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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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I received the newest wave yesterday. Not Bad. Decent sculpts, and the articulation isn't bad. The joints are all pretty stiff . Yondu is by far my favorite. And the new Captain Marvel is great- her head sits really low, but cool figure. SPIDERMAN Noir is good- kinda big, but cool. Black Panther is also great!!!! Only real disappointed is Ulik. His arms feel like the start in the middle of his body- but still a cool figure... Great Wave!!!!

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I found those Ultimate Spider-Man figures that popped up on Hasbro's website a few weeks back. They are closer to 5" than 6". I picked up 2 Goblins and 2 Rhinos to use a demons in my Hell display with Mephisto. The Rhino figure looks like a nightmare-ish version of Rhino and the Goblin turned out very well. Not 5 poa either. Ball jointed head, MU style shoulders, and MU style elbows. Legs only have hip articulation though.

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Big haul today (thank you tax refund season!). All 8 of the new singles at TRU, all 3 comic packs at WM (TRU exclusive my arse...), ML Mockingbird (for the BAF piece), and I found the new Gravity Falls figures from Jazwares.


Mockingbird is up for sale btw., $20 shipped. I'm keeping the Onslaught BAF piece, but otherwise she is complete and still packaged.

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