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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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First of all let me just introduce myself, as I'm new here*waves*. I go by Gojira83 and I'm fairly new to MU, or any of the 3.75" lines for that matter, but have built up a decent sized collection thusfar.


Anyhoo, so I came across quite a few figures in just the last few days, got ahold of Carnage through a friend of mine is Seattle, picked up the Skrull variant at TRU in concord, CA, got a Mystique, Kitty Pryde, Dark Hawkeye, Yellowjacket and Spidey and his amazing friends 3 pack from my brother, who works at a different TRU(he always lets me know when the new figures come in and puts them aside for me, but he kept Thanos for himself, lol), and just came home with the Spidey/Sentry 2 pack.

As you can see I've been busy, lol.



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First of all let me just introduce myself, as I'm new here*waves*. I go by Gojira83 and I'm fairly new to MU, or any of the 3.75" lines for that matter, but have built up a decent sized collection thusfar.


Anyhoo, so I came across quite a few figures in just the last few days, got ahold of Carnage through a friend of mine is Seattle, picked up the Skrull variant at TRU in concord, CA, got a Mystique, Kitty Pryde, Dark Hawkeye, Yellowjacket and Spidey and his amazing friends 3 pack from my brother, who works at a different TRU(he always lets me know when the new figures come in and puts them aside for me, but he kept Thanos for himself, lol), and just came home with the Spidey/Sentry 2 pack.

As you can see I've been busy, lol.


Nice to see someone local. Now hook me up with a Thanos LoL

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Batdude what do you have for trade? I have a non variant archangel. Thanks



Not much, as I don't usually buy more than one of anything and I usually open everything I have. But I do still have a classic variant Havok I haven't gotten around to opening yet that I could probably live w/o if it would get me a non-variant Archangel.


I have lots of opened DCUC and some still unopened, but I don't know what all anyone collects around here.


I mostly collect Star Wars. It's Galactus, Thanos and the promise of Apocalypse that's got me stretching into the Marvel U beyond Spider-Villains.


EDIT: Forgot I do have some of the Indiana Jones Last Crusade figures I never opened too.

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Went out "hunting" today and just about came up dry. I went to 7 differant stores: 2x TRU's 1x Target 1x Kmart and 3x Walmart's in about a 10 mile radius from my house. When i was deciding weather or not to go to the 3rd Walmart and final stop before home, i said whats it gonna hurt.


So I proceed to the action figure section and am puzzled....I see NO MU figures at all!! Im like shoot...what a bust. So I look through the Iron Man 2 stuff...nothing there that is rare or "new". Take a look at the Spider Man line and to my amazment, I find a lone Carnage!!


Probley coulda saved myself alot of time and gas just ordering online but hey, you never know what you gonna find. To top it all off, the figure wouldnt scan at the register and the clerk asked if i knew it price. I said no i didnt happen to look. She says okay, well lets make it $4.97!! Sounds good to me! SCORE!!!!!IMG00521.jpg



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take it back? wouldnt you rather just help someone out on the forum... i mean yeah you deserve something for your trouble, but $20 profit? You can sell it for whatever you want, but taking it back is kinda cold when anyone here would take them off your hands for what you paid and a little more.


Found the following figures as extras again.


Wave 11 for $65.



Dark Hawkeye


Yellowjacket with Ant-man mini-fig

Iron Man 2020


Also, I have an extra pair of:


015 - Archangel (classic regular version) - $15

018 - Havok (classic variant version) - $15


Let me know if anyone is interested. Otherwise, I'll just take 'em back.




$20? How do you come up with that? They were a little over $10 a piece with taxes. I drove to over 12 different stores here in AZ looking for the new comic packs. I stumbled on these and figured I'd at least try to get my gas money back.


I see lots of people taking the high and mighty road on scalpers around here. But, honestly these prices do help collectors. Do most people have the time or the will to hit that many stores looking for something? There is a premium in finding score items. These just happen to be the latest "must have." It cost me a pretty penny to go looking for other figs. Why not try and recoup the cost.


This isn't meant as a put down for the many people that haven't found their figs. Hell, I'm still out Carnage and the new comic packs. Even boxing and shipping this stuff takes time and money. I've helped other collectors before, especially with Canadian GI Joe collectors looking for American exclusives. But, it's helpful for people to get a dose of reality every once in a while.




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ok fine... you deserve your profit... like i said, i get that... what im saying is why would you want to return them? how do you get your gas money back by doing that? thats wahts cold... say no one here wants to buy them for $65... you'd return them, and get nothing, no? you'd return them and get nothing rather than help someone? thats a douche move my friend


take it back? wouldnt you rather just help someone out on the forum... i mean yeah you deserve something for your trouble, but $20 profit? You can sell it for whatever you want, but taking it back is kinda cold when anyone here would take them off your hands for what you paid and a little more.


Found the following figures as extras again.


Wave 11 for $65.



Dark Hawkeye


Yellowjacket with Ant-man mini-fig

Iron Man 2020


Also, I have an extra pair of:


015 - Archangel (classic regular version) - $15

018 - Havok (classic variant version) - $15


Let me know if anyone is interested. Otherwise, I'll just take 'em back.




$20? How do you come up with that? They were a little over $10 a piece with taxes. I drove to over 12 different stores here in AZ looking for the new comic packs. I stumbled on these and figured I'd at least try to get my gas money back.


I see lots of people taking the high and mighty road on scalpers around here. But, honestly these prices do help collectors. Do most people have the time or the will to hit that many stores looking for something? There is a premium in finding score items. These just happen to be the latest "must have." It cost me a pretty penny to go looking for other figs. Why not try and recoup the cost.


This isn't meant as a put down for the many people that haven't found their figs. Hell, I'm still out Carnage and the new comic packs. Even boxing and shipping this stuff takes time and money. I've helped other collectors before, especially with Canadian GI Joe collectors looking for American exclusives. But, it's helpful for people to get a dose of reality every once in a while.




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Found the following figures as extras again.


Wave 11 for $65.



Dark Hawkeye


Yellowjacket with Ant-man mini-fig

Iron Man 2020


Also, I have an extra pair of:


015 - Archangel (classic regular version) - $15

018 - Havok (classic variant version) - $15


Let me know if anyone is interested. Otherwise, I'll just take 'em back.




If you still have em, I'll take Wave 11 off your hands.


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$20? How do you come up with that? They were a little over $10 a piece with taxes. I drove to over 12 different stores here in AZ looking for the new comic packs. I stumbled on these and figured I'd at least try to get my gas money back.


I see lots of people taking the high and mighty road on scalpers around here. But, honestly these prices do help collectors. Do most people have the time or the will to hit that many stores looking for something? There is a premium in finding score items. These just happen to be the latest "must have." It cost me a pretty penny to go looking for other figs. Why not try and recoup the cost.


This isn't meant as a put down for the many people that haven't found their figs. Hell, I'm still out Carnage and the new comic packs. Even boxing and shipping this stuff takes time and money. I've helped other collectors before, especially with Canadian GI Joe collectors looking for American exclusives. But, it's helpful for people to get a dose of reality every once in a while.




Hey, dude, I never heard back from the PM I sent you about Archangel. Do you still have the extra?


Also, for everyone else looking for stuff, I went out this morning thinking if nothing else I'd find that Iron Patriot variant since my Target was flooded with about 10 a couple weeks ago...and struck out on all accounts. Hit Target, Wal-Mart and even bothered to go to Meijer and found nothing.


Target is now flooded with about 10 lame spy Wolverines, Wal-Mart has about 20 of the weird red/silver Iron Man and Meijer still has the Hobgoblin/Vindicator refresh case on the shelf, so I'm thinking it's going to be a while 'till I see anything else :sad:

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I need to ask, how much are taxes if a figure ends up costing $10?

Where do you live, thats crazy!

He lives in Arizona where the tax is around 5.26% (mine is 8.25 here in Texas!). That means the retail price for his figures must've already been about $9, which is still crazy. I thought they were only that high, or higher in places like Alaska.

Now that I think about it though Wal-Mart has jacked up their MU prices to $8.97 so maybe that's the case. Jeez, it'd cost me $9.71 for one at my Wal-Mart!

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take it back? wouldnt you rather just help someone out on the forum... i mean yeah you deserve something for your trouble, but $20 profit? You can sell it for whatever you want, but taking it back is kinda cold when anyone here would take them off your hands for what you paid and a little more.


Found the following figures as extras again.


Wave 11 for $65.



Dark Hawkeye


Yellowjacket with Ant-man mini-fig

Iron Man 2020


Also, I have an extra pair of:


015 - Archangel (classic regular version) - $15

018 - Havok (classic variant version) - $15


Let me know if anyone is interested. Otherwise, I'll just take 'em back.




$20? How do you come up with that? They were a little over $10 a piece with taxes. I drove to over 12 different stores here in AZ looking for the new comic packs. I stumbled on these and figured I'd at least try to get my gas money back.


I see lots of people taking the high and mighty road on scalpers around here. But, honestly these prices do help collectors. Do most people have the time or the will to hit that many stores looking for something? There is a premium in finding score items. These just happen to be the latest "must have." It cost me a pretty penny to go looking for other figs. Why not try and recoup the cost.


This isn't meant as a put down for the many people that haven't found their figs. Hell, I'm still out Carnage and the new comic packs. Even boxing and shipping this stuff takes time and money. I've helped other collectors before, especially with Canadian GI Joe collectors looking for American exclusives. But, it's helpful for people to get a dose of reality every once in a while.





Hate to be a question-talker here, but...


Does it cost money (gas & time) to go hunting for figures?




It costs even more to go hunting for figures and NOT FIND THEM, because someone in your area bought more than they needed in order to "recoup the cost" of their collecting with a little Internet sales on the side.


I know it's really tempting, but it's not the right thing to do. Sure, maybe you're helping some guy in, I don't know, rural Wisconsin or something, but that guy probably has people in his area doing the same thing, which is why he can't find the figures at retail in the first place. When all is said and done, we're shipping things all over the country and paying for envelopes and whatnot that if we just refrained from buying more than we needed, other collectors in our area (or even traveling through) would be able to get what they need.


Tell me honestly that there aren't more Archangels on eBay for $30 or even higher than this entire forum's worth of posters even needs to complete their collection.


Not to mention the fact that, if you were thrifty like others here (use Internet coupons, price match at Wal-Mart, shop around) there is NO WAY you would ever pay $10 per figure, unless you're figuring at least a dollar plus for gas per toy already. The highest you should be paying, with no coupons whatsoever, is $7.86 per fig. At five figures for the wave, that's just under $40. You want $65, so you're claiming that you went to 12 stores and used up $25 worth of gas finding your own figures. Now you want someone else to pay for that gas at their expense, not yours, so you're selling some of your extra finds online for profit. Meanwhile, someone in your area is hitting those same stores the day after, the week after, whatever, and coming up short-handed, only they paid the same gas costs and got nothing, because you cleaned those stores out first. Now they have to pay for their gas, and yours, and shipping on top of all of it in order to get the damn things online.


I'm not trying to condemn you, I'm trying to talk some sense into you. The scalping system DOES NOT WORK. In the long run, the stores have less inventory, collectors become disillusioned and quit the hobby after being unable to acquire the figures at reasonable rates, and the line suffers from leftover pegwarmers clogging the distribution channels. When you can't get a figure AT ALL without buying it online at twice the average retail price (or higher) or being extremely lucky and getting them as a case is opened in front of you, something is wrong with the system.

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Sure, maybe you're helping some guy in, I don't know, rural Wisconsin or something, but that guy probably has people in his area doing the same thing, which is why he can't find the figures at retail in the first place.


This is why I can't ever find anything w/o extreme luck...and why I'm now turning to Gaelinic to buy one of his extra Archangels... (still waiting to hear back from either my PM or one of my posts, BTW)


I've got 2 other local guys helping me search for an Archangel...who both have 2, 1 opened, 1 sealed :rolleyes: , while I can't find just the lone, single 1 I need that will definitely be opened.


Hoarding is barely different than scalping. At least I can get stuff from scalpers :rolleyes:

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Hoarding is barely different than scalping. At least I can get stuff from scalpers :rolleyes:


I agree with you 100% that hoarding is awful.


You should tell your friends who each have two that there is no "mark-up" on loose Archangels vs. MOC ones. That pretty much goes for the entire MU line. There is no reason to have one loose and one MOC anymore, the market has changed quite a bit. MOC may work for vintage Star Wars or whatever, but anything since McFarlane toys started (and MOC collecting became widespread) is worth the same as the loose toy. Hoarding for one loose and one MOC is just a ridiculous waste of money at this point.


Try checking one of these MU loose lot auctions of non-rares just for custom fodder. You're hoping to get them at about $5 per figure, and the auctions end at retail or much higher.

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Hoarding is barely different than scalping. At least I can get stuff from scalpers :rolleyes:


That pretty much goes for the entire MU line. There is no reason to have one loose and one MOC anymore, the market has changed quite a bit. MOC may work for vintage Star Wars or whatever, but anything since McFarlane toys started (and MOC collecting became widespread) is worth the same as the loose toy. Hoarding for one loose and one MOC is just a ridiculous waste of money at this point.



people don't just get two of each as an investment.


I have 2 each of every Marvel Legend.. one to open and one to keep MOC, not as an investment, but because I LIKED having one MOC for display or whatever.


if you don't like having 2 of each because you don't see the point.. fine. but don't try to tell other people how to collect.

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Hoarding is barely different than scalping. At least I can get stuff from scalpers :rolleyes:


That pretty much goes for the entire MU line. There is no reason to have one loose and one MOC anymore, the market has changed quite a bit. MOC may work for vintage Star Wars or whatever, but anything since McFarlane toys started (and MOC collecting became widespread) is worth the same as the loose toy. Hoarding for one loose and one MOC is just a ridiculous waste of money at this point.



people don't just get two of each as an investment.


I have 2 each of every Marvel Legend.. one to open and one to keep MOC, not as an investment, but because I LIKED having one MOC for display or whatever.


if you don't like having 2 of each because you don't see the point.. fine. but don't try to tell other people how to collect.



It's called hoarding, Clam. Especially with regards to rares, it means you get two while someone else has to go without even a single one because you took it off the shelf to have an extra to "display" (brag).


It's a jerk thing to do, especially when you have a friend who can't find one and you're sitting there with two. It's selfish and greedy.

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