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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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Yeah I haven't seen him retail around here at all (Cap). Most stores didn't even get the 6" line. I am gonna hit the Wal Mart in the ghetto today. They normally have good clearance grabs. And if I has that Lizard I wouldn't be spending the money believe me :wink:


I was lucky enough to score the fearsome foes lizard about 2 years ago in one of the most epic ebay hauls ever. For $90 plus shipping I got it and the rest of the fearsome foes box set, the sinister six box set, spider man classics sandman, mysterio, venom, scorpion, hobgoblin, and ml green goblin. Also a smc mcfarlane style spider-man. It was crazy-awesome.

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Yeah I haven't seen him retail around here at all (Cap). Most stores didn't even get the 6" line. I am gonna hit the Wal Mart in the ghetto today. They normally have good clearance grabs. And if I has that Lizard I wouldn't be spending the money believe me :wink:


I was lucky enough to score the fearsome foes lizard about 2 years ago in one of the most epic ebay hauls ever. For $90 plus shipping I got it and the rest of the fearsome foes box set, the sinister six box set, spider man classics sandman, mysterio, venom, scorpion, hobgoblin, and ml green goblin. Also a smc mcfarlane style spider-man. It was crazy-awesome.


You sir have won. LOL.

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Just found the Marvel Legends Wave 2 variants at Amazon.com! leave a Madame Hydra for me! I'll buy it to have a great Cap America foe and one alive character leading my Hydra army... I have to buy that army too....


was it retail priced? The only one I see is $36.99. Too rich for my blood. As for that Hydra army, those guys sell froM $10 to $15 on ebay and the like. The best route is to try to find a lot.

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And I swear, walmart toy employees are incompetent and useless. I've gone to now 4 walmarts today, and ALL of them, whenever i go and ask an employee about what I'm looking for, are completely lost. It doesn't help that nearly all of them sounded like english was their second language either. Anyway, whenever I ask them they say either 1, that all they have out there is what they have, 2, that the only thing they are getting in is avengers stuff (and then point to the crappy avengers 3 3/4 stuff), or 3, that if they do have what I am looking for they do not want to go back and search because there is to much. It's so frustrating! Whenever I go to Target their employees are more than willing to help me, but walmart? that ain't gonna happen.

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And I swear, walmart toy employees are incompetent and useless. I've gone to now 4 walmarts today, and ALL of them, whenever i go and ask an employee about what I'm looking for, are completely lost. It doesn't help that nearly all of them sounded like english was their second language either. Anyway, whenever I ask them they say either 1, that all they have out there is what they have, 2, that the only thing they are getting in is avengers stuff (and then point to the crappy avengers 3 3/4 stuff), or 3, that if they do have what I am looking for they do not want to go back and search because there is to much. It's so frustrating! Whenever I go to Target their employees are more than willing to help me, but walmart? that ain't gonna happen.


I know the feeling man. Target has been great so far. I have had my pick of 2 fresh boxes. Walmart when I cracked open a box it was around midnight and I had to tell them to open it. I saw it sitting on the pallet. I think that's the only way to get any help from WalMart.

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The amazon one for the variant dark wolverine was like 30 bucks, and then the others in the wave were about 19.99. Didn't see the wreckers or the hydra/masque chicks.


Type "Marvel Legends 6" action figure variant"...


What can I say... there the prices are pretty high (except some figures of wave 1), but IF they come to my country it would be in June or July, on the other hand I'm that desperate to pay an action figure for U$S 25, even I bought a Face-Off Captain America with Red Skull for U$S 95! Only to have the best ML Captain America there is and my base for a New Venom custom!

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Pics as promised :cool:




2 days later and 3 or 4 Wal-Marts and I got my movie Cap! And it was at the one closest to my house the whole time. Was on a weird isle they put clearance stuff on sometimes.



My son was with me and practically begged for WWII Cap. I'm actually really glad he did because the paint job is great on him!

(side by side with 2 pack Cap)




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And I swear, walmart toy employees are incompetent and useless. I've gone to now 4 walmarts today, and ALL of them, whenever i go and ask an employee about what I'm looking for, are completely lost. It doesn't help that nearly all of them sounded like english was their second language either. Anyway, whenever I ask them they say either 1, that all they have out there is what they have, 2, that the only thing they are getting in is avengers stuff (and then point to the crappy avengers 3 3/4 stuff), or 3, that if they do have what I am looking for they do not want to go back and search because there is to much. It's so frustrating! Whenever I go to Target their employees are more than willing to help me, but walmart? that ain't gonna happen.


I know the feeling man. Target has been great so far. I have had my pick of 2 fresh boxes. Walmart when I cracked open a box it was around midnight and I had to tell them to open it. I saw it sitting on the pallet. I think that's the only way to get any help from WalMart.


Really? I've had about half a dozen different Target employees look me in the eye and lie to me saying they have no more in back when their scanner says otherwise. I've also had at least three different ones lie to my 12 yo son when he asked about some toys. What kind of @$$wipe lies to a kid about having more toys in back? A lazy, good-for-nothing, useless punk, that's who. And it's not always the young "kid" working there that does that either. I've had little grandma-looking ladies lie to my son. Target has really started to tick me off lately. Between their lying "sale" signs and their lazy lying employees I'd quit going there if I had any decent alternatives.

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I'm really interested in why retailers seems to be so laid back with getting this new product on the shelves. Toys r us seems to be the only one that was quick on the uptake by having the figures on shelves and online well before the big box stores. Unforunately, they have to charge a higher price bc theyre a soecialty store, but look at how theyve been selling out. I wonder too if theres a weakness in promotion or reluctance to purchase shelf space on Hasbro's end as they could rightfully cautious to make sure they dont flood the market with loads of product that might not sell. But from where I'm sitting, though, there's definitely demand and hopefully subsequent waves will be dropping all over with more consistency.

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I'm really interested in why retailers seems to be so laid back with getting this new product on the shelves. Toys r us seems to be the only one that was quick on the uptake by having the figures on shelves and online well before the big box stores. Unforunately, they have to charge a higher price bc theyre a soecialty store, but look at how theyve been selling out. I wonder too if theres a weakness in promotion or reluctance to purchase shelf space on Hasbro's end as they could rightfully cautious to make sure they dont flood the market with loads of product that might not sell. But from where I'm sitting, though, there's definitely demand and hopefully subsequent waves will be dropping all over with more consistency.


So the psychos like us will keep talking them up and making them special to own. Supply and demand. It was like Nintendo releasing 100 Wii's per market at first. Everyone wanted one because you couldn't find them. Supply and demand at it's finest.

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Yeah they know what they are doing, but on the same hand big stores only want to buy the stuff thats in the movies or cartoons. Lately in the past five years all the collector stuff was not selling well, so now hasbro pushes the movie and cartoon stuff on them and thats want they want sure fire sellers. As far as Toys r us getting them first well of course they are a specialtiy store and the only ones who pick collector stuff up any more. Yes Target does Lie, I Called them 2 weeks ago because the Target mobile site said they were in stock and when I went to the store they said they were out back and when they came back they only brought me half the case. 2 days ago they restocked, I called and they told me the Target Moble stock is a day off....BullShyt. they are lazy as shyt.

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Also Marvel Legends Doing so well is a double edged sword. They sell out and then the next time the stores jack up the prices. Look at last years 2-packs the first wave of cases sold for $24.99 at toys r us. I went 2 weeks later and the same ones new case were 29.99, went back 1 week later 34.99 what the shyt this type of practice from toys r us and other stores will Kill the line. I also think EBay is killing our pockets, you dont think companys watch their own Items on the aftermarket. I Myself have been offerd to sell as a third party seller for a large toy company. They see how much people are willing to pay and how much these sellers are making from their products and figure Ok We should sell our figure for at lest half that Price...

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Also Marvel Legends Doing so well is a double edged sword. They sell out and then the next time the stores jack up the prices. Look at last years 2-packs the first wave of cases sold for $24.99 at toys r us. I went 2 weeks later and the same ones new case were 29.99, went back 1 week later 34.99 what the shyt this type of practice from toys r us and other stores will Kill the line. I also think EBay is killing our pockets, you dont think companys watch their own Items on the aftermarket. I Myself have been offerd to sell as a third party seller for a large toy company. They see how much people are willing to pay and how much these sellers are making from their products and figure Ok We should sell our figure for at lest half that Price...

YES! That was ridiculous with TRU. Both in stores and online. Every restock they jacked up the prices. Wouldn't mind getting them for $35 now! :)

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Also Marvel Legends Doing so well is a double edged sword. They sell out and then the next time the stores jack up the prices. Look at last years 2-packs the first wave of cases sold for $24.99 at toys r us. I went 2 weeks later and the same ones new case were 29.99, went back 1 week later 34.99 what the shyt this type of practice from toys r us and other stores will Kill the line. I also think EBay is killing our pockets, you dont think companys watch their own Items on the aftermarket. I Myself have been offerd to sell as a third party seller for a large toy company. They see how much people are willing to pay and how much these sellers are making from their products and figure Ok We should sell our figure for at lest half that Price...

YES! That was ridiculous with TRU. Both in stores and online. Every restock they jacked up the prices. Wouldn't mind getting them for $35 now! :)


Tell me about it. I was saving money around the time they were on the shelves and had to pass on the Johnny and Sue and the Kree Soldier 2 packs. Had them both in my hand. Hoping they end up in TJ Maxx one day like the Wolvie & Forge and the Nick Fury and Ult Caps did

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Walmart sucks... I hate walmart and hope to see it alienate it customers to the point they lose millions (that is the path they're on now). I am really sad to hear similar reports from Targets. Anyway some news I scored a Marvel Legends Thor figure today at the Walmart in the town I work about an hour away. Was hoping to pick up Ghost rider or see anything from wave 2 but such is life. Glad to have seen them in the wild, however.

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I'm really interested in why retailers seems to be so laid back with getting this new product on the shelves. Toys r us seems to be the only one that was quick on the uptake by having the figures on shelves and online well before the big box stores. Unforunately, they have to charge a higher price bc theyre a soecialty store, but look at how theyve been selling out. I wonder too if theres a weakness in promotion or reluctance to purchase shelf space on Hasbro's end as they could rightfully cautious to make sure they dont flood the market with loads of product that might not sell. But from where I'm sitting, though, there's definitely demand and hopefully subsequent waves will be dropping all over with more consistency.


So the psychos like us will keep talking them up and making them special to own. Supply and demand. It was like Nintendo releasing 100 Wii's per market at first. Everyone wanted one because you couldn't find them. Supply and demand at it's finest.


Except that wasn't the case with the Wii. They sent out as many as they could and they kept selling out for a long time. I get what you're saying but that isn't what Nintendo did. Keep in mind they had to supply equal demand all over the world, which is no easy task.

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