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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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i just saw these at EE and threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Wave 14, Rev. 1:



And Wave 14, Rev. 2



i guess its pretty f@ckin' sweet, if you're new to the line.


looks like i'll be pre-ordering a case of wave 15 like i did for wave 13...

just in case anyone else was wondering where to get them



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i just saw these at EE and threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Wave 14, Rev. 1:



And Wave 14, Rev. 2



i guess its pretty f@ckin' sweet, if you're new to the line.


looks like i'll be pre-ordering a case of wave 15 like i did for wave 13...

just in case anyone else was wondering where to get them




This might be when we see the "Astral Form" Dr. Strange. Does anyone think we'll actually get the regular DD and Modern Ms. Marvel in these packs? Or more variants and running changes.

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Those revisions wouldn't be as bad if they didn't include ones of the worse wolverines and captain Americas IMO.

And spidey 2099, Thor, green goblin and red hand ninja didn't need to be rereleased right now.



Well, Ill try not to be too judgmental anymore.


I want the dr. Strange to complete the defenders, I wanted a skaar but the one Onyx hooked me up with is much better than the hulk with a wig (new art versus old) that marvel released.

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I stopped by a K-Mart, Books a Million, and a Walmart on my way home today.


K-Mart had nothing. Some Iron Man figures from a year ago and the only Cap stuff they had was the 12" figure. Lame.


Books a Million only had 3 Cap figures left though they were from Wave 2.


Walmart had Cap Wave 2 as well. US Agent is a cool character but I'm not crazy about the figure. I really wanted the Bucky Cap. The metallic paint app and the sculpt are perfect IMO. Aside from the rediculous shield I was really impressed with the figure. Sadly they only had two and one had bad paint and the other's upper thigh swivel was warped. I hope I can find him somewhere else!


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Picked up Cap Wave 2 at Mayfield Ohio Walmart. They must have just put them out cause those were the only 12. Now down to 5.


Side note: I went up to the counter and rung them up, just trying to see if it worked I scanned the Iron Man 2 $5.00 off coupon and BAM, $5.00 savings. Guess I'm gonna have to pull out the 8000 of these I have. Apparently they still work with hasbro figures past the FEB expiration date at Walmart.

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I'll admit, while you guys may not like it, I'm estatic to have the chance to pick up 6 or so red Hand Ninjas. I continually passed on them until they were suddenly gone. Awesome news :-)

try here...





Try here....


Here too...

or even

here but here they are pricey....


Glad you happy though, troop building isn't bad.


But you don't have to wait to get them, just order them online.

Send a quick e-mail to Ronald from Toysr4smiles maybe he'll give you a price break since you want so many. He usually works with me.

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picked up the deadpool/tasky and sabretooth/wolvy packs at tru and walmart. also grabbed an ultimate cap figure for the heck of it.


must have gotten there at the right time since a guy was pushing a cart with boxes away and there were the 2 dp/tm and 3 SS/p packs lying on the shelf since the pegs were filled to capacity with secret wars packs.



oye on second thought, i may just return the ultimate cap. looking at it in the package and holding up various figures next to it for size comparison, the figure itself is tiiiiiiny. guess i'll wait for the movie cap or pick up one of the deluxe ones for the shield with straps in order to upgrade my normal MU cap since that clip on shield is so hard to keep on him.

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Finally found Cable at Target. Just missed him a bunch of times and also just missed him at the NYC comic con this weekend.


I got the Wave 13 case from EE, but of course he was 1 per case in favor of repacking almost all of Wave 12 and giving us 2 of the super hot 1st appearance Wolverine and Gladiators.


I collect 2 per figure, 1 carded and 1 loose.

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@ crayons wow lucky you! I still have to get one for my collection, so krogers like a grocery store ? Im not sure if we have krogers here in cali.


Ralph's is owned by Kroger. I have found MU @ two Ralphs so far. Nothing good tho. My mother sent me a black suit Ms. Marvel for Easter that came from Kroger


"Is there a Ralph's around here?" ; ]

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Came home yesterday from the hospital to find Apocalypse, Cable, Gladiator, Cyclops, Deadpool/Taskmaster, and Patch/Silver Samurai waiting for me. I had ordered them before I had gone, so I knew they were sitting at home waiting for me.


Has anyone had difficulty hunting down the Cap line? I went to Target after I got out, but they had none of the Cap 3.75" figures. Boo.


Also, if someone can help me hunt down a Loki and Frost Giant set, I'd really appreciaite it. I thought about trying to deal with Wal-Mart corporate, but don't want to throw up anymore.

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Found another phasing vision today, picked him for a friend. Finally saw the Marvel Select DeadPool and Juggernaut. WHAT FINE Pieces they are. They are amazing in detail to me. I highly recommend them to anyone. Also found the first class packs at TRU and put them back @ $18 plus tax ill pass even though i want Sabertooth. Spent a weekend partying in the city and heading to florida in month cant splurge that much.

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