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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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Found the new comic packs at the Muscle Shoals Walmart this morning. Passed on them but couldn't pass on the lone MJ on the pegs. There were no other new singles but I"ve passed on her a couple of times and thought I had made a mistake since I haven't seen her in awhile. With MU around here if you don't get them when you first see them, many times you'll never see them again. I thought MJ might peg warm but it seems that honor from her wave goes to WS and IS.

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I don't think scalping is right... but I can't blame anyone for doing it either... and it surely isn't the biggest problem in collecting.



UM, yes it is.



I agree with fair game with you bro, but this ONE line from your post I disagree with 100%


aside from bad distribution, (which is sometimes because of scalpers B.S. and poor business sense i.e. trying to appease scalpers)



wrong. case ratios are the absolutely worst problem about collecting. Hands down. No disputing it.



It's Hasbro's fault for putting only 1 of the best figure in each case, and 6-7 figures nobody wants in there instead. if there were 2 or 3 Archangels per case, he wouldn't be so hard to find and he wouldn't be getting scalped all day... but they keep doing it and doing it.


and besides the point... you guys are way overblowing the problem of scalping... I would guess that for every 10 Archangels sold at Target, 8-9 of them are sold to people who actually want to keep them.



You are greatly over estimating the number at 8 or 9 out of ten at target making it to people who aren't scalpers probably closer to 6 out of 10. but who knows....


the bottom line was:


"aside from bad distribution," (which is sometimes because of scalpers B.S. and poor business sense i.e. trying to appease scalpers)


I agree they need to fix distribution but scalpers are a serious problem, not a minor one by any stretch.


anyway, I think this issue took the post off topic. back to hauls and not those goofy youtube ones either.

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Found the new comic packs at TRU this morning. There were quite a few but the paint apps looked like garbage! I picked up wolvie/cap and sentry/spidey with DECENT paint apps. I'm kinda pissed.


Same thing here. I just grabbed the Sentry/Spidey. The Cap/Wolverine, both had bad paint jobs.


Anyways, here's the Haul for today. I was finally able to find the Target Wolverine/Hand Ninja.



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Ok all you haters. Don't say I never help.


Hasbrotoyshop has the new comic packs in right now. And, I found you a hefty discount of 20 percent. Go stock up on your plastic madness, and don't forget to give 'ole scalpy uncle Gaelinic a hug when you check out.


The Hasbrotoyshop discount is: EXCLUSIVE20.


Comic packs are HERE!!!


Also, I found Carnage today at Walmart. I escorted my son's field trip to a pumpkin patch. Stopped by at Walmart and found Carnage tucked behind the Marvel Universe figures. Very bad hiding place if someone put it there. Might as well have put a neon light arrow pointing to the fig. Anyway, good day with the comic pack haul.


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Hey guys, I know this is nothing new, but I just wanted to point out again that Wal-Mart takes the Iron Man 2 $5 off a purchase of $20 or more for anything Marvel, no matter what the price! I found a Whiplash movie series from IM2 and, being priced at $5 already, all I had to pay was the tax! They also had the new comic packs (sentry/spider-man, thor/IM, Wolv/Cap), so I grabbed a thor/IM pack and used another coupon. Ended up paying about 8 or 9 bucks for it. So freaking awesome!

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Thanks uncle gaelinic,


Today I saw some local toyshop actually had the mu multiple man, mystique, crappy wolvie , and captain Britain. For 9.99 each grabbed the multiple man to complete my set. They also had a stack of dark spidey and wolvie for 15.99. But passed I had it already.


Plus when I got home my package from toys4smiles.com


I got hawkeye 2 pack, silver surfer, thanos, yellow jacket, punisher, union jack, hulk 2 pack.


Good day. I got all my must haves that are out,

Minus the archangel exclusive.

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You guys must have all the luck.


Today I went to 3 Walmarts (one stopped carrying MU), the others had peg warmers.


Went to 1 TRU and only saw a complete restock of the last wave ML 2 packs.


Went to 3 Targets and only saw 1 Yellowjacket but it had a box cutter line right through the center of the card. Another target had MJ/Skrull soldier wave.


Ended up picking up Mystique on eBay for $12 and $11 last week.


Just looking for Thanos and Hulk/Valkyrie pack now.

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Hey guys i went to a TRU in my area and found all three ML 2 packs. Picked up Warpath/Deadpool regular in hopes of trading it for a variant. I just saw somebody was looking for the Hulk/Valkeryie. If I had known sooner I would have picked it up. Also the regular widow/winter soldier didn't impress me much. In hindsight should have just picked them up for trades. Also found all three new greatest battle 2 packs along with a cyclops/hulk and thunderball/spidey to finish the Wrecking Crew. Good day in my world. Still no wave 11 though.

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picked up Thanos & Yellowjacket @ a TRU express today. Little bastard kid in front of me got Constrictor right in front of me. Probably doesn't even know who he is lol They had IM 2020 but he'll be the Team X Wolverine of the wave so I passed on it. Thanos is absolutely amazing. Can't wait to pick up Dark Hawkeye (when I see him) and Constrictor. That Human Torch body is really tired as far as I'm concerned. Yellowjacket overall is cool but that body has to be retired.

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