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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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On 8/20/2023 at 8:08 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:


don't think I care enough to move on from the Vintage Fig personally, but I think I'm the only person saying that right now.

I had bought the vintage to use for a custom but changed my mind and sold him. Then I decided to build an Avengers comic display and regretted selling it. So I'm definitely glad it's being redone.

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On 8/18/2023 at 6:23 PM, tarot said:

Got the WCA set today.



Very cool. My current display has white Vision but otherwise the same. These characters all look very striking together, it's no wonder this team was a favorite of mine during their publication run

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Just got notified that Walmart has shipped my Bucky Cap and Joe Fixit! So these are on the way with no StarLord like fake outs and cancelations! 

Bucky will finish off the Avengers 60th line correct? Or are there a few more surprises ? Perhaps the classic Vision will sport the anniversary box? Or perhaps if he is part of a wave that entire wave will get those sweet boxes? 

Only 60th figure I ended up skipping was Super-Adaptoid.  Just can't justify the cost for a figure that looks like a knock off. Surprised it hasn't been on sale anywhere...

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Just got back from Fan Expo Toronto, Got a nice lil Haul (bunch of none legends mostly), came away with The SDCC boxset exclusive Goliath figure (loose obviously) and Ares for very nice price, also super cheap comic J.Jonah who I was just waiting on finding dirt cheap, was happy about those, now just watch Hascon they announce both Comic Goliath and a new Ares figures are being released.


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On 8/28/2023 at 2:45 PM, tarot said:

Got the Squadron Supreme 2-pack and the Hawkeye set from Bigbangcomics.ie and the SHIELD/Hydra set from Pulse EU. Here are some updates to the shelves.









Nice stuff Tarot, I'm stoked to see how fast the UK Pulse got the Lady Trooper pack in, also nice to see Nighthawk looking really good there, was kinda worried he'd be blah in hand, looks like that's not the case, Blur however still a bit blah, but new character ahm a rite?

also gotta ask since you are the master of Marvel character knowledge, so who is the female SHIELD agent in yer display? are you saying it's Yo-Yo?

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On 8/29/2023 at 3:52 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Nice stuff Tarot, I'm stoked to see how fast the UK Pulse got the Lady Trooper pack in, also nice to see Nighthawk looking really good there, was kinda worried he'd be blah in hand, looks like that's not the case, Blur however still a bit blah, but new character ahm a rite?

also gotta ask since you are the master of Marvel character knowledge, so who is the female SHIELD agent in yer display? are you saying it's Yo-Yo?

Honestly out of the 4 heads that came with it, it was the nicest looking of the three, so I just picked her. While I am using the male version as Gabe Jones, I didn't really think of it for her. But thanks. she is now Yoyo. 

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On 8/29/2023 at 11:08 AM, tarot said:

Honestly out of the 4 heads that came with it, it was the nicest looking of the three, so I just picked her. While I am using the male version as Gabe Jones, I didn't really think of it for her. But thanks. she is now Yoyo. 

Oh alright, you just liked the head more, feel that, but yeah I have been trying to place actual characters with these female trooper heads, in reality other then the Blonde one (Sharon C presumably) the other 2 are just random faces, I mean since they are for both Hydra and SHIELD, and I don't think any Hydra female trooper actually has any real names, but yeah thought that head is most closely resembling Yo-Yo, but I mean she never really had that hair, but could be here new cut right

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60th Anniversary Bucky Cap came in yesterday 60th Anniversary Black Widow (finally) came in today.  The two are excellent additions to the collection, and Bucky really shines in the paint department.  Widow's articulation makes her an excellent upgrade, even if she doesn't quite capture that classic stature.  

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picked up Blob at msrp from 3rd party on amazon. Cool figure, pricey but hey still cheaper than if he was a BAF imo.  Maybe he'll go on sale eventually but i dunno been awhile and it seems like he's held at msrp or higher afaik.

Also picked up the Moondragon/Drax set (plus Nalan Cheel to get free shipping).  That 2-pack feels like a good value as Drax is such a hefty figure. Both are pretty nice and again perhaps could've waited for the next pulse sale but since it didn't feel like a rip-off i didn't mind paying.

my local target has a lot of the 60th anniv sets in, and actually if you start at the base price of $25 a figure, most of the sets are not unreasonably priced - there doesn't seem to be much of an anniversary tax like there usually. otoh everyone knows to play the waiting game with these by now and i feel like any figures 25+ are a tough sell for casuals (like parents with kids). so we'll see how things play out.

I mostly want the Monica/Doom 2-pack, maybe Hawkeye with cycle.  I do want Spider-Woman but find that super-skrull figure ugly (as in aesthetically displeasing) so he's a tough sell for me. 

THe Infinity saga wave/line is fine, cool for people who were missing members. I'm guessing they are pricier than normal so will probably only use to maybe fill in gaps like Banner, maybe

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  • 2 weeks later...

MCU Kingpin came in, looks good, just not completely sold on it, there doesn't seem to be any sort of ab crunch under the coat, or diaphram joint, which is a bit disappointing.  Also he's a bit small in stature in hand.  Been rewatching Daredevil, so maybe that's throwing me off.  

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Just made a heck of a deal for the Super-Adaptoid.  A buddy of mine sucked it up and bought himself one but got buyers remorse and as many of us know, returns with Pulse are more hassle than anyone needs. In the meantime, I had bought Gamerverse Spider-Man 2 Legends of both Peter and Miles but forgot (haha) that I hated Peter's suit and have never been a fan of Miles. Hey I had a store credit at a local comic book shop and I was caught up with Legends at the time so figured why not? I can always flip them later.

Well, we got to talking about our mutual dissatisfaction with our respective purchases ( this hobby is a hell of an addiction!!) 

So we swapped straight up!! I now have the last  Avengers 60th anniversary figure that I had written off because I didn't want to spend $70 on and after my credit, technically only paid $40 for him. My buddy got 2 figures he could not find anywhere. Yes, I told him I got them on sale but he was more than happy to make the deal as both of the Spidey figures are getting pricey and with shipping he would have been close to what he paid for the Adaptoid! 

In hand, Adaptoid is as disappointing as I thought he would be. Just feels unfinished.  In my estimation, thus guy should have been $40 to start with. But... I've got a (version) of a classic Avengers villains and probably the only one we'll ever get. I'm pretty happy I got a great deal and ge will be fine towards the back of a display.

OH WAIT!! NOT the last Avenvers 60th anniversary figure!! C'mon ya'll fund Giant-Man!! Now that is a figure that is worth every penny!

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And to play catch up on recent finds. Both the Marvels and Ant-Man QUANTUMANIA waves pretty much dropped in my local area at the same time. Way late for Ant-Man it seems but whatever.

I went full FOMO on Ultron after lucking I to the Ursa Major version some time back. Then I got impatient with Egghead and Crossfire but again whatever, I got them off Amazon so it's as good as finding them in stores. That left the MCU figures. And I've got to say, these are NEXT LEVEL. The face printing. The body sculpting. Just some of the best work I've seen in some time. The Cassie Lang face is the weakest but not horrible and  the body is great, feels the perfect height difference. Maybe they can tweak her for a comic Stature?!?

The Marvels: great update of a weirdly oversized first version of Commander Rogers. The head has gotten some hate but I'm fine with it. The Heroes Return Iron Man is just f-bombijg sweet. Both are great additions to lineups that haven't gotten a lot of love.

Karnak is kinda blah. The pizza Spidey buck isn't holding up well. His legs were all sorts of janky and rubbery. The head looks like a happy meal toy. I'm not a Inhumans fan so his poor execution doesn't bother me as much if he were a more popular character. Odd that he was the hardest to find. Marvel Boy barely fits into the Avengers lineup (pretty sure he wore this suit in that fun but "this isnt your Father's West Coast Avengers series)  they need to revisit his Protector era. Cho Hulk.... great sculpt, expressive face. Boring AF character. Perhaps the worst of that failed Marvel Now experiment?

The Marvels: again..... WOW. equal credit to design and Hasbros execution.  Carol looks better than ever. And she finally looks like Bree. Photon is the highlight.  This figure looks exactly like the actress and she is a beautiful woman. The suit is another awesome comic to film adaptation that they are famous for. Bonus: this appears to be a brand new sculpt as she is curvier than Carol. She is a stunning figure. Ms Marvel is the weakest bit her suit is the most comic-esq version yet. 

Bottom line: great comic additions and so happy to add some deep dives like Crossfire and Egghead  F@$&ing EGGHEAD!!! 

But the MCU offerings across the board are phenomenal. I can't express enough how impressive they are across both waves. And this isnt a comic v MCU thing... I collect both and find it amusing that people argue over what medium.  Praise all around to Hasbro. I actually admit that the MCU offerings feel like $24 figures. They are that good

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