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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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Mousi, if you go back, snag me one, I have missed it everytime! I need that Metal Sorby...


Also, stopped at a Target today, they had the Armored Savage Opress, thought about getting it to trade as I dont collect SW figs...



I would go back and get it. Certainly big time trade offers with that thing.






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picked up from Work.

Grey Destroyer




Dr. Strange



Sentry/Spidey 2-Pack (have to take it back and get it traded out, Spidey's leg popped off immediately out of the box :/ the socket is malformed and moving the leg causes it to hinge off instead of rotating around the ball)


Overall I made a huge chunk into the current waves so I'm rather happy about that.

I still have Scarlet Spidey and Skaar...and...somethign else still waiting on the pegs at work


sweet glorious Employee Discount ^.^


You can take it back and trade it out all you want. You'll keep getting the same thing probably. I can't even count all the figures I've had the legs pop off right out of the package. Spidey is definitely one of the worst offenders too.


Your best bet is to heat it up and squeeze it tighter, but that's only a partial fix really. Good luck with it.


I don't mean that he just popped off and that's that...the socket and ball just were not connecting.

and I took off both legs and the sockets looked different, had no problem with the other leg.



And the day I go in to see about replacements, almost EVERY single-card is gone.

but new 2-Packs are up.

Last I saw we still have one Sentry/Spidey Wolverine/Silver Samurai , Captain Britain/Spidey and Power Man/Iron Fist

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Hey guys, long time no post in the sightings and hauls.


I have been casually looking around the Akron, OH area and a few other areas I have traveled to since this summer with not much luck. Our area seems to be very behind everyone else's in terms of getting product into the store. I have had more luck lately, though. I found a Stretch Strike Venom last week at a Wal Mart, and at another Wal Mart on Sunday I found the FIRST Hydra Soldier I have ever seen in the wild.


As far as strictly MU goes, I have found pretty much every single 3 pack that exists except the GotG pack and the FF variant of the F4. I am currently looking for a FF F4 variant so if anyone would like to trade one for a regular Fantastic Four let me know. The comic packs were not nearly as hard to find for me, as I came across the Silver Samurai Patch and Deadpool Taskmaster set about 10 times each AT LEAST. Just last night I happened across the Powerman Iron Fist and Cap Britain Spidey packs and bought them for trade purposes.


I had great luck this summer finding Wave 14, both variants and regulars, in the Minneapolis area. The only one I could not find there was the regular Strange and Skaar, but a few months ago I found them at Wal Mart. Wave 15 has not been as easy until as of late. I have seen Commander Rogers a handful of times, Dr. Doom many times, Ultron once or twice, never seen Darkhawk, and came across X-23 once in the wild and bought it immediately. Wave 16 has shown up spottily here. I have seen probably 20 damn Namors and no one else. I came across a mangled Astonishing Wolverine and bought it (not a mint collector, my nephew opens them and plays with them so no matter to me) and am still looking for the metal Absorbing Man, Iceman, and a Magneto. I have seen Sentinels in many places but they are all the silver and purple inaccurate one.


Anyone looking for trades I need Magneto, Iceman, and Metal Ab Man so let me know. Good luck hunting guys.

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Sooooooo ya'll think hasbro gonna do some New Dark Avengers 2pks or maybe a box set lol they already have Iron Patriot,Skaar and Ragnerok.......


New Dark Avengers

Iron Patriot(Ironman/CaptainAmerica)






Toxic Doxie(Scarlet Witch)



Or do you guys think theyre just meh.......

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I was looking at some figures of mine. Has anyone noticed these differences...are these considered variants?




Ms. Marvel. Different hair styles aside to the Classic short her version. Subtle but different.





Phasing Vision. Clear vs. Matte finish. I really like the clearer version waaaay better. But overall still a crappy figure.

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Sooooooo ya'll think hasbro gonna do some New Dark Avengers 2pks or maybe a box set lol they already have Iron Patriot,Skaar and Ragnerok.......


New Dark Avengers

Iron Patriot(Ironman/CaptainAmerica)






Toxic Doxie(Scarlet Witch)



Or do you guys think theyre just meh.......


New Avengers #18 has only been out for 10 days. I love me some Dark Avengers round 1, I just need to see how this story unfolds over the next few months before I decide if I would put the energy into customizing/sculpting these. If they were available by Hasbro, I would buy them no-brainer.

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Got my MU exclusives lot from evil-bay kinda.






$330 for everything. I think i got a deal.



Future Foundation box set for sale.


I was watching this auction and tried to steal it for $220. Now that would have been a deal. But for $330 this is the way it shakes out, which is basically going eBay rate individually.


Ms. Marvel $30

Thor $20

FF $20 - all over my Walmart shelves right now

Blade $70

Archangel $70

Strange $20

Fury $70

Havok $30


Speaking for myself, I don't see many bargains in there. But it's just money and it's only worth something if it gets you stuff you want. And if you really wanted that stuff, then happy day, it was worth it.

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I was looking at some figures of mine. Has anyone noticed these differences...are these considered variants?




Ms. Marvel. Different hair styles aside to the Classic short her version. Subtle but different.





Phasing Vision. Clear vs. Matte finish. I really like the clearer version waaaay better. But overall still a crappy figure.


Ms Marvel is most likely not a variant it just has the head at different angles therefore making the hair look different.

I never noticed the vision variant until now, good find. I agree the clearer version looks better then the opaque version.

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I think you're a bit conservative on the going prices on ebay. In my mind i think i got it for a fair & reasonable price - of course we would like to spend as little as possible. For what it's worth, it saved me on the time bidding individually-one stop shop.



I'm probably going to return the FF set to WM. It just came with the lot. They are also shelfwarming with all the other 3 packs.



Got my MU exclusives lot from evil-bay kinda.






$330 for everything. I think i got a deal.



Future Foundation box set for sale.


I was watching this auction and tried to steal it for $220. Now that would have been a deal. But for $330 this is the way it shakes out, which is basically going eBay rate individually.


Ms. Marvel $30

Thor $20

FF $20 - all over my Walmart shelves right now

Blade $70

Archangel $70

Strange $20

Fury $70

Havok $30


Speaking for myself, I don't see many bargains in there. But it's just money and it's only worth something if it gets you stuff you want. And if you really wanted that stuff, then happy day, it was worth it.


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If Ms. Marvel is truly going for that on Ebay, I may consider selling my extra ones then. Good haul...


I think you're a bit conservative on the going prices on ebay. In my mind i think i got it for a fair & reasonable price - of course we would like to spend as little as possible. For what it's worth, it saved me on the time bidding individually-one stop shop.



I'm probably going to return the FF set to WM. It just came with the lot. They are also shelfwarming with all the other 3 packs.



Got my MU exclusives lot from evil-bay kinda.






$330 for everything. I think i got a deal.



Future Foundation box set for sale.


I was watching this auction and tried to steal it for $220. Now that would have been a deal. But for $330 this is the way it shakes out, which is basically going eBay rate individually.


Ms. Marvel $30

Thor $20

FF $20 - all over my Walmart shelves right now

Blade $70

Archangel $70

Strange $20

Fury $70

Havok $30


Speaking for myself, I don't see many bargains in there. But it's just money and it's only worth something if it gets you stuff you want. And if you really wanted that stuff, then happy day, it was worth it.

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So my toysrus sucks donkey b@!!$ ;) went 3days in a row and they never get any mortal kombat or street fighter stuff. :/ ill prolly jus order online when i can. But was wondering if anyone finds an extra mortal kombat ninja 6pack. And can hold on to it till the first of the month i will buy it from you. Really want that pack but low on funds till the first and cant even find it :/ . I know it sounds like alot. But if anyone has the extra funds i would really appreciate it. Thanks peps... on a side note put those marvel vs capcom minimate 2packs on layaway lol there cool looking..

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