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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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I had a pre Christmas haul that I forgot to mention. I don't have pics b/c I am still in Ohio & they are at my house in Nashville. There are 3 stores in Nashville called the Great Escape & they were doing a 12 days of Christmas sale where everyday something would go on sale right up to the 24th where everything in the store was 25% off. I think on the 20th was when all action figures went 25% off. So at one I got series 6 Wolverine & base, SMC Sandman and SMC Toxin (all loose) for about $18. I didn't realize one of Wolvie's claws was glued back on & looks like crap or that Sandman is missing one regular hand but they were cheap so it's ok (i guess). At the other store I got MOC Wonderman and AOA Weapon X Variant for $11. I looked at the downtown store & they had a bunch of MOC figs (Cyclops & Angel (Sentinel), Pyro, Deathstrike, Longshot, Luke Cage...) but I didn't want any of those.

If I was a customizer I could take the right hand from the AOA Weapon X & swap it with the Series 6 Wolvie but I would probably just make it worse. Sweet deals though!

Oh I almost picked up the Kree Captain Marvel Marvel Select fig for $15 but I passed. I am waiting for Abomination to come out within the next month or 2!

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picked up ms daredevil at lcs today. one of their best imo.



Devilsdue it would be real cool if you could post some pics of the scale next to some Marvel legends, say bullseye or kingpin. been waiting for a good DD I have sold every single DD that has come out. I know he is going to be to large? but the pics would help me decide. Thanks.

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finally found red headed maria hill at tru today, and grabbed up another hydra soldier from a comic shop an hour north of me. Found a new comic store in the same town. all his loose figs were 2 bucks a piece so i grabbed a variant x-23, cyclops, wolverine. Also grabbed exclusive ult. wolverine, and ghost rider from the movie. not bad considering what i could have paid on ebay.



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Havent been on here since Christmas, so heres what I got. My gf went all out and got me Juggs, Hawkeye, and Blade in the box. She also got me Black Panther but I already had. I sold it on ebay and couldnt believe I got 20 for it. Then one of my friends got me Ms Marvel. So it was good Id say. I also got a sr 1 Iron Man open mint for 8 and some change off of ebay right before Christmas.

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