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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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farm fresh from Tarjay...




i pulled the DCPI trick on the phone... they had the unopened case waitin for me at Customer Service. :cool:

they're makin shelf space for the rest, so those can sell through this weekend and get wave 2 ordered.

bring on Crossbones and Red Skull!! boo-yah

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Anyone on the east coast seen the giant x-men set yet? Specifically, PA....?

No luck this week other than the Patch/Silver Samurai set. I have family that's going to look in AL tomorrow, and next week I can check FL. It's getting kinda annoying at this point.


Did come across another revision case with Jean Grey, Grey Hulk, Union Jack, Black Panther, and Moon Knight, but that came at the expense of filling up a section that would have gone where the Wave 13 would be stocked.

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Haul: A Cyclops that cost me 13.99, somebody hid it in the wrong Aisle... Hate buying Midtown Manhattan prices for stuff.

Got My Apocalypse and Gladiator from Pre-order online.


people in the NYC Area, just giving a quick heads up


MidTown Comics and Jim Hanley's Universe HAD the figures...


all that's left are 12.99 (Midtown)-13.99 (Jim Hanley's) First Appearance Wolverines.(Unless the people working there are scalping or holding for friends and Family.)


Also Had the Patch Verses Silver Samurai Comic Packs... $22.99 (Mid Town Comics)- 23.99 (Jim Hanley's) at those prices both were passes.


TRU Flagship times square had left over revision cases stuff, TRU express Midtown mall only Had Thor Stuff, K-mart 34th street Iron-man Crap.

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went to Waco TRU today and landed the Giant Size Xmen set. Watch the paint kids, quality control was snoozing on these sets. Had both First Class sets but I only got the Scott/Jean. Again, paint apps on these two are going to be tough to nail down but out of the 4 sets they had, I got the one that was closest to being perfect. Passed on Sabes/Wolverine.

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Paid $11.99 for an Apocalypse at a comic store, worth it, hunt for that wave is over for me since I want Hope-less Cable. No giant size xmen sets in Toledo, OH or Ann Arbor, MI yet. No Captain America figures yet either. Found my last TRON Diecast vehicle I needed, found the Rock Viper GI Joe wave in Ann Arbor, bought the Rock Viper, left rest. Found the Clone Wars vintage wave... I think, with the purple-wearing woman, grabbed her, left rest. No new comic packs anywhere still.

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Haul: A Cyclops that cost me 13.99, somebody hid it in the wrong Aisle... Hate buying Midtown Manhattan prices for stuff.

Got My Apocalypse and Gladiator from Pre-order online.


people in the NYC Area, just giving a quick heads up


MidTown Comics and Jim Hanley's Universe HAD the figures...


all that's left are 12.99 (Midtown)-13.99 (Jim Hanley's) First Appearance Wolverines.(Unless the people working there are scalping or holding for friends and Family.)


Also Had the Patch Verses Silver Samurai Comic Packs... $22.99 (Mid Town Comics)- 23.99 (Jim Hanley's) at those prices both were passes.


TRU Flagship times square had left over revision cases stuff, TRU express Midtown mall only Had Thor Stuff, K-mart 34th street Iron-man Crap.


Haven't even stopped by Midtown in Midtown East to look for W13 'cuz they add $5 as soon as they hit the shelves (and the store is, quite literally, a block from where I work). Keep meaning to hit TRU in Times Square but have been lazy recently. Had occasion to be in Astor Place today and checked the K-Mart while I was waiting for my barber...jack squat...just some peg-warming IM2 stuff.


I've decided that I'm going to be patient this time. I figure that the only two figs I want from W13 are Apoc and Gladiator, and although I figure Apoc is gonna be a difficult get, eventually I will. I'm guessing that, based on his low visibility and many collector complaints, Gladiator will eventually be a peg-warmer. Same with the comic 2-packs, of which I'm only interested in DP/TM.

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Hey Tx...I think the upper torso moves so it'll align once you get it open and adjust it...


(Anyways I think so...I apologize if I'm wrong :)


Yeah the torso moves, but it's the tighs i'm concerned about. The paint is scratched and the paint job is incredibly sloppy. One of Storm's stocking comes to a point and the other is just round.

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Found X-Men First Class comic packs at Austin TRU north. No Tasky's though :(


Has anyone in the Austin area found Wave 13 in any stores so far? Also, has anyone in the South Central Texas area found any new MU at H.E.B. grocery stores? It seems like they get occasional shipments but I haven't seen anything new. I'd much rather find MU characters there as they are marginally cheaper than everywhere else ($7.18 vs $7.99)

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This week's haul.





This week's finds were all unexpected. I was pretty much just searching for W13.


Pisses me off that i have 5 Wolverines, 4 Cyclops', 3 Captain America's.


Haha did you realized that your wolverine and sabertooth two pack says marvel girl and cyclops? Just a funny observation haha

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Hasbro was in such a hurry to get these out before the movie that they didn't bother to proofread the packaging too thoroughly. That is an awesome gaff. Almost worth keeping it in package for that one.


I saw the Wolverine pack before, with the "first class" label on the comic book, but I never put it together with the other one. Huh.

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That is hilarious. I didn't even notice it. Needs to go in the MU defect thread.


Now i'm curious if the the other two i left have the same mistake. Yeah...kinda dont want to open it anymore.


How much did the new two packs cost you guys if you have them. I bought it at TRu for 17.99. where as the other secret wars were still $14.99.

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That is hilarious. I didn't even notice it. Needs to go in the MU defect thread.


Now i'm curious if the the other two i left have the same mistake. Yeah...kinda dont want to open it anymore.


How much did the new two packs cost you guys if you have them. I bought it at TRu for 17.99. where as the other secret wars were still $14.99.




Another view:




Should i open it or no?

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