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just got my Flame-On @ Tru. glad i waited to get one MOC for retail price. everything comes back around eventually. just ask a Star Wars collector.


now back to scratchbuilding for the O.P.P. dio contest...


Just got back from walmart and they finally restocked lol 2 revision cases too but none that I needed lol No cables but there were 2 WWHulks,2 Cyclops and 1 FOHuman Torch left as well as 2 lizards and 2 scorpions from the spidey line.


Stopped by a Target before today and I found the new wave of Star Wars Clone Wars. I only wanted Commander Colt, but I also picked up the Riot Control Clone Trooper.


Does anyone need one? Looking to trade. Just throw me some haves if you don't have any of my wants in my sig. I also have a Phasing Vision if anyone is still looking for one.


Went to Tarjay this morning and found a shiny new Wave 13 case. I picked up and extra Cable w/ Hope since I know so many people on here are having a hard time finding him. Hit me up if you're interested. Cost plus shipping or I'll trade for a FO Torch.


Side note: I scanned him and it said they had more in the stock room. So I found a woman and asked her if she could look. She scanned it and looked me straight in the eye and said there were none in the back. Hhhmm. Lazy *&%$. I tried to find someone else a little more helpful but there was no one to be seen and I was running late for work. Sigh.


They also just put out the Cap 2 pack exclusives. Even though they dumbed down the paint on all the figs it's not a bad deal.

Went to Tarjay this morning and found a shiny new Wave 13 case. I picked up and extra Cable w/ Hope since I know so many people on here are having a hard time finding him. Hit me up if you're interested. Cost plus shipping or I'll trade for a FO Torch.


Side note: I scanned him and it said they had more in the stock room. So I found a woman and asked her if she could look. She scanned it and looked me straight in the eye and said there were none in the back. Hhhmm. Lazy *&%$. I tried to find someone else a little more helpful but there was no one to be seen and I was running late for work. Sigh.


They also just put out the Cap 2 pack exclusives. Even though they dumbed down the paint on all the figs it's not a bad deal.


I have a loose FO torch, just got it last week. What to trade for loose cable. PM if interested.

Side note: I scanned him and it said they had more in the stock room. So I found a woman and asked her if she could look. She scanned it and looked me straight in the eye and said there were none in the back. Hhhmm. Lazy *&%$. I tried to find someone else a little more helpful but there was no one to be seen and I was running late for work. Sigh.


This is long - scroll over if you dont want to hear another Target #$#@# fest.


Similar thing happened to me yesterday. I was in the action figure aisle yesterday, about to leave after finding nothing I needed, when a Target employee approached me asking if I was finding everything I wanted today. I said actually I was looking for more of these (I pointed to the MU figures). She said "hold on, I do not have a scanner. Let me get Stephanie - she has one."


Stephanie, a middle aged woman, turns the corner, asks what I was looking for, and I motioned to the MU figures. She looks at the pegs - there are 5 hanging there. She says, "There are some right there." I say "yes, I don't want any of those." She says, well I can't do anything about it because there are some right there." I said, "one of your coworkers just approached me asking me if I needed help and she said she would check the back for me." She said, "well I won't because there are some right there." She would not even scan it with the tool she had in her hands. I was then dumbfounded by the lack of customer service on her part that all I could say was "how rude" - and I turned and walked away with my wife and daughter to leave the store.


By the time I got out of the store I was pretty ticked - thinking to myself if I would treat someone like that at my work I would get my ass chewed out, without a second thought. So, my wife and daughter got back in the car and I reentered the store in search of Stephanie :hulk:


When I found her she looked me in the eye as I did her and I approached her with my hand extended to shake her hand. It was at at this time I took her hand to shake it to make sure I had her name right, and while shaking her hand I looked at her name badge and said, "Stephanie, I just want to let you know that I feel the way you treated me as a customer in this store was rude as hell, and I will be contacting your manager about it." She responded, "I am sorry you feel that way." I turned and walked away to exit the store.


As soon as I got home I called the store manager. She let me know that she was near by and witnessed the whole thing. She said that her employees are instructed to do this because it is supposedly an agreement between them and the distributors of licensed merchandise to not pull product for customers. I asked her, "so if I walked into your store and wanted to buy a shelving unit that comes in either black or white colors, and all you have on the floor is black and I want white, you will not pull it for me?" She said yes she would because it is not licensed. I said, so Target, as a company would be happy with me turning away from your store empty handed and go look elsewhere for product. She said no. I asked if Toys R Us has the same policy, she said she did not know.


After going on with other questions to let her know that I think that is all BS I let her know that I was not pleased with the way she dealt with the situation and I asked her if this phone number (I already had it pulled up and prepared) 1.800.440.0680 as the number for corporate customer complaints. After she mumbled for a little bit realizing I was going to call corporate and complain on her and her store she confirmed that was the correct number and I let her know I would be calling as soon as I hung up - and I did just that.


I called and left a report with their corporate offices - even going so far as to use strong words such as I felt as if this Target store was being prejudice towards me and what I wanted to purchase today.


At this point I think each and every time I get treated this way at a Target store I will be making a corporate call until this policy is changed. I urge others to do this as well. And if I walk into that store today or whenever it may be and they put those "sorry we cannot pull collector figures" signs I will pull them all down just like I did last time. :spidey_deadtopic:



And the battle for customer service and againt collectors and scalpers rages on.




I finally saw a Target end cap today. Nothing but wave 12&13.


Another Target had a case labeled W6R1 with phasing Vision, Thanos, Iron Spider, etc. The DC must be scraping the bottom of the barrell.

Who can be hunting im hitting f5 on hts already...


You're going to miss the whole weekend. But I'll be chillin with you on Sunday night. lol



I mentioned this earlier, but no takers...lets have an online drinking party Sunday night.

Who can be hunting im hitting f5 on hts already...


You're going to miss the whole weekend. But I'll be chillin with you on Sunday night. lol



I mentioned this earlier, but no takers...lets have an online drinking party Sunday night.


I'm all for that, count me in!



That's awful. At least you're holding her accountable for that sort of bitchcraft. Also, I don't think all Targets are like that. I've met employees who have been happy to check in the back for me from at least three different Targets over the last few months. I don't know if it's a store policy or if these people simply didn't care about it, but they were very helpful. I think it's just a matter of actually finding someone who wants to help you. Keep up the good fight. Sooner or later they're going to realize that it's not worth being a douchebag to the customer and that actually helping you out will save a lot of time and complaints.



That's awful. At least you're holding her accountable for that sort of bitchcraft. Also, I don't think all Targets are like that. I've met employees who have been happy to check in the back for me from at least three different Targets over the last few months. I don't know if it's a store policy or if these people simply didn't care about it, but they were very helpful. I think it's just a matter of actually finding someone who wants to help you. Keep up the good fight. Sooner or later they're going to realize that it's not worth being a douchebag to the customer and that actually helping you out will save a lot of time and complaints.


Here's my question. If they're not allowed to pull items from the back (even though every Target I've been to usually does) why do they have the scanners that tell you if there is stock in the warehouse?


I went to another Target today and found 4 full pegs including 6...SIX Falcons. I asked a worker if they had any in the back. He came back and said they had two more boxes, which I'm guessing were Wave 14, but I'm only looking for FO Torch. So I thanked him and went on my way.


@ smashwitdaclub yeah Im with you, but also its a way to protect us from scalpers/hoarders. But if they have 4 pegs and only 5 figures hanging they should check the back and bring out a box if not all of it. That "Stephanie" is just plain rude and unprofessional, lets apply that to my place of work , I work in the ER dept and Stephanie came in with a gaping wound so shes going to need stitches and all I have on hand with me is 5 stitches so I will not be able to sew all her wound and leave the wound semiopen and prone to infection, she'll probably be mad as hell.


alright, went to target 40 minutes away. picked up a destroyer! YAY! now for a negative note (which is common) i went to a target 10 minute away. i scanned the thor product and the evil computer of false hope told me there were more in the backroom. i found what appeared to be a kind lady, she goes to the back and five minutes later comes back with a 6 ft 260 lb. black guy. now, i remember asking for thor figures not heimdall himself but anyways this heimdall imposter goes on to tell me that ."there are plenty of thor figures here." i reply by telling him they are all thor and no one has bought them since march, can u put some new ones out? he replies by telling me not til these are sold. i told him that the dvd comes out in sept.. you think by then? and he shut up. moral of the story.. target can kiss my ass! hasbro can kiss my ass! yes the new figures look great at sdcc, but lets be realisitic. nothing is going to change about distribution and hasbros research with who really collects mu.. adult collectors.


@toxin, Thor's line is a lost cause. Hasbro screwed up when they sold the retailers that 10 different movie Thors, and all other movie characters would sell. They should have used that budget on unique comic sculpts. Then they would have sold better AND they could have done MU repaints in a year or two.


Back on Topic: went to 3 more Targets. Nothing but pegwarmers and revision cases.

Who can be hunting im hitting f5 on hts already...


You're going to miss the whole weekend. But I'll be chillin with you on Sunday night. lol



I mentioned this earlier, but no takers...lets have an online drinking party Sunday night.



Reports are coming that they bare selling them Tue not monday........

Who can be hunting im hitting f5 on hts already...


You're going to miss the whole weekend. But I'll be chillin with you on Sunday night. lol



I mentioned this earlier, but no takers...lets have an online drinking party Sunday night.


Crap, already started drinking, I guess I am a few days early.


ordered a standard sentinel from entertainment earth today they price matched bbts and got it for 54.99 plus shipping


and went ahead and bit the bullet bought a sdcc sentinel on ebay for 119 plus shipping but at least i dont have to figure out how to get to a computer on monday thats just too much of a headache for me

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