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oh hi there




Nice score jaybird!!!

what the hell is going on in here?


hahah you only have 4 posts!!!!!!!


as opposed to my 27K at the tank haha i need a lyfe





Has hell frozen over?


It's the Apocalypse ...don't ya know.?

I went to Target again today hoping to score some new Cap stuff but no new restock.

I guess you could say I was TATOD.

The Alliance of The Damned =SOL


Big thanks to js11js11 for stashing some figs for me! I was able to pick up the following:


Bucky Cap

US Agent

Captain Britain


Now I just need Crossbones and Red Skull and I'll be caught up..... for the next couple weeks lol


I finally found the first wave of cap figures! Got the WWII cap and WS, also got my order from toys r us with my DP/TS set and SS/P set. Those claws on wolverine are awesome! But anyway, I opened up my WWII Cap and his calf stayed in the package! Gosh darn you hasbro! NOw I have to go back to Kmart tomorrow and return him. I had picked up the one with the least warped knees and best paint too. Darn. Maybe I'll just get my money back and wait till i find it again



Got home from work today and my wife surprised me with this,


63fd5046.jpg"> oh yeah nightcrawler is so much better than the CP , he has Glowing Gold eyes e842a792.jpg"> My wife told me its my advance Father's Day present , Im so lucky.
















In other news anyone seen this ? saw this from another forum I thought i'd share it with you guys.



Now thats what i call an Exclusive Limited Edition Variant. :P



Got home from work today and my wife surprised me with this,


63fd5046.jpg"> oh yeah nightcrawler is so much better than the CP , he has Glowing Gold eyes e842a792.jpg"> My wife told me its my advance Father's Day present , Im so lucky.





WOW! That repack is priceless. I'd love to kick the wal-mart rep in the balls who returned that. They put a big ass pic of the action figure on the back of the box for a reason!











In other news anyone seen this ? saw this from another forum I thought i'd share it with you guys.



Now thats what i call an Exclusive Limited Edition Variant. :P



Picked up fortress assault captain america (I call him riot gear cap) from TRU for just 9.99, which is a good deal because most places sell it for like 12.99, then stopped by K(rap)-Mart and picked up the international heroes 3 pack, ultimate cap, and winter soldier. Lastly, I stopped by Wal-Mart and scored the Wolverine/Silver Samurai two pack. I really was hoping to find a Deadpool/Taskmaster comic pack or a Marvel Girl/Cyclops first pack but no luck. I love ultimate cap but the stupid gimmick shield doesnt cut it for me so I replaced it with the secret wars cap's shield and put secret wars cap in the bin if loneliness because he has been replaced! A good haul overall though, and I cant wait to find heroic age cap, crossbones, and red skull now!

oh hi there




what the hell is going on in here?

What's up osok! good to see you finally made it over here.


sup buddy, yeah im here, see if i can start spamming this place up :)

its not the same,trust me,btw osok,wtf is up with you pretty much putting an end to my star wars and cobra name games on the sh*t tank by putting lame in pink man? :P


My hauls for today..




We had the Captain America movie figures toy launching here in Manila earlier this day.. We finally got the wave 13 set, although the Cable figure was "Hope-less." We also got the series 1 and 2 Cap figures... Red Skull and Crossbones disappeared quickly. There were plenty of stock of the other figures, including the 3-pack with Red Guardian.


Also, the new team 3-packs appeared... X-Force and Avengers. Watch out for these, guys. I'm sure you'll see them real soon. I was out of money so I was only able to get the X-Force set.. I'll probably get the Avengers set on the next payday, if there's still some left. :/



Personally, I don't like it that much. He was just shortpacked so it compelled me to get one. lol. The Crossbones though, I really like. Too bad I wasn't able to get one.



Yeah man! It looks really sick! The Avengers set looks great as well.. the Kirby Hulk figure really looked good in person, in my opinion. Too bad I ran out of money so I was just able to snag the X-Force set.


Picked up Giant Xmen set at TRU yesterday, there were only 2. Nothing new with Wave 13.


At WM saw 4 Goliath and 2 Frost Giants, no CA wave 2 stuff.

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