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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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That's so insane. He's a great figure! Of a crazy, fun character!


I do see him once in a while on the pegs, but very rarely. You have some comic packs in the picture there that I've never seen on the pegs, though.


You talking about the DareDevil/Bullseye comic pack? they also had like 5 QuickSilver and Wonderman packs there.

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My little haul from this weekend: SHS Plush Thor, Thor and Loki Blood Brothers DVD,Thor light up base{was on sale}, two of the Avengers body washes{also on sale}, and two of the MIB 3 figures{already got my Osborn head on the Tommy Lee Jones one}.




Can you humor me and take a closer pic of that Thor? Around the neck and face.

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My little haul from this weekend: SHS Plush Thor, Thor and Loki Blood Brothers DVD,Thor light up base{was on sale}, two of the Avengers body washes{also on sale}, and two of the MIB 3 figures{already got my Osborn head on the Tommy Lee Jones one}.




Can you humor me and take a closer pic of that Thor? Around the neck and face.



Here ya go:


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I got retaliation from target and Dollar G Joes.


thats cool on both.. how much were the Joes at Target? and did they just ring up normally? how did you get them? etc..



please share the story :)



oh, and if you find an extra set of the Dollar General Joes, can you please hook me up? we don't have Dollar General stores

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