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So those are both considered variants and we'll probably only see the other versions all over the place here in the States. That or it will be like some other waves where those two versions are all we see and the so-called "regular" are only released in a few cities.

I'm trying to remain optimistic and excited about new stuff coming, but the distribution really fell for the last few waves and the onset of ML really has me worried about distribution. ML variant distribution totally sucked and even the regulars weren't on shelves here for very long - except the stupid Captain Puerto Rico figure that is still hanging by the dozens in a few stores.

I sincerely hope that they even things out with the next few MU cases, but I won't hold my breath.


As rare as the comic hydra soldiers from the same wave. probably goes for about double retail.

I always picked it up when i saw it. Saw it only two or three times on the pegs.


Picked up the CA Red Skull with white hands.


Is he the variant?



Was it a rare figure at all? Just curious of its value.


TJ Maxx here finally got the Cap. and IM2 figures. Saw virtually every Cap singles figure as well as most of the IM2 armors. Was really looking for the one that alluded me all this time: the HAMMER Drone. Lo and behold as I was leaving I happened to look on the bottom shelf and there was one HAMMER drone sitting there. :biggrin: So my IM2 collection is finally DONE.



How much are the single 3.75 figures going for?

i'm guessing $4.99 off of the top of my mind.

TJ Maxx here finally got the Cap. and IM2 figures. Saw virtually every Cap singles figure as well as most of the IM2 armors. Was really looking for the one that alluded me all this time: the HAMMER Drone. Lo and behold as I was leaving I happened to look on the bottom shelf and there was one HAMMER drone sitting there. :biggrin: So my IM2 collection is finally DONE.

OH CRAP...those Comic series hydra soldiers are the ones at TJ Maxx. I've been army building them.



I'm so there.

Btw, are the comic ones theo nes with brown straps or yellow straps?



I grabbed that Red Skull and a Comic Hydra figure at TJMaxx for $5.99 each.


They had tons of random IM figures.

OH CRAP...those Comic series hydra soldiers are the ones at TJ Maxx. I've been army building them.



I'm so there.

Btw, are the comic ones theo nes with brown straps or yellow straps?



I grabbed that Red Skull and a Comic Hydra figure at TJMaxx for $5.99 each.


They had tons of random IM figures.



This one has yellow straps

Has anyone found the movie Black Widow yet?

I’ve seen the rest of the wave at KMart but was wondering if she actually shipped.

Seems like they had two cases on the pegs but and zero Widows.

From the 3 3/4 line? Yeah they're out there. I've seen her once and the rest of wave 3 about 5 times. She is only 1 per case

Has anyone found the movie Black Widow yet?

I’ve seen the rest of the wave at KMart but was wondering if she actually shipped.

Seems like they had two cases on the pegs but and zero Widows.

From the 3 3/4 line? Yeah they're out there. I've seen her once and the rest of wave 3 about 5 times. She is only 1 per case


Thanks Nick.

I guess I just have to keep searching.

so much win in these next few waves! This line is rocking!


and now to say that, one of the admins over at Rebelscum is saying they have heard inside word from a source that "Hasbro seems to be moving away from this line". Hopefully there is no truth to this - because if so it would be the BIGGEST mistake on Hasbros part...


Hope that's not the case. MU/3.75" line is the only line I collect. I won't move over to Marvel Legends.


Didn't see anything new MU-wise this weekend. Only thing I picked up was the Wal-Mart exclusive DKR Tumbler. It doesn't have any sort of features, but I thought it looked pretty good for a 3.75" version of the Tumbler. The Batman figure it came with is the same as the single carded figure (and probably the "best" figure out of the whole Dark Knight Rises 3.75" line). I just wanted it so I could do this:




Should've used Ultra Poseable Spider-Man, but I just grabbed the nearest one.

X men....




And the so called problem with jubilee...




Finally the brutes....




And just to confirm everyone's suspicion...yes they are from 3 different waves... :-(




Still hoping that our local distributor pushes through and brings us the other figs from these waves though



awesome pics man. thanks for posting them

Picked up the CA Red Skull with white hands.


Is he the variant?


yup. and I think he is the same color green as the comic colored Hydra soldiers



and I don't know if he is rare or valuable.. but I never saw one


Jason - i'll take you up on that offer. Comic hydra soldiers with the YELLOW straps. PM me if you're able to. Thanks homie.


Looks like I finally have a reason to pick up that comic Hydra for my collection. I'll probably be able to pick up a few from work if anyone needs them.

Finally completed the wrecking crew today! Picked up the thunderball spidey 2 pack. I have 2 spider-man figs already and happened to see a young kid with a spidey shirt on in line at walmart and gave him the figure from the pack "after letting his mom know first".


Ever wondered whether if bagman has a real face or not underneath that paper bag mask?


Ever had any guesses whose head they put on that body?


You asked and you shall recieve!


Presenting the Amazing Bagman!




any guesses?



























Vonner wasn't kidding when he said they gave him a real head! They even went through all the trouble, it's really andrew garfi...errr Peter Parker!


At first I thought he was Mr. Fantastic, I was dead wrong...




So there, I'll probably paint up his hair, thanks Hasbro for giving us a decent Peter Parker...:D

Ever wondered whether if bagman has a real face or not underneath that paper bag mask?


Ever had any guesses whose head they put on that body?


You asked and you shall recieve!


Presenting the Amazing Bagman!




any guesses?



























Vonner wasn't kidding when he said they gave him a real head! They even went through all the trouble, it's really andrew garfi...errr Peter Parker!


At first I thought he was Mr. Fantastic, I was dead wrong...




So there, I'll probably paint up his hair, thanks Hasbro for giving us a decent Peter Parker...:D


That figure looks so sweet. Nice pics, AmuroMikll! Though with the blond hair, that face looks to me as if it should be Johnny Storm instead of Peter Parker.


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