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For what it's worth if anyone is still looking, Classic Star Lord is back up on Walmarts site. Just ordered and got conformation 


Got a notice that Amazon bumped my Quantumania Kang up to July 20th from August 1st... kinda figured that August date was merely a place holder

EDIT: woke up this morning and Amazon had changed the ship date twice more! First email said July 15th then the 2nd updated THAT date to July 11th.... 


Picked up the Ch'od BAF wave at Target. White Queen seems to be the peg warmer of the wave.  On the hunt for the X-Men '97 epic heroes now. If you find them pick me up extras please and Thanks! If anyone wants Emma, Monet, kid Omega or Chamber let me know. 




So the annual summer  deluge of product has begun... Amazon sent long time preorders Kang and Ultron and found a lone Target exclusives Black Widow this morning. 

Also got  notified my Black Knigbt / Sersi 2 pack arrives Tuesday. Still can't believe we are getting these two versions... such unexpected awesomeness.  This remains my only 60th anniversary pre-order, not that I had any choice with it being an Amazon exclusive. Not seeing many others A60 sets in stock anywhere but those releases dates continue to inch closer...



Amazon haul of Captain Rogers, Rose, and Chasm, with Tarantula to arrive today and Hawkeye by the end of the week.  Feels crazy after such a long break with just a few pick ups in between.  

For anyone that picked up Chasm, any good ideas for energy effects? Currently using some from Lightning Collection but was hoping there were some better options out there.


Amazon sent me that big Sentinel, this guy is a biggins

btw buyer beware on the Amazon Canada site, they overnight switched the listing for this figure to a hero titan wolverine, so if you ordered this it might send you that figure instead.

also gonna open this, but thanks for the banged up box



Oh man this weekend Hawkeye with Skycycle,  Thor and Destroyer,  Captain Marvel & Doom, Hulk & Banner, Black Knight & Sersi, MK1 Iron Man and Black Widow all arrived.

Thanks Hasbro for staggering the initial pre-order offerings. That really helped the wallet since the product STILL all dropped at the same time haha..ah screw it, too much Avengers awesomeness to be too upset 


Got my Hawkeye over the weekend, after swapping out the bow, quiver, and arrows for the series 7 ToyBiz one's, this is probably my ideal Hawkeye.  


Being on the east coast, ML figures will pop up in stores last as opposed to stores on the west coast.  But I saw that Robo dropped his latest video today, where he reviewed an Avengers 60th Anniversary Black Widow that he picked up.  Since I was off, I decided to do a little hunting and I hit 4  Target's.  Some stores only had the Elektra DD and Jessica Drew Spider Woman, another had most of that wave, The Rose, Tarantula and Miles Morales.   The two other locations only had either Hawkeye or Black Widow, so I lucked out.  Love those white boxes!!!!

Clint and Natasha.jpeg


Drax and Moondragon 2 pack came in yesterday.  This might be my favorite release this year since Blob.  While not in the DnA uniform, I'm good with this version of Moondragon, and since this costume (or something close) does show up in that particular Guardians run I do feel like this is a big step towards that team's completion.  Other than the choice of costume, my only nitpick would be the addition of a telepathy effect.    

I have almost no connection to this version of Drax outside of reading Infinity Gauntlet, and the brief callback to this look in Thanos Imperative, regardless, this figure is very impressive, the colors pop, the head sculpts are very expressive.  This is probably the first two pack to really feel like bang for your buck in a while.  


Scored the Heroes Return Iron Man on the weekend.  A fellow member here corrected me a few weeks ago on my assumption that this figure was just a retread of the Heroes REBORN Iron man, and it definitely is not so.   I'm pleased with the figure, overall, but feeling critical about the no-hinge open hands.  They've been done with hinges before and they really bring something to the figures then,  The no-hinge hands are cheap and, frankly, a detriment to the figure.
IM himself looks really nice though.

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