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"Blah, blah, girl figures don't sell" Red She-Hulk sold out in record time.

"Blah,Blah, who's Death 's Head? Why make death's Head? Obscure characters peg warm" Death's Head sold out faster than Red She-Hulk.


I knew these two would be the Htf figures.....at least initially.


People talk so much crap, Hasbro won't change it's business model for case assortments and this always happens.


So much hate.....

I've seen Transformers fans getting excited about Death's Head. I think we all knew he would be very popular. At least Hasbro is making him 2x per case in wave 4.





I made a custom of him years ago and still plan to buy 2 of these. One for my transformers shelf next to generations Galvatron,Rodimus etc.. and another Next to My MU Space characters with Custon DHII.


I'm glad they didn't make him one per case at least...


Wow, that's a tall order. Transforming one right? or that doesn't matter? may make it easier if transforming is redundant to you.

Let me look into it and I'll get back at you.


I think the biggest Prime was that Masterpiece one but check Seibertron.com maybe you can get a few good ideas.


some targets MAY still have hidden in their clearance bins

This Beast Hunters Optimus Prime that is pretty huge.

it's not a traditional Optimus but I've heard people snagging them for less that 30 bucks clearance

I think people even got it for less that 15-20 bucks.

Look on YouTube for reviews on it.


But if money isn't a object the Masterpiece 2007 Optimus Prime is just awesome and more G1 accurate and bigger than the newer 2012 Masterpiece Prime for some reason.


Got my wave 2 case from BBTS yesterday. I always preorder through them because I'm usually too late to get the newest figures through HTS or at retail.


Anyway, this is the first time I ordered a case due to the fact I get 5 more figures for $15 more. Now I have to try and sell the 8 I don't need.


As for the Beast Hunters Optimus Prime, I've seen it in the wild. I was intrigued by it for $20, but then I saw reviews for it. The truck mode is horrible. I would spend my money on something better. Maybe the Evasion Mode Optimus Prime from the Age of Extinction line would be a better choice.


some targets MAY still have hidden in their clearance bins

This Beast Hunters Optimus Prime that is pretty huge.

it's not a traditional Optimus but I've heard people snagging them for less that 30 bucks clearance

I think people even got it for less that 15-20 bucks.

Look on YouTube for reviews on it.


But if money isn't a object the Masterpiece 2007 Optimus Prime is just awesome and more G1 accurate and bigger than the newer 2012 Masterpiece Prime for some reason.

Couldn't find that one at any of the Targets around here. Is the 2012 Masterpiece Prime the one that TRU has for $130? I liked that one a lot but it is way outside of my price range. I ended up going with the new Voyager Class Prime. He's smaller than I would have liked, but he looks great.


On a Marvel note, I picked up the black and gold Iron Man and the Venom mashers at TRU with the BOGO sale. Venom looks pretty cool, but I need to do something about the legs. They are too small and he's very top heavy. The Carnage arm is a nice bonus.




By the way




Found a Death's Head and Red She Hulk for 11.99 a piece plus tax, I finally beat the guy who empties the pegs..he was walking in as I was walking out...woohoo!!

I'm done with this wave.


Found a Death's Head and Red She Hulk for 11.99 a piece plus tax, I finally beat the guy who empties the pegs..he was walking in as I was walking out...woohoo!!

I'm done with this wave.


At which store did you find these at?


Just a toy shop near my job that sometimes gets them in,


But nothing spotted in any of the bigger stores yet.


as a matter of fact wasn't the whole name change supposed to make these EASIER to find in the bigger chains?


I think it hasn't helped all that much. if anything if the goal was to make these disappear and fill the pegs with the inferior articulated 3.75-4 inch toy lines by Hasbro mission accomplished.


Yeah I have yet to see any of these in a store. My local Walmarts stopped carrying Marvel Universe over a year ago and haven't made any room for the new Infinite line. My local Targets either have 3 old MU figures peg warming or just two empty pegs since the beginning of the year. And the local Toys R Us has two pegs full of the last wave of Marvel Universe. I also can't find a movie Falcon figure because every store over-bought the first wave of the Winter Soldier line. Reminds me of Iron Man 2 all over again.


I received my BBTS Wave 2 case today and I got a Heroic Age Iron Man with a Hyperion back, it a neat little packaging error. I also must say these figures look very nice with I think Red Shulk being the best with just her clean red and black paint. Also picked up Wind Waker HD for a little gaming time.


I received my BBTS Wave 2 case today and I got a Heroic Age Iron Man with a Hyperion back, it a neat little packaging error. I also must say these figures look very nice with I think Red Shulk being the best with just her clean red and black paint. Also picked up Wind Waker HD for a little gaming time.

Well look on the bright side. Now you have a reason to keep that Iron Man.


Remember when your local mom and pop toy store,Toys r us, Wal-mart, Target action figure section looked like this?


yeah, me neither....


took these when I picked up my figures a couple days ago (and forgot about the pics till I was deleting stuff off my phone)...seriously doubt it looks like that now...








If anyone's interested, EE has pre-orders up for a third wave of Amazing Spider-Man figures (with a terrible looking Goblin) and a third wave of the 5 poa Avengers All Stars. Avengers has a new Loki, and while it is movie style, it looks like he has a removable helmet. Marvel Now Iron Man is also in that set.

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