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I saw 2 Henchmen 3-packs @ TRU in Portland ME. If someone has something I'm looking for, i could pick one up tomorrow. Check out my wants in the classifieds. PM me.



If anyone sees these at the new Clearance price of $9.97, please IM me. I need 3 more sets.

For some reason, only certain stores have marked these down......

Hey, anyone finding the retail Galactus (at retail, not comic stores), have you seen the dark colored variant?


i saw a Galactus at TRU the other day. i didnt notice if it was dark. Is it noticeably darker?

i FOUND WARPATH at a local sports store for 6.99 !! i was like WTF WIN! and then i jsut found a mystique at stop & shop lastnight buying dinner .. AND GLACTUSSsd CAME IN THE MAIL ITS HUGEEEEEEE hah



Great find Rocco.

Can I ask if the local sports store was a chain store like Modell's or was it a Mom & Pop shop?

Also, Stop and Shop has been good to me. They may get a shipment once a year, but when they do its good stuff.





No way, he has to mean 10....


Wave 11? The wave with Dark Hawkeye and Thanos?


I finally found the Marvel cube today and it was glorious! I finished picking up wave 11. There were a ton of figures from that wave in the cube.


I found my local cube today, but it was decimated. There was even an Iron Man figure where somebody had popped off and taken just the head of the thing. There was nothing left of interest but a few Wreckers and Iron Patriots, and I already have both of those. No comic packs at all, and no new Iron Man line or Spiderman line figures either. I'm disillusioned; this cube is lame.

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