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Marvel Legends 2 packs Finally Hit !


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I have a feeling that they will flood the shelves during the holidays. I'm just worried about Valkyrie/Hulk being the shelf warmer. I'm really doubting it was a fans choice, if it was , then where are they? How come there not racing to the stores or eBay for that 2 pack? Hmmmmmmmm , feels like a Hasbro conspiracy of them trying to shell out those 2 figures because the molds were already made! I don't think Valkyrie was ever chosen by us, Hasbro never showed us the poll results. FYI did you guys know that when a mold is made, Hasbro spends thousands to produce it! Hulk was made from red hulk , Valkyrie was done with the FFF series. I strongly think we were cheated!

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I have a feeling that they will flood the shelves during the holidays. I'm just worried about Valkyrie/Hulk being the shelf warmer. I'm really doubting it was a fans choice, if it was , then where are they? How come there not racing to the stores or eBay for that 2 pack? Hmmmmmmmm , feels like a Hasbro conspiracy of them trying to shell out those 2 figures because the molds were already made! I don't think Valkyrie was ever chosen by us, Hasbro never showed us the poll results. FYI did you guys know that when a mold is made, Hasbro spends thousands to produce it! Hulk was made from red hulk , Valkyrie was done with the FFF series. I strongly think we were cheated!


:profx: Ahhhh i have to take a seat for this one with you and Jesse "The Body" Ventura conspiracys every where lol I bought the hulk and valkyrie hell i bought two but i think it will be a shelf warmer as well get paid tuesday so next weekend ill be going to toysrus again to look for the variants and i need an other winter soldier

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They finally hit at the annapilous ToysRus in Maryland. I got one of the varriant deadpool and black widow sets as well as the Hulk set. Only problem they are now 29.99. Luckly the woman who held them for me told me they were 24.99 and she was there when I bought them. She told the manager that they were 24.99 when she checked eariler so I got them for 24.99 each. I also had a coupon for a free ten dollar gift card with a 75.00 purchase so I got some candy (Halloween cady sale) to make it 75.00. the gift card wouldn't work for some reason so they gave me ten off instead.

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They finally hit at the annapilous ToysRus in Maryland. I got one of the varriant deadpool and black widow sets as well as the Hulk set. Only problem they are now 29.99. Luckly the woman who held them for me told me they were 24.99 and she was there when I bought them. She told the manager that they were 24.99 when she checked eariler so I got them for 24.99 each. I also had a coupon for a free ten dollar gift card with a 75.00 purchase so I got some candy (Halloween cady sale) to make it 75.00. the gift card wouldn't work for some reason so they gave me ten off instead.



Yeah a week ago i bought some here in texas for 24.99 and today I saw the price tag for 29.99, so I passed I had a $5 coupon so it would have been $24. but I used it on some other stuff. Is this because of the holidays? or is it based on sales??Toys R us???

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The poll for the 2-packs was posted online before.


Deadpool, Valkyrie, and Black Widow won. Hasbro chose Warpath, Winter Soldier, and Hulk.


i cant believe people voted for val over some of the other choices.


No one voted for either Val or Hulk (well, I voted for Hulk). They already had the molds made, so those 2 were pretty much guaranteed to be included as the peg-warmers in this release. It makes sense financially for Hasbro to just use pre-existing molds... just sucks for us, since Val's sculpt is OLD, since she was made for release in the Hulk Legends line.


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The poll for the 2-packs was posted online before.


Deadpool, Valkyrie, and Black Widow won. Hasbro chose Warpath, Winter Soldier, and Hulk.


i cant believe people voted for val over some of the other choices.


No one voted for either Val or Hulk (well, I voted for Hulk). They already had the molds made, so those 2 were pretty much guaranteed to be included as the peg-warmers in this release. It makes sense financially for Hasbro to just use pre-existing molds... just sucks for us, since Val's sculpt is OLD, since she was made for release in the Hulk Legends line.



i like the hulk/val pack a lot more than i thought i would!...but still....that val mold sucks!

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