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Finally got my Iceman and Wolverine. BBTS the savior. Also got my TRU big toy book. Those Avenger figures with the light up bases are now 12.99. I paid 20 for the Hulk one so I will be over to get a nice refund in the morning. They peg warmed for 20 but are well worth 12.99 at least for the Hulk and Thor.

Finally got my Iceman and Wolverine. BBTS the savior. Also got my TRU big toy book. Those Avenger figures with the light up bases are now 12.99. I paid 20 for the Hulk one so I will be over to get a nice refund in the morning. They peg warmed for 20 but are well worth 12.99 at least for the Hulk and Thor.


Sale starts Sunday October 30.


I came across Wave 16 today at TRU. Suprisingly both Magnetos and 1 Iceman was gone already, remainders all had bent cards. I picked up the other Iceman, will get another later for MOC. Wolverine paint job sucked, Absorbing Man X2 were both flesh tone.


Found Guardians of the Galaxy and FF Future Foundation along with the X-force box sets at Walmart in Houston.

Picked up the Future Foundation to replace the bent one HTS sent me. The bent one is up for trade or sale for retail+ship.

Finally got my Iceman and Wolverine. BBTS the savior. Also got my TRU big toy book. Those Avenger figures with the light up bases are now 12.99. I paid 20 for the Hulk one so I will be over to get a nice refund in the morning. They peg warmed for 20 but are well worth 12.99 at least for the Hulk and Thor.


If it has been past 7 days good luck.


Found wave 16 at target in streetsboro today. Grabbed an iceman for Hellseeker and a flesh absorbing man for myself :smile: . All I needed was another Metal variant to have 2 of each.


Then I found an unopened case of the new wave of SW Vintage figs and grabbed a Ponda Baba, Logray, Bastila Shan, 2x Rebel Fleet Troopers, and Kenyan Farlander (B-Wing Pilot), all unpunched. :biggrin:

Finally I went to my LCS and they had recieved in a case of Wave 16, so I grabbed a metal Absorbing Man :biggrin::biggrin: (YAY, finshed for this wave!!!), As well as my new comics (BTW, The new issue #1 of hulk :hulk: is fantastic!!!).


Yesterday I picked up Captain America Bluray and Battlefield 3 for PS3.


Now PLEEEAAASE give me a few weeks to save up before Hasbro brings on the next wave and two packs!!!!


All in all a great (but expensive) day and week!!

Finally got my Iceman and Wolverine. BBTS the savior. Also got my TRU big toy book. Those Avenger figures with the light up bases are now 12.99. I paid 20 for the Hulk one so I will be over to get a nice refund in the morning. They peg warmed for 20 but are well worth 12.99 at least for the Hulk and Thor.


If it has been past 7 days good luck.


Oh. I do past 7 days all the time. They know the drill. Just return it and purchase again. My TRU rewards card has as much mileage on it as my credit card because half the time I dont even have a receipt.


No luck with finding Mandarin at Ross or Tuesday Morning, although I did happen to see the Tony Stark Iron Man at my local Target. If I hadn't bought that same figure on clearance back in April, I think I would have picked him up just for the extra head.

Just got a GotG set from walmart, it was the last one.They had a white FF set aswell but I left it so if you still need it Bigmeezee and youre reading this go pick it up! ^^

Thanks for the heads up the manager let me know in 48 hours they'll have more did get the ff ff thanks again


A buddy of mine found the second Venom from the Spider-Man line today at a local TRU. I haven't heard of this hitting retail much.

saw wave 16 again at Target. Had human absorbing man


Walmart nearest me had flesh Absorbing Mans :(

saw wave 16 at Walmart now. same Sorby's. ALSO saw the "HTS" exclusive 6" Iron Man Armored Avengers figures (aside from Hulkbuster, Titanium Man, etc that I still see at Target) including Stealth, Black/Gold Evolution Armor, Crimson Dynamo and Initiative War Machine for $12.97 each. I say HTS exclusive because that's the only place I ever saw them. Anyone ever see them at retail apart from the others I mentioned?

saw wave 16 again at Target. Had human absorbing man


Walmart nearest me had flesh Absorbing Mans :(

saw wave 16 at Walmart now. same Sorby's. ALSO saw the "HTS" exclusive 6" Iron Man Armored Avengers figures (aside from Hulkbuster, Titanium Man, etc that I still see at Target) including Stealth, Black/Gold Evolution Armor, Crimson Dynamo and Initiative War Machine for $12.97 each. I say HTS exclusive because that's the only place I ever saw them. Anyone ever see them at retail apart from the others I mentioned?



A TRU in my area had them for about 4 months now. They haven't moved.


Saw remnants of the Sif wave at Target. It’s not like I am dying to get Sif, I just have completist syndrome and I NEED her.

The Darkhawk wave is starting to peg warm. Ultron and Doom especially.


In non Marvel news, finally found Seripas and Savage Opress!



went to target and saw the remnants of thor wave 2 they had 1 vostagg and fandral left but i left them,was hope'in for a silver Destroyer but it was not meant to be.......


Then I went to Ross just to be dissapointed again with no Mandarin,there was actually no IMan figures at all this time......




So i went by another ross wasnt planning on it. But there was one were we went to eat.. and i go in there and boom found another manderian.. only iron man figure there.. crazy.. must be my lucky week... hes up for trade... let me kno what ya gots...





went to target and saw the remnants of thor wave 2 they had 1 vostagg and fandral left but i left them,was hope'in for a silver Destroyer but it was not meant to be.......


Then I went to Ross just to be dissapointed again with no Mandarin,there was actually no IMan figures at all this time......



pm sent about silver destroyer

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