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Marvel Legends Sightings and Hauls thread


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Got the deluxe Angel earlier this week, and every other domestic company putting out winged characters should take note of how to do wings, *cough, cough*, NECA.  Not by any stretch figure of the year, but a notable release for how the wings work.  

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The Giant-Man/ Wasp set is incredible.  Wasp is the standout.. we've waited so long for this version.

Hanks body looks like the lab coat from Reed Richards will work, I'll try it out later 

Hasbro, keep these anniversary sets coming. This subline may be the best work as far as sculpt and character selection they've ever done. Just fantastic

Edit: the plastic lab coat fits perfectly. Just got to figure out how the giant man arms come off so they can be replaced with the Mr Fantastic lab coat arms . Does anyone know, does the pegless arms just pull out?


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And so it begins, with Wolverine here, this is where the flood of new figs starts.  Really enjoying Wolverine so far, might be my go to Wolverine, I've always liked this costume, even all the way back to the ToyBiz take from the old Apocalypse wave, way back when.  I honestly wish I didn't like it as much as I do, since it doesn't fit with my preferred X-Men, all of which are 90s/Jim Lee styled.  

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