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I just returned from our lone TRU where I saw a single pack of the silver surfer, black costume spider man; 3 FF Spiderman's (not baghead); iron patriot; iron spiderman; scarlet spiderman. I missed out on the Prof X and Jubilee didn't I? I am so frustrated. We see nothing, our Walmarts are empty and then news hits that TRU is receiving these and then boom, they hit while I am working and I go out of my way to check just to see the remnants of scalpers or other collectors. Even with two to a pack, there just doesn't seem to be enough of the new figures to meet demand. The retailers and Hasbro really need to figure out how to make these figures more readily available. They are losing fans such as myself who are feeling that the hassle is just not worth our valuable time any longer. Hasbro is creating the secondary market price mark ups with their limited packing of new figures and repacks of random figs, coupled with the retailers not ordering or ordering one box of product, this creates a scenario where it is near impossible to find the product that you seek. UGHHHHHH.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like the revision case that included Beast, New Sculpt Hulk, Kraven, and Beta Ray Bill. It didn't have any of the Professor X wave included. I think it's a safe bet that you haven't missed out yet.


Personally, I have only seen the Professor X wave show up once, and that was at Walmart. Have there been sighting at other retailers?

I just returned from our lone TRU where I saw a single pack of the silver surfer, black costume spider man; 3 FF Spiderman's (not baghead); iron patriot; iron spiderman; scarlet spiderman. I missed out on the Prof X and Jubilee didn't I? I am so frustrated. We see nothing, our Walmarts are empty and then news hits that TRU is receiving these and then boom, they hit while I am working and I go out of my way to check just to see the remnants of scalpers or other collectors. Even with two to a pack, there just doesn't seem to be enough of the new figures to meet demand. The retailers and Hasbro really need to figure out how to make these figures more readily available. They are losing fans such as myself who are feeling that the hassle is just not worth our valuable time any longer. Hasbro is creating the secondary market price mark ups with their limited packing of new figures and repacks of random figs, coupled with the retailers not ordering or ordering one box of product, this creates a scenario where it is near impossible to find the product that you seek. UGHHHHHH.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like the revision case that included Beast, New Sculpt Hulk, Kraven, and Beta Ray Bill. It didn't have any of the Professor X wave included. I think it's a safe bet that you haven't missed out yet.


Personally, I have only seen the Professor X wave show up once, and that was at Walmart. Have there been sighting at other retailers?



Phew. I hope you are correct, I saw the half emptied pegs and the Surfer and was certain that I'd missed out.

Earlier in this thread (1-2 pages ago) Prof x and Jubilee were reported sighted at TRU.


Picked up Jubilee for $14 at my comic store. Fine with paying the markup since I get a nice discount on comics off the cover price each week and the guy who runs the shop is awesome. Also picked up a bunch of My Little Pony comics, Adventure Time 10, and Doctor Who 1.

Picked up Jubilee for $14 at my comic store. Fine with paying the markup since I get a nice discount on comics off the cover price each week and the guy who runs the shop is awesome. Also picked up a bunch of My Little Pony comics, Adventure Time 10, and Doctor Who 1.


You shouldn't tell people you read my little pony my, friend.

Picked up Jubilee for $14 at my comic store. Fine with paying the markup since I get a nice discount on comics off the cover price each week and the guy who runs the shop is awesome. Also picked up a bunch of My Little Pony comics, Adventure Time 10, and Doctor Who 1.


You shouldn't tell people you read my little pony my, friend.


One should not criticize another member.

Picked up Jubilee for $14 at my comic store. Fine with paying the markup since I get a nice discount on comics off the cover price each week and the guy who runs the shop is awesome. Also picked up a bunch of My Little Pony comics, Adventure Time 10, and Doctor Who 1.


You shouldn't tell people you read my little pony my, friend.


One should not criticize another member.


It was a joke obviously. there is a such thing as a sense of humor dude, calm down. Be comfortable with you comicuality.

Picked up Jubilee for $14 at my comic store. Fine with paying the markup since I get a nice discount on comics off the cover price each week and the guy who runs the shop is awesome. Also picked up a bunch of My Little Pony comics, Adventure Time 10, and Doctor Who 1.


You shouldn't tell people you read my little pony my, friend.


One should not criticize another member.


It was a joke obviously. there is a such thing as a sense of humor dude, calm down. Be comfortable with you comicuality.


Hopefully no one sees this as anything other than harmlessly joking I'm not trying to have this excessively blown out of proportion please.


My LCS got in wave 20 as well. picked up both Blastaars, Prof X and Jubes for 10 each, but my boss kept the paper bag spidey for himself.


Good thing I was able to order two off of HTS this morning before the sold out again. I added a SW VC Luke in hoth gear (since i didnt pick it up at retail yet) to get the free shipping.


Anyone who wants to criticize my My Little Pony comic collection, best not step to this. I wouldn't spur that on, cuz once that horse has left the barn, I'll really be feeling my oats, you won't be able to rein me in, and you'll really saddle yourself with having to put your hoof in your mouth.

Talk about a blast from the past. My Walmart just put out a Wave 11 revision case. I picked up Thanos for custom work or trade and passed on Juggernaut, Dark Hawkeye and Yellowjacket.



My TRU and Walmart both just put this case out yesterday.


I picked up another Dark Hawkeye because I've never been able to resist Bullseye in any of his forms.


I just received my order from Hasbro Toy Shop which contained two each of Professor X, Jubilee, and Blastaar. They sent me one of each of the Blastaar variants.

I just received my order from Hasbro Toy Shop which contained two each of Professor X, Jubilee, and Blastaar. They sent me one of each of the Blastaar variants.


awesome! hope that means mine comes today and I get both Blastaar's too!


update: woohoo my order came too! and I did get both Blastaar's!

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