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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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Ya theyre 12$ at the CVS kinda expensive imo but I went back anyway to get one lol I couldnt find the one I hid lol luckly the one on the pegs was still there.Also they had a titanium man that wasnt there the day before so i picked him up as well.


So when these wave 15 figs gonna hit stateside?I want my Darkhawk and I'm running outta money again!



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Finally found Thor wave 2. Someone had beaten me to them, though. Hogun was mia, so I still need him. After 3 months of searching, I was so relieved to find these that I accidentally screamed "Thank you God" out loud. People stared.



lol, I've had similar bouts of joyful enthusiasm in public. People do tend to think we're weird for some reason. Of course, we get strange looks most places anyway since we have 6 kids with us. ;o)



My local Walmart has ONLY had Hogun from that wave for like the last month. I've got the warriors 3 and the destroyer already (actually an extra destroyer that someone said they wanted but hasn't responded lately) so it hasn't bothered me that they don't have the others. It just makes me curious why one particular would still be there but not the rest. I mean if someone is going to get all except one I would expect it to be Volstaag the underwelmingly non-volumnous.lol I can check if it's still there if you like. They were doing a reset the last seven or eight times I was there so who knows if I'll be able to find it again - or even the toy dept since that's moved like 3 times in the last month!

Our local Wally has been in the process of converting to a Super-Crapfest instead of the regular crapfest - so things are always moving and completely disorganized. Actually they're always disorganized at this store anyway. But since it's Wally I could actually afford to pick it up. We don't really have much money between now and next Thurs; but we still have a few Wally gift cards! ;o)

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Went to a Toysrus Grand opening and it was HUGE! Nothing particularly new or cool but I picked up the follwing:




In another thread I said I'd pick up some Squinkies if they went on sale. Well they were on sale for $6.99 from $9.99 and BOGO 1/2 off. Got the 2 Marvel sets (and Cinderella and Ariel sets) for a total of $5.99 each. Can't beat that with a stick!


Also my daughter got to take pics with Barbie, Wow Wow Wubbzy and Cap!


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:blush: Well I started collecting 2 days ago.

My first purchase was Dr doom and World War Hulk. I also bought two Spiderman series figures (deep dive and other).


Today I got a nice haul, mixed Captain America, Spiderman and MU. The MU's that I got were the Cyclop+Dark Phoenix 2 Pack and the Dark Spiderman (Love that Purple metalic shine) + Dark Wolverine ( :tongue: Tattoo) I will probably put pictures up soon.


I spotted Dr Strange transparent version (Blah I like the regular version too), Warpath (both) and a bunch of Dr dooms, WW Hulks, Green Gobling, Iron Man.

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Got these today. Opened them up and meh....




My Spidey's head is a different red then the rest of his body. Powerman is pretty cool, its actually a new body mold.


Hi there,

Is that Captain Britain only available on that 2 pack? Is the Spiderman on that 2 pack any different to the other bunch of Spidermans on the MU line?

and last question: The other 2 pack you got, are those two figures unique (paint job and outfit) to that 2pack or you can buy the same one as single carded?

Thanks :P

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Saywhat, welcome to the forums and to the new addiction. I hope you enjoy your plastic "crack" and don't go too crazy trying to get your next "fix".lol

Those are some pretty good hauls for just starting out. While I'm not expert I'll try to answer your questions a little. Others may have more insight to post soon.

First, You'll find dozens of Spidey's and some are quite different but others are really the same figure with a slightly different shade of blue or red or some other minor change. I believe that one is not really anything special, but that particular paint/sculpt of Captain Britain is different from the other ....4 I believe there are. There have been 2 different single card releases of Cap Brit in MU as well as one from the Captain America series and then one in a Captain America Kmart exclusive 3pk. So this is the 5th "distinctive" look so far. And yes, this particular one is only in the 2pk (someone feel free to correct me if it is the same as a previous version)

The Power Man and Iron Fist have been made previously but they looked different in the single carded versions. PM was his "modern" look and Iron Fist was showing off his chest more without the ridiculously high collar - and there were two different IF's, with the difference being the dragon tatoo on his chest. One was black and the other was just an outline I think (again, someone feel free to jump in on the IF differences)

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Finally found Thor wave 2. Someone had beaten me to them, though. Hogun was mia, so I still need him. After 3 months of searching, I was so relieved to find these that I accidentally screamed "Thank you God" out loud. People stared.



lol, I've had similar bouts of joyful enthusiasm in public. People do tend to think we're weird for some reason. Of course, we get strange looks most places anyway since we have 6 kids with us. ;o)



My local Walmart has ONLY had Hogun from that wave for like the last month. I've got the warriors 3 and the destroyer already (actually an extra destroyer that someone said they wanted but hasn't responded lately) so it hasn't bothered me that they don't have the others. It just makes me curious why one particular would still be there but not the rest. I mean if someone is going to get all except one I would expect it to be Volstaag the underwelmingly non-volumnous.lol I can check if it's still there if you like. They were doing a reset the last seven or eight times I was there so who knows if I'll be able to find it again - or even the toy dept since that's moved like 3 times in the last month!

Our local Wally has been in the process of converting to a Super-Crapfest instead of the regular crapfest - so things are always moving and completely disorganized. Actually they're always disorganized at this store anyway. But since it's Wally I could actually afford to pick it up. We don't really have much money between now and next Thurs; but we still have a few Wally gift cards! ;o)


Yeah if it's still there, I'd be happy to buy it off of you. Oh and when I opened Volstagg, his left hand snapped off at the wrist. Second time this week a Marvel figure's done that. Hasbro needs to step it up.

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I always show a little fist pump or at least a "finally!" when I find new figures at retail.

Its like, "wow I just beat out all other collectors, kids and scalpers to get this."

Then i put them in a crate in my basement and forget about them.


The thrill of the hunt...victory!...and...it's over...on to the next one. :P

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just checked my email for the first time this week saw where my comic pack wave from bbts should be here tuesday.thats cool with comes out the same day i buy thor and xmen first class

maybe next week when im on vacation wave 15 will ship out and be waiting for me when i get home..

btw will be in orange beach on the 18 thru 23rd any good places too look? already know im invading pensecola flrida

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Okay, what exactly IS the Bleeding Edge Iron Man armor? Is this from the IM2 series or is it the Modular armor figure #4 from the MU series and everyone just calls it BE? I've yet to see a figure labled BE in any series that I can remember.

And Saywhat, I apologize for misleading you. Shorty was correct. I finaly looked at my display and there are only three figures prior to this one. (sad thing is, I only had to stand up to check that. I forgot I moved them to the display above my computer desk.lol)

Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of the character but I really liked the way each figure looked so I had to get them all. Plus the 3pk was the last one I came across and it was with Captain America so it was obviously getting added to the collection by proximity.



So, can someone put up a pic of BE IM for me? I'll go check the "official database" but it's not always up to date.

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Okay, what exactly IS the Bleeding Edge Iron Man armor? Is this from the IM2 series or is it the Modular armor figure #4 from the MU series and everyone just calls it BE? I've yet to see a figure labled BE in any series that I can remember.

And Saywhat, I apologize for misleading you. Shorty was correct. I finaly looked at my display and there are only three figures prior to this one. (sad thing is, I only had to stand up to check that. I forgot I moved them to the display above my computer desk.lol)

Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of the character but I really liked the way each figure looked so I had to get them all. Plus the 3pk was the last one I came across and it was with Captain America so it was obviously getting added to the collection by proximity.



So, can someone put up a pic of BE IM for me? I'll go check the "official database" but it's not always up to date.


"Bleeding Edge" Iron Man is the correct name for the "Modular" Iron Man. The armor first appeared in Iron Man #25 of the current comic series. I don't know why it's labeled as "Modular".

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There is only one captain Britain in the mu series. Saywhat, where did you find the two pack? I am in need of the iron fist and powerman 2 pack if you find anymore...


Welcome aboard as well...


Ebay. the rest @ my local walmart!

I went on a MU shopping spree this weekend. got over .. a lot of figures lol. :cyclops:


I also bought the Mandarin from Iron Man 2.... he costed me $35 shipped!!! FTW!! was it fair price or??? now im trying to hunt down regular Vision, but I only been able to find the fading one,

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So haven't found much this week.. Jus ms marvel and got in some marvel legends from a fellow board member.... Starting that collection up already have 8 :).. Can't wait to the new ones come out...... Anyways aim lookin for the two new two packs and the new ff pack.. Got my guardians of glaxy pack comin in next week.. By the way if anyone has any legends for sale let me know thanks peeps.....

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Yeah man. BE IM is an amazing figure. I really hate holding off from buying it. I finally did get one during the Target bogo sale.


Finally nabbed the Bleeding Edge armor Iron Man at retail, and it's AMAZING!


Best Iron Man EVER, great paint, great articulation and great sculpt. He's a wonder to look at! A-MAZ-ING! I'm amazed.

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OKay, been having a bit of a spree out here in the sticks while I'm visiting family - Not much in the way of the mainline MU stuff, but found a ridiculous number of Lizards and Scorpion figures at the local Walmart, plus Hogun and Fandral. Grabbed the SPiderman stuff but left the Thor figs on the shelf for now. If anybody wants to trade for any of those, lemme know, I'd especially be looking for an Iron Monger or Mandarin figure from the IM2 series - doesn't matter if they're on card, just want the figures. :-)

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