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New LEGENDS revealed at Wizard World Philly!!!!!


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The only thing I find sad about this entire situation is that we only get to vote on 3!

Can't wait to see what Hasbro's going to pick.



I am more annoyed by this than the recycling of bodies and heads.


They show us 18 figures and then we only get to buy six of them next year? So the remaining dozen figures is a nice little 'FU here's what you DON'T get" to all the fans.


Between these 12, the fan choice selections last time around, the MIA Nemesis wave, the MIA 2nd wave of 2-packs, and the Toybiz unproduced figures like Darkhawk, they're approaching 50 figures they've "made" that we'll never get.


Not to mention all the cool MU characters like Modern Iron Fist, Klaw, Thunderball, OG Ms. Marvel, etc ,etc that they'll make tiny, but not 6".


You stay classy, Hasbro.

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The only thing I find sad about this entire situation is that we only get to vote on 3!

Can't wait to see what Hasbro's going to pick.



I am more annoyed by this than the recycling of bodies and heads.


They show us 18 figures and then we only get to buy six of them next year? So the remaining dozen figures is a nice little 'FU here's what you DON'T get" to all the fans.


Between these 12, the fan choice selections last time around, the MIA Nemesis wave, the MIA 2nd wave of 2-packs, and the Toybiz unproduced figures like Darkhawk, they're approaching 50 figures they've "made" that we'll never get.


Not to mention all the cool MU characters like Modern Iron Fist, Klaw, Thunderball, OG Ms. Marvel, etc ,etc that they'll make tiny, but not 6".


You stay classy, Hasbro.


Would you rather they flooded the market with the wave 2 two-packs, Nemesis wave, these 18 figs while putting out the new MU stuff? That'd kill ML and possibly MU in one master stroke. Yeah, brilliant idea.

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OMG there are even complaints about protypes of speculated figures that we aren't even for sure coming out. People should just be happy that we are getting new stuff next year, but no "Whats with the reused head?" "What with the reused body?" We all know we are stuck with Hasbro for the long haul. Make due and deal with it and be glad that Hasbro is still willing to make Legends. We finally hear good news and people still want to complain. How about this if you don't like Hasbro's products so much do your own customs that live up to your expectations and leave HML alone. That was not directed towards any one person. Ive been on this forum since a little after the Hasbro take over, I'm am so sick of complaining take it somewhere else.



calm down. remember that this board works both ways. if people were whining, then i would be like...."here we go again" but this is a legit complaint.(for those that are complaining) no one should just be happy that theyre getting "something"...period! i remember when i said that hasbro's using the "starve method" you guys acted as if i was crazy....guess not. so they take away ML, act as if they could care less about it, take away the BAF, and doesnt even bother to sculpt a new head.....and you feel lucky? someone couldve made you that warpath months ago. if ya dont stand for something, youll fall for anything.







I used to be that way and I realized that it's kind of a helpless situation. We can put up our complaints about the quality of product we get and how Marvel Legends is being handled. We have been doing that for two years and it has gotten us nowhere. I realized that Hasbro is going to do what they want regardless, just as we see with the ML shut down and MU takeover. I'm to the point now where if they would at least put out an adequate product I'm fine with it. It's better than no product. I know that sounds low but I just feel as though stating complaints is just a waste of time and energy. If you do state them nothing gets solved and if don't state them nothing is solved. In both cases we are at the same place we started. Hasbro is going to milk the Marvel License for movie and cartoon products and Marvel won't mind because they are still making a good profit. Nothing will change because the company is making money. From their eyes Legends is just a loose end that needs to be tied up in the deal. What Marvel Legends was about is nothing what Hasbro is about. That is why I'm making due and just being happy with what I'm getting.



you dont have to buy them! everyone here knows that i like dcu, right? but if mattel started giving me reused heads...IM OUT! i love 6 inch figs too....you know this. ill buy any figures,,,marvel, anime dc...whatever! but im not buying the same head just painted over again like a 1989 kenner piece of crap. i wasnt buy warpath regardless, but i still can detect B.S. true, they might say eff it and drop ML altogether..youre a big boy...you will get over it. you cant take the time to fill in your gaps, find rare figs, and by the time you do that....there will be another 6 inch marvel line. you could also spend some of that cash on some hot toys, statues, or bust. im just saying that i dont support hasbro on this....sorry. complaining is what kept the ML line going....thats why youre getting these rehashes.

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OMG there are even complaints about protypes of speculated figures that we aren't even for sure coming out. People should just be happy that we are getting new stuff next year, but no "Whats with the reused head?" "What with the reused body?" We all know we are stuck with Hasbro for the long haul. Make due and deal with it and be glad that Hasbro is still willing to make Legends. We finally hear good news and people still want to complain. How about this if you don't like Hasbro's products so much do your own customs that live up to your expectations and leave HML alone. That was not directed towards any one person. Ive been on this forum since a little after the Hasbro take over, I'm am so sick of complaining take it somewhere else.



calm down. remember that this board works both ways. if people were whining, then i would be like...."here we go again" but this is a legit complaint.(for those that are complaining) no one should just be happy that theyre getting "something"...period! i remember when i said that hasbro's using the "starve method" you guys acted as if i was crazy....guess not. so they take away ML, act as if they could care less about it, take away the BAF, and doesnt even bother to sculpt a new head.....and you feel lucky? someone couldve made you that warpath months ago. if ya dont stand for something, youll fall for anything.







I used to be that way and I realized that it's kind of a helpless situation. We can put up our complaints about the quality of product we get and how Marvel Legends is being handled. We have been doing that for two years and it has gotten us nowhere. I realized that Hasbro is going to do what they want regardless, just as we see with the ML shut down and MU takeover. I'm to the point now where if they would at least put out an adequate product I'm fine with it. It's better than no product. I know that sounds low but I just feel as though stating complaints is just a waste of time and energy. If you do state them nothing gets solved and if don't state them nothing is solved. In both cases we are at the same place we started. Hasbro is going to milk the Marvel License for movie and cartoon products and Marvel won't mind because they are still making a good profit. Nothing will change because the company is making money. From their eyes Legends is just a loose end that needs to be tied up in the deal. What Marvel Legends was about is nothing what Hasbro is about. That is why I'm making due and just being happy with what I'm getting.



you dont have to buy them! everyone here knows that i like dcu, right? but if mattel started giving me reused heads...IM OUT! i love 6 inch figs too....you know this. ill buy any figures,,,marvel, anime dc...whatever! but im not buying the same head just painted over again like a 1989 kenner piece of crap. i wasnt buy warpath regardless, but i still can detect B.S. true, they might say eff it and drop ML altogether..youre a big boy...you will get over it. you cant take the time to fill in your gaps, find rare figs, and by the time you do that....there will be another 6 inch marvel line. you could also spend some of that cash on some hot toys, statues, or bust. im just saying that i dont support hasbro on this....sorry. complaining is what kept the ML line going....thats why youre getting these rehashes.


Well me being young collector I don't have alot of the toybiz stuff. But it is nice to be able to go into a store instead of shopping on ebay. I don't have alot of the figures that they are rehashing so it doesn't bother me when they do. I'm done with thinging that Hasbro will change and give what we want as collectors truly thats a dream that will never happen to me. I guess now its ebay like I have been doing.

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That remains to be seen.... I hope they put him in his own two pack, however it would be nice to get a syrin as well. Then i would atleast get another character not made yet. The smart thing to do would be to put him in a pack with another ab. But i dont know of any ab he would be paired with.



You know they'll just throw in another repaint Spider-Man/Iron Man or Wolverine.

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Mm'K, a little confused right now. Is Warpath going to be using the Hulkling/Crossbones body or the Doc Sampson body? Do we have a solid confirmation at this time?


Hukling body; Sampson's head


Fair enough, but then what is with the pic of Warpath with Wolverine? Someone's custom? Because that is definitely the Doc Sampson body.

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Mm'K, a little confused right now. Is Warpath going to be using the Hulkling/Crossbones body or the Doc Sampson body? Do we have a solid confirmation at this time?


Hukling body; Sampson's head


Fair enough, but then what is with the pic of Warpath with Wolverine? Someone's custom? Because that is definitely the Doc Sampson body.



its a custom.

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I'm still hoping Hasbro will come through and the end product (especially Warpath) will have new heads and a modified torso and maybe add some cuffs to those boots. After all we know these are just Prototype pics that they threw together on short notice to show at SDCC. I actually can't understand why someone didn't ask the almighty Mr. Falcon about this issue. Sure it would have been a little harder hitting question than those cream puff questions most of the "journalists" on site ask but it's far from hitting below the belt.


The MM head is obviously new and they went through the trouble to smooth off the laces on Warpath's boots. Maybe they're still a work in progress/process or maybe it's just Hasbro's way of testing the waters to see if ML is still profitable. I've said it a hundred times so make this 101. If they don't sell or get much support, there won't be a future for ML.

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Cuffs or no cuffs, i'll be buying it just to get new characters in my 6" collection. If he had the cuffs on his legs his eyes would be too close together or something just as silly. I'm perfectly okay with them reusing heads/bodies. Customisers do it, and people pay a lot more than 20-30 dollars on those. Fact is they look similar and it works. Not like you'd stand Doc S, Crossbones, Hulkling, and Warpath side by side anyway.

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From what I've been gathering from the forum, Hasbro will be showing 12-18 figures.


People vote and then the Top 3 voted are packed with figures chosen by Hasbro (ie. wolverine/spider-man repaints). the others may or may not be released in future waves.


If hasbro are making 18 figures, of which only 3-6 could be released, im hoping theyre all just mock ups to get people interested in voting and to see what characters could be like. Maybe the winners will be given a bit more work to bring them to the same quality as figures released so far.

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From what I've been gathering from the forum, Hasbro will be showing 12-18 figures.


People vote and then the Top 3 voted are packed with figures chosen by Hasbro (ie. wolverine/spider-man repaints). the others may or may not be released in future waves.


If hasbro are making 18 figures, of which only 3-6 could be released, im hoping theyre all just mock ups to get people interested in voting and to see what characters could be like. Maybe the winners will be given a bit more work to bring them to the same quality as figures released so far.


I like your thinking. Beautifully positive.

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