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ahoy pooda! link isnt working for the Mk VI review. KICK ASS on the war machine review though! love it!!!!

only one question, same as the others: WHEN?!!??!?!?!? do want.



ShipwreckJr!...what's up, brother?! yup..looks like the 19th for those IM figs.


yeah i need to pre-order that war machine somewhere quick... probably BBTS since the site is in english and prices are usually fair.


anyway the 6 inchers... any scores out there yet!? i was tempted to stop by my local wally ont the way to work this morning at about 4:00 but decided i would stop on my way home tomorrow morning (got 24 hour duty today).

wish me luck! and i'll post for sure if i find them! (just war machine and mkVI. i dont really dig the mkV)

went to 3 walmarts today.....nothing.


Same Here! Canada has them already. Give it another 2 weeks I believe. We can get lucky sometime this week. Plus, If they were coming out this week, there is always some dirty scalper who works at walmart and opens the cases early for ebay cash!


I'm not sure who started this rumor of a hard release date for these things but I don't believe its true. First there is usually only a hard release date for toys when a store plans to do a big display or something. My Wal-Marts set up their IM 2 display endcaps over a week ago and there have been no sign of 6" figures. Also when there is a hard release date the stores get the stuff much earlier than the actual date so they can have it ready and almost always some stores slip them out early. I have heard no reports of anyone finding these here in the states. My guess we are still some days off from seeing these and then its probably going to be a gradual release like most stuff is.

I'm not sure who started this rumor of a hard release date for these things but I don't believe its true. First there is usually only a hard release date for toys when a store plans to do a big display or something. My Wal-Marts set up their IM 2 display endcaps over a week ago and there have been no sign of 6" figures. Also when there is a hard release date the stores get the stuff much earlier than the actual date so they can have it ready and almost always some stores slip them out early. I have heard no reports of anyone finding these here in the states. My guess we are still some days off from seeing these and then its probably going to be a gradual release like most stuff is.



Well apparantly it's midnight tonight now.. And I have a link this time!




Also JayC, I read this on another forum, from a person who said they worked at wal-mart


My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw an ad at walmart the other night. i'd say it's pretty accurate.

Well apparantly it's midnight tonight now.. And I have a link this time!




Also JayC, I read this on another forum, from a person who said they worked at wal-mart


Its not midnight and no offense, but that link is worthless. It seems pretty obvious they are just reposting in there news the rumors that are being passed around on the message boards, and the problem with that is, what is nothing more than a rumor all of a sudden somehow becomes fact and then what happens is people go out looking for them and don't find anything, and then start getting mad. That site doesn't have any more idea when these will be released than you and I do, they don't have some magical pipeline to Hasbro or Wal-Mart telling them when these will be out. There is no real indication these things have a hard release date, and when they do finally start getting released my guess is you are going to start gradually hearing of people finding them, but I seriously doubt it will be a case where one morning every Wal-Mart in the country has these out on shelves.


Until you start hearing legit area reports of people finding these things here in the US. I wouldn't be sweating looking for them and if the 6" Iron Man Wal-Mart exclusives from the last movie are any indication I doubt these will be terribly difficult to find once they do actually start coming out.


I live in Canada and scored mine today. There was only Iron Man and War Machine,

no Iron Man in mid phase w/suitcase.

They are really nice but take your time when you guys see these the paint jobs on the Iron Man figs were atrocious. War Machine was a little better.

I made the mistake of concentrating on the faces and not the lower body, should of, because my Iron Man's left leg didn't even get a second coat of dark red.

So take your time and check them out.

They should be in your neck of the woods really soon.

I live in Canada and scored mine today. There was only Iron Man and War Machine,

no Iron Man in mid phase w/suitcase.

They are really nice but take your time when you guys see these the paint jobs on the Iron Man figs were atrocious. War Machine was a little better.

I made the mistake of concentrating on the faces and not the lower body, should of, because my Iron Man's left leg didn't even get a second coat of dark red.

So take your time and check them out.

They should be in your neck of the woods really soon.



True that. why do marvel figs get shytie paint treatment and the gi Joe and star wars look fine? I look for the best paint aps too but some times you get stuck with caca.


man i went to my walmart today and still nothing. been checking every couple days and i dont even see pegs for them yet. but i will check every day now!

and thanks for the size comparison pics. i was hoping they would be just a little taller this time, but oh well...

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