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one of mine beats yours 3 fold.

Pics or GTFO.


But seriously, I'd love to see an actual pic of said store. The photos I took all came from the same Fayetteville TRU, and I didn't even take photos of the ones hanging in the regular action figure aisle or on the backside of that Thor section. There were also a few more Thor and IM2 figures on that Avengers display in the background. Hell, I'm certain if I looked around some more there would have been another endcap or feature lurking about. I've just never seen so much of the same stuff just sitting in the front of a store with no hope of ever being sold.


Got my She-Hulk and Punisher from Koko and paint apps were flawless! Great sculpt and accessories for Punisher. She Hulk is by far my favorite MU female. I've been waiting for her for a while!


I got ya bro. Well only one picture. I took it when i was there last. I was so amazed about the surplus IM2 and Thor (and everyhting else Marvel sans MU) that i had to take a picture.





This picture above was at the front main display when you walk into the TRU. Far left of the entire display you'll see IM2 figures. See the shelves in the middle there are Thor/IM 2 figures left, right and below of them. These are the ones i can vouch for.


i also remember and i should have taken more pictures just b/c. In front of the display they had one of those half shelves with more IM2/Thors on the pegs (like your first picture).


I eventually made it to the MU aisle and they also had an endcap + a 3 peg tall by 8 peg wide (maybe) display in the actual MU aisle. i was saddened at the sight.


Ever since i think they've had like two sales (1) buy one get another Thor/IM figure 40% off and (2) buy an Avengers figure get an Thor/IM figure free. I sware they only sold like 2 of them. ha.


This is a game no one will win. Well actually you might have since it was a TRU you rarely visit. I'm going to take pictures again next time i'm at that one.


one of mine beats yours 3 fold.

Pics or GTFO.


But seriously, I'd love to see an actual pic of said store. The photos I took all came from the same Fayetteville TRU, and I didn't even take photos of the ones hanging in the regular action figure aisle or on the backside of that Thor section. There were also a few more Thor and IM2 figures on that Avengers display in the background. Hell, I'm certain if I looked around some more there would have been another endcap or feature lurking about. I've just never seen so much of the same stuff just sitting in the front of a store with no hope of ever being sold.

The new 3-packs showed up at my Wal-Mart. Passed on both sets. Red Hulk looks weird on the new Hulk body, while clear Invisible Woman has a funky half translucent/half cloudy look that is just bizarre.


Awesome! Time to force my WM's to restock. ;)



Took my mom to the Atlanta airport this morning and decided to hunt around the central GA area. I must say that it has to suck to be a Marvel collector in that area because there was literally nothing to be found other than a few pegs of Wave 17 and a handful of Dr. Strange's and Multiple Man (Men? ironic either way). One Target had new comic packs at $16.89 (which was totally random) and one TRU had the exclusive comic packs. The funniest sight was this:


I've heard of stores being swamped with Thor and IM2 figures, but this TRU has them beat by a huge margin. There were 4 different areas for those two lines, and only the first two waves of each line were on the pegs: dozens of each of the Warriors 3, Destroyer, and Odin, and hundreds of Thors and dozens of every type of Iron Man. It was ridiculous to see that much stock and all priced at $9.99. There's no way they could ever move that much stuff, let alone at that price.


Outside of that debacle, I came across a couple of classic colored Sentinels and little else of interest. At least I was in a Prius, so it really didn't cost much to drive around for a few hours.


Hilarious and sad at the same time. I'm lucky my TRUs are full of poor customer service instead...



Got my She-Hulk and Punisher from Koko and paint apps were flawless! Great sculpt and accessories for Punisher. She Hulk is by far my favorite MU female. I've been waiting for her for a while!


Lucky you! I just got my Punisher in the mail and the paint on the gloves looks like the remnants of a second century fresco. It's supposed to have that shadow effect they try from time to time but just looks junky to me.

Saw 2 sentinals at Ross for $25 each.Passed because of cutting back.If anyone wants them I can pick them up.Will trade for MU wave 18,19,20 figues and a little help shipping.I have shipped them out before for $15 to $18 depending on destination.


Were these classic or silver colored? That's the first report I've seen of Sentinels at ROSS. I'll have to check mine.


I did find a classic colored sentinel at Marshall's last night


Went hunting this morning and turns out the guy I talked to a while back from the target lied to me, he told me they restocked tues and thurs. Today I asked three workers and they all told me that they restock mu mon, wed, and fri. The guy who wanted a kraven told me the days they don't actually restock so that I would go those days instead of the days they do. I would never do that to anyone, I would tell them the right days and that way everybody has a fair chance. Mu collectors should look out for each other, yet this guy who also collects misguided me.


16621430[/url]' date='Aug 23 2012, 11:30 AM']I'm looking for Black Panther light up base fig from TRU if anyone stumbles across one. Hopefully I'll find one today...but I doubt it with my ghetto TRU

Got you covered, Chris.


Hah - I went to my TRU at lunch, saw one of these and remembering this post picked it up. Oh well - Returnsville tomorrow. :)


I was watching the order status of MU figures at my local Wal-Mart. About 3 weeks ago their Telzon scanner showed 24 and then a week later 36 figures on order. Today I go in and it was only the recent Red Hulk, Iron Patriot, Ronin revision wave. Good lord, this year has been so awful!


16621383[/url]' date='Aug 22 2012, 09:08 PM']Sheeesh my walmart has the biggest collection of absorbing man and namor I counted 13 AM an 9 namors


My Target had over 15 Gladiators...looks like returns to me.


Yeah, my TRU had wave 18 for about three seconds before reverting to its permanent collection of two dozen Gladiators.


saw the wolverine hulk/ mandarin ironman/juggernaut colossus 2 packs at target. I grabbed the wolverine hulk and the juggernaut colossus left the mandarin ironman. I don't knoe exactly how collectors are buying these 2 packs but, from what i can tell it seems that the juggernaut colosuss is the harder one to get follow by the wolverine hulk and the one that i seen mutiples of mandarin ironman.

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