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I really don't get to spend too much time in there, at least not right now. Plus I just got the shelves in on Saturday. I have a ton of over head storage too which right now though is about half full of my son's stuff that we need to go through. As for the AC no right now there is none, no power either. However the majority of my figs have been out there for about 2or 3 months, and they've been fine so far. However I'll be putting an AC in before next summer. I just need to put in the electrical wiring which will cost around $300 or so since my younger brother is trained in electrical wiring, and my dad has an extra breaker panel at his house full of breakers.

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Cable W.I.P. This is a commission for a friend. Still a lot of sculpting to do.


Torso- Absorbing Man


Legs - Dark Spdey


Feet - Classic Thor


Knee pads - Cut from Modern Thor



Cable W.I.P. This is a commission for a friend. Still a lot of sculpting to do.


Torso- Absorbing Man


Legs - Dark Spdey


Feet - Classic Thor


Knee pads - Cut from Modern Thor




Those Thor legs are almost perfect for a Cable...good choice

Cable W.I.P. This is a commission for a friend. Still a lot of sculpting to do.


Torso- Absorbing Man


Legs - Dark Spdey


Feet - Classic Thor


Knee pads - Cut from Modern Thor




Those Thor legs are almost perfect for a Cable...good choice

Thanks but, the legs are not Thor. Thor's upper thighs are much wider. They are Dark Spider-Man. The feet are Classic Thor and the knee-pads are from Modern Thor.


Question for you guys.... what is your preferred brand of paint? Also does anyone here airbrush?



I use Testors acrylic paints in the little jars. Mainly, I use those because I had an entire display of them when I owned my comic store, and I still have a ton left. I ran out of Testors black, though, so I've been using a combination of DecoArt Black Noir acrylic and a plain old Sharpie. For detail work, like on chest emblems and so forth, I just started using a fine tip Sharpie.


I don't airbrush anymore, but I used to have a few Paasche airbrushes years ago. In a lot of cases, I prefer the stroke of a regular brush, but that's kind of just an easy excuse. Really, I got tired of cleaning out the airbrushes all the time. Then there's the noise of the compressor, the counter-intuitive operation of the tool... I don't think I'll ever go back, but there are rare occasions where I imagine that certain tasks might be better served with an airbrush. Then I promptly smack myself across the face in order to remember what a pain it all was.


ADDED: Incidentally, if anyone needs any Testors paint for their customs, I will happily trade some of my surplus for MU figures!

Question for you guys.... what is your preferred brand of paint? Also does anyone here airbrush?



I use Testors acrylic paints in the little jars. Mainly, I use those because I had an entire display of them when I owned my comic store, and I still have a ton left. I ran out of Testors black, though, so I've been using a combination of DecoArt Black Noir acrylic and a plain old Sharpie. For detail work, like on chest emblems and so forth, I just started using a fine tip Sharpie.


I don't airbrush anymore, but I used to have a few Paasche airbrushes years ago. In a lot of cases, I prefer the stroke of a regular brush, but that's kind of just an easy excuse. Really, I got tired of cleaning out the airbrushes all the time. Then there's the noise of the compressor, the counter-intuitive operation of the tool... I don't think I'll ever go back, but there are rare occasions where I imagine that certain tasks might be better served with an airbrush. Then I promptly smack myself across the face in order to remember what a pain it all was.


ADDED: Incidentally, if anyone needs any Testors paint for their customs, I will happily trade some of my surplus for MU figures!


Thanks for the input. I am starting to feel the same way towards my airbrush. It's becoming more of a pain/chore and less enjoyable. The last few customs I have painted have been by hand and I am liking the results. I still have a lot to learn but I guess that is what makes every custom enjoyable.



I tried for my very first custom last night... it didnt go so well.


maybe i'll post pictures of my failure so i can get some constructive critizism or at least give you guys who are good at it a good idea...

I'm liking your Cable so far Onyx. What do you have planned for the cybernetic arm?

I'm gonna sculpt it on myself.


Give winter soldier's arm any thought?

I think it would be too short/small for this big body. Plus, I don't really like it for Cable.


...and here's the Killer Shrike I was working on. The main thing is that I finally had a use for that extra yellow/blue XMOW Wolvie. Who says Killer Shrike has to be tall, anyway? Got the topknot from the tail of a D&D horse miniature, the cape is cut from one of my wife's old dresses, and the blades are cut from a blister. Not thrilled about the cape, but what are you gonna do? If I ever find a better material, I can always go back and swap it out.





Sorry for flooding... got a couple more. This one's not so much a custom as an alteration. A while back I posted in here about an opportunity on eBay to get a 6" line Dragon Man without wings for a mere $30 from China. Well, the moderator moved my post to the Legends section, even though Dragon Man clearly fits better scale-wise with 4" MU figures. Oh, well. Anyway, I went ahead and picked him up, wingless, and acquired some Annihilus BAF wings to go on him that fit perfectly. PERFECTLY. Obviously, they were a sickly green color and didn't match at all. After painting, though, and an investment of less than $50 total, this is the result:





Finally, my favorite of the bunch...




This one's kind of a long story. I desperately wanted a Dr. Strange for a very long time, but I couldn't quite figure out how to do it and make it cool. When I saw Amuro's Kraven with the Bazooka head and decided to do the same with my previous Kraven custom (because I had coincidentally found a Bazooka at Family Dollar recently for just $2), I was left with an extra head (Namor's, originally) that I thought would make a great Dr. Strange. The only reason I had an extra Namor in the first place was because I had bought a Fantastic Four lot a while back with MU and Showdown figs in order to get Invisible Woman. That lot came with an extra MU Namor, who became Kraven, and now I had that head back and available once more. Also in that lot was a Showdown Silver Surfer, which I liked better than the MU one, so I had an extra MU Surfer laying around for about a year. Inspired by fellow customizers like you guys always swapping body parts (which I had been too cautious and thrifty to dare before), I went ahead and yanked a White Chaste ninja off the shelf and took his body. I knew the Surfer legs and arms would work, especially with the location of the arm swivel on the Surfer's arms. They didn't quite fit right, as you can see, and I might use silk or something to cover that up with billowy sleeves later, but I'm okay with it for now. Best of all, the leftover Surfer body plus the leftover ninja limbs makes for a potential Silver Savage in the future at some point. Maybe when Green Scar comes out... Anyway, all that was left was the cape, and Eye of Agamotto. I remembered the old Spider-man Animated line Dr. Strange and always loved how the Cloak of Levitation was sculpted with designs and had a wire in the bottom so the figure could sort of float. I always thought, though, that the figure was too big for the cape. On a hunch that this would work, I checked eBay and found an incomplete Animated Strange that included the cape for only $2.50. Also picked up a Savage Lands Sauron from the same seller to save on shipping. It was on my list anyway. When the package came, I was disappointed that the amulet was too big for my custom and covered up his chest emblem, while the neck hole in the cape was too big and my figure kept falling through. Not to be defeated at this late stage, I grabbed the scissors & Krazy Glue and went to town on that blasted cape. I trimmed the entire Eye of Agamotto first, clipped back the cape straps and glued it back so that you could see the emblem now and everything fit. Based on the materials I had available, I couldn't be happier with the way it all turned out!

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