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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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Got the Hobgoblin wave from BBTS the other day I have to say this is my favorite wave so far. Both Daredevil and Spidey were much better than I thought. The rest of the wave was great too, my personal favorites being Spider-Girl and Spider-Man 2099 I was really stoked for both and they don't disappoint, even though it was kind of funny how Hasbro got 2099's name wrong on the packaging. I was also surprised by Anti-Venom and Hobgoblin, I figured I wouldn't like either but I really like both as well. Ultimate Spider-Woman was the figure I was least impressed with, but still a good figure.


Glad Dorkside has the Thanos wave up. Just pre-ordered Batroc and Spider-Woman, they're the only two I wanted anyways. Probably just hunt down individual BAF pieces for Thanos, shouldn't be too hard since both Iron Man and Hulk are double packed.

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A few YouTube reviewers made similar claims [this includes one who live in GB].It has, in part something to do with how they're packaged. The molding for the legs seem to strain the knee joints, and in some cases, outright warp the lower legs.I haven't gotten around to opening mine yet so I don't know if I have the same issues.

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Looks really nice! Notable mentions: Ultimate Spider-Woman on Thor's shoulders and of course, Spidey eating pizza. Great setup! I'm still waiting for my Allfather cases to get in stock so I can get mine. I'm thinking both the Allfather and Thanos waves are going to come in at the same time. I will then experience what you had today!

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Looks really nice! Notable mentions: Ultimate Spider-Woman on Thor's shoulders and of course, Spidey eating pizza. Great setup! I'm still waiting for my Allfather cases to get in stock so I can get mine. I'm thinking both the Allfather and Thanos waves are going to come in at the same time. I will then experience what you had today!


Thanks. This is the temporary set up before they are incorporated into the main display. It was a pretty good day though. I have Thanos wave on pre-order from Amazon and they e-mailed my today saying it will be early April for shipping. Post pics when you get 'em.

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