and I saw some GB Frost Giants too haha


Hey man, can you give me the 6 digit R US I.D. number for the x-men set? Thanks


Alright so I went and hit up some targets and a toysrus. Targets didn't have anything, but one employee was super cool and went in the back and pulled two cases of MU for me. Turns out they were revision cases... :/ darn. So I passed on all those. Was thinking of adding the skrulls to my army, but I already got 5 and figured that was enough haha.


The toys r us employees had told me they were getting some new marel stuff in today, so i got there at the time of opening and browsed around. I was expecting to pick up wave 13 but they didn't get it in :[. Another sad face haha. They didn't have any cap figures either.. BUT, they did have 5 boxes of the x men set. I was originally going to pass on it, but after looking at the thing, it's pretty cool. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with the price too, that I the only person I actually have is the colossus figure. Oh for those that were wondering it's like 38 bucks after tax. If anyone has some good stuff to trade let me know! I can pick you up an x men set on my way back from work today!


Oh and I saw some GB Frost Giants too haha


Hey man, can you give me the 6 digit R US I.D. number for the x-men set? Thanks


Hmm I didn't see a 6 digit number set on the box, there was a 5 digit number and it stated




Then the barcode number




do you know where it might be on the box?


Alright so I went and hit up some targets and a toysrus. Targets didn't have anything, but one employee was super cool and went in the back and pulled two cases of MU for me. Turns out they were revision cases... :/ darn. So I passed on all those. Was thinking of adding the skrulls to my army, but I already got 5 and figured that was enough haha.


The toys r us employees had told me they were getting some new marel stuff in today, so i got there at the time of opening and browsed around. I was expecting to pick up wave 13 but they didn't get it in :[. Another sad face haha. They didn't have any cap figures either.. BUT, they did have 5 boxes of the x men set. I was originally going to pass on it, but after looking at the thing, it's pretty cool. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with the price too, that I the only person I actually have is the colossus figure. Oh for those that were wondering it's like 38 bucks after tax. If anyone has some good stuff to trade let me know! I can pick you up an x men set on my way back from work today!


Oh and I saw some GB Frost Giants too haha


Hey man, can you give me the 6 digit R US I.D. number for the x-men set? Thanks


Hmm I didn't see a 6 digit number set on the box, there was a 5 digit number and it stated




Then the barcode number




do you know where it might be on the box?


should be on the receipt. Thanks man




Haha wow, now I feel dumb. Alright on the receipt lets see..


wow there are a lot of numbers on here, as you can tell i've never done this before, but here is the only 6 digit number that I can seem to see on here



Hello and welcome Greyfus!


thanks valkior ! i've been reading the forums for a little over a week now and just thought i'd post so i didn't feel so much like i'm lurking outside the forum windows spying on you guys in your spiderman undies.


You picked a great time to start collecting. Nearly everything from the previous waves are easily available. 3 months ago you'd be lucky if you saw more than an AIM soldier and 10 Iron Men. Welcome!


i'm starting to realize that, although a lot of the older ones that were not "hard to find" at the time are now much more of a hassle to find, although when i do find them at least they're not very expensive. i had to set a $10 limit for myself on single figures if i get them through ebay or another secondhand dealer so that i don't go nuts. i've had great luck in the stores though, hit up every Target in the denver metro area (about 10 total) and the 2 Toys R Us making up the bulk of my collection and found some of the harder to find ones like Archangel and Grey Hulk. but i had to go to ebay for Daredevil and Bullseye.


Sounds a lot like my week (or two). Just started collecting these things. My son loves them. At first we only got the "super-cool" figures. Then it turned into buying the "cool" figures too. Now we're pretty much buying them all, & even building a few little mini-armies of some of the soilders.


sounds like an expensive week, like mine! i actually spent so much i figured it'd be cheaper in the long run to get them wholesale so i registered an LLC and am in the process of applying for state/county sales tax licenses.


i'd also like to say that i think that's a great parenting incentive with the toys. when i was little me and my brothers were crazy into gi joes so we'd invariably spend our entire allowance on them, but our parents would pick up extra ones and give them to us for doing extra chores or "being good", and i remember being willing to do just about anything to get one of those toys.


on a more thread-related note, i stopped by my local Toys R Us who told me they get deliveries every Wed. and Fri. to see what they got, and none of the awesome new Cable/Cyclops/Apocalypse ones but they did have a few of the Deadpool/Taskmaster and Patch/Silver Samurai packs. they didn't even have them in the inventory yet and had to wait like 20 minutes while they looked them up. i have a picture on my phone but couldn't find the usb cable i need to transfer it


Went to 2 Targets, 1 WM, and 2 TRU today. NOTHING for Wave 13.


I did find a Frost Giant at WM.


Any DC area collectors PM me so we can help each other find stuff.


So I stop in TRU on my way home and I see the same revision cases that have been there for a while. I ask a girl if they got any in today (since it's their shipment day). She looks it up and it shows there are 29 on the floor. I go back and see that the figures are scattered between 3 different isles but I only count 17. I find her again and she says that sometimes people steal them or they get scattered around the store. Makes sense, until I thought a bit more. Exactly 12 figures "missing". Could they be...A CASE OF WAVE 13!?!


So either someone was hording them, it didnt get stocked yet, or she was too lazy to check. Either way, I'll never know...

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