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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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Saw the Across the Spider-Verse stuff at my local Gamestop, passed for now, still holding out hope for a comic Spot. 

Orb and Extremis Iron Man came in from Amazon, Molecule Man should follow soon.  Love adding a Ghost Rider villain to the collection, and Iron Man is excellent looking, might be my new default Iron Man, only bad part was that I got two left open hands.  Got to love Hasbro blind box figures, thankfully it's an easy return and replace with Amazon, glad I moved all my Hasbro pre-orders over there.  

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And Molecule Man makes three.  Nice figure, and I'm not worried about the classic versus modern debate on this one, so I'm happy to cross this one off the list.  Looking forward to catching up to the other Puff Adder parts at some point and taking another step forward for the Serpent Society.  

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I broke down and bought Wonder Man off Amazon. Of course package was destroyed. I'm so glad Hasbro is going back to plastic, I've had figure/ parts swaps too many times from Amazon to trust that everything is good without being able to visually confirm.

That being said, all is good and Simon is a beautiful figure. I've got him posed in a very John Byrne type pose and he is well worth the wait. Yes there are minor costume accuracy  squabbles bit he is such a well done figure I can overlook them. I seriously doubt we will ever get this version of Simon ever again

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On 4/21/2023 at 8:51 PM, McHogan said:

I broke down and bought Wonder Man off Amazon. Of course package was destroyed. I'm so glad Hasbro is going back to plastic, I've had figure/ parts swaps too many times from Amazon to trust that everything is good without being able to visually confirm.

That being said, all is good and Simon is a beautiful figure. I've got him posed in a very John Byrne type pose and he is well worth the wait. Yes there are minor costume accuracy  squabbles bit he is such a well done figure I can overlook them. I seriously doubt we will ever get this version of Simon ever again

yeah of the 2023 figs out now Wonder Man is probably my most wanted. I would have thought Molecule Man would be my top priority  but he's not classic enough for me - he's too tall and not a huge fan of the head sculpt.  Plus i don't get why fireballs he should have those cosmic bubbles like silver surfer / havok etc have

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On 4/21/2023 at 9:13 PM, bashpics99 said:

yeah of the 2023 figs out now Wonder Man is probably my most wanted. I would have thought Molecule Man would be my top priority  but he's not classic enough for me - he's too tall and not a huge fan of the head sculpt.  Plus i don't get why fireballs he should have those cosmic bubbles like silver surfer / havok etc have

Agree, accessories are a crap shoot with Hasbro. Though overused (really like their entire accessory assortment) the "cosmic/mystical bubbles would have been as close as they could get without sculpting something unique to represent MM's powers. Luckily I've got bubble accessories to spare!!

Molecule Man is a big want for me, even if he isn't Secret Wars accurate. He does check a huge box off my list and honestly,this is one of those cases for me where close enough is good enough ( mostly because I doubt we will ever see a other version unless they decide to dedicate a wave or 4 strictly to Secret Wars.)

As far as Wonder Man goes, I don't think you will be disappointed.  I'm not a fan of the double jointed elbows as it leaves a weird gap if you try to pose him with his fists to his hips. Bit those can be fanangled to minimize the weirdness. 


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On 4/6/2023 at 3:30 PM, tarot said:

Got ronan from the amazon us site and franklin/valeria, starlord and yondu from bigbangcomics.ie 



Nice haul. Can't wait to find Yondu.. gots to get me my Reserve Avengers

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Stopped by Target the other day looking for Legends, DC multiverse, and hoping to luck out and find the new Jada toys Street Fighter figs. Only Legend was an old Eternal waves single figure in the regular toy aisle. Went over to the little pop culture section and they had the whole GoG3 wave plus comic Yondu. So everyone don't forget to check out the pop section to not miss out on some Legends!

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Good weekend haul: found the entire GOTG wave at a nearby Walmart and then the Deluxe Groot as well as Baron Strucker at Target. No sign of the rest of the Puff Adder wave, hoping Target doesn't do that 1 character per store crap again.

I also grabbed a Groot/ Cosmo Epic Heroes set thinking the Cosmo will scale better. Haven't opened it yet but will post again of it looks decent (despite the lack of articulation the BAF has)

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I've been on vacation for the last month, and while I was gone, the following got delivered:


X-Men Villains 5-Pack

Both X-Men Team Suit 3-packs

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 wave

Deluxe GOTG 3 Groot


Spider-Verse Cyborg Spider-Woman

Ronan the Accuser

Walmart Exclusive First Appearance Star-Lord

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On 4/24/2023 at 5:58 PM, Itsybitsyspider said:

Wait you were on vacation for a whole month and that's all you had waiting? My porch would have been looking like a ups store, lol. 

Ronan and blob are dope figures, you'll like em. 


That's all the Marvel items I had waiting.  Oh wait ... the Marvel Select Apocalypse too.

There were other items from other lines.  I think it was close to 40 figures in total.

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I'm sure people have been finding these but the Into The Spider-Verse wave has hit in full force at Target.

Seeing them in hand confirms these aren't for me. The Spot especially is just an all around bad looking figure. And while I suspect the Deluxe Groot will be easy to acquire, this Cyborg Spider-(ahem)Woman will be hard for Target to give away.

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Super late to the game, but I've had Spiral sitting in my pile of loot for months now waiting to get enough things to ship, with the PS4/PS5 Spidey and a few other odds and ends it seemed like a good time.  Spiral is absolutely worth all the hype I've been seeing for the last six months and also makes me realize how bad I am at posing. 

PS4/PS5 Spidey is a major upgrade on the last one, not a $13 upgrade, but the RYV buck serves him well.  The major drawback that comes to mind, other than the price, or the lack of hands, is the colors are pretty washed out.  I remember the game having a much richer blue and a more vibrant red, which screams a re-release in those colors close to the new game launching.  If you're on the fence and can get this one cheaper, it would probably be worth it, the headsculpt might be Hasbro's best Spidey yet.    

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Finally got the chance to bust open the GOTG Vol3 wave. Absolutely love the team suits. They are awesome.

And the likenesses are some of the best ever. Even Poulter is easily recognizable though the gold face looks odd overall.

FYI: the Epic Heroes Cosmo scales pretty good to Legends figures. No helmet and less articulation but how much do you need for a doggo?


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