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so due to the shotty face paint on bullseye i am gonna wait till i find a second be dd two pack swap heads and make black panther out of the bullseye body well that is unless the light up black panther coming soon steals my idea

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Okay here is the official DresselRebel incarnation of Ares. It's MU Gladiator, and everything that is on this figure that was not on the MU Gladiator, I sculpted onto him inbetween patients Tuesday and Wednesday at work with dental filling material. I still want to add some leg holsters and a knife or something.








The Osborn Patriot is also a custom of mine.


Great work with the sculpting on Ares, though I think he looks a little too small for the character. Unfortunately there isn't really a body that's inbetween the 'large' and 'juggernaut' sizes in MU.


Also love that Iron Patriot. Looks much better than the release version we got. Would look spiffy if you could find a way to make the white parts sort of shiny/metallic.


I feel like I've hit the point as a customizer where I have about 1,000 projects that are all half finished. I've wanted to post some new stuff, but genuinely completed projects are few and far between these days. Anyway, here's a few that I've managed to finish recently.


Absorbing Man:


Just a quick repaint of the 2 pack Absorbing Man. I repainted his wrecking ball and his absorbing effect so that he no longer looks like he's absorbing a pile of dog #$@#.




Quick and easy repaint to make mini Wasp look like her modern (and infinitely cooler) uniform seen here:


Just finished the rider and last member of Los Bastardos (original Ghost Rider villains)-


Grinder -






interesting use of a darkness from legend head. is that from the movie maniacs line? also, your eightball rider makes me want to do a ruby thursday custom.



Man-Thing, Swamp Thing, Chakan the Forever Man and The Gillman (Creature from the Black Lagoon) have formed a really odd new monster Hunting Squad.




repaint of my Swamp Thing/ Man Thing Customs...







:) thx yeah I thought he turned out pretty well.


Not an extremely hard custom the head took the most work.


Steve rogers body (but not hands), gladiators cape, and the head was star wars grand admiral thrawn (but ya can probably use anyone) and i sanded the hair down and used a lil sculpty. (also I had to drill out the head a bit)


the capes not perfect but close enough for sure


I don't get on here too often, but from what I've seen lately in here, you guys are doing a great job. I'm loving these customs lately...makes me wanna sell off some of mine so I'll have room to make more lol.


Your Ares 6.0 is the best yet Fritz!



Finished up a couple customs tonight:


Luke Cage - Thunderbolts Director:




The tech that Fixer gave him was sculpted on then the figure was painted.


Age of Apocalypse Sunfire:




Facemask sculpt is mine, on a FO Torch, then painted.


In progress: Thunderbolts Swordsman and Moonstone. On deck, Songbird.

This is my sixth Ares Custom, this time I gave him a removable helmet. The Shliech Spartan has been a great source of fodder. LMK What you think.


Ares 6.0





I think he has a bit too much wash on him to the point he looks dirty, other wise a really awesome custom, I'm sure better than what hasbro will come out with.


Visualy, I think Ares is a very interesting character, and I have a lot of fun improving upon my previous attempts. There are so many cool elements to this character, like the Spartan helmet, wicked midieval Ax, Pirate emblazoned chest plate, and Machine Guns!!!


I find the character himself very chaotic.

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