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Does any one know when we can expect to find the Avengers Marvel Legends at Walmart ? I keep checking and have not found anything and i have not heard of anyone finding them at retail either. Is there a release date for these figs ?

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Wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on how difficult these will be to get. I am new to this and I haven't had experience with these types of hunts. Are the Walmart exclusives usually hard to find? What are the best times that you have had success finding them? Any other tips and info are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance


Get ready for frustration on your hunts. I say strike while the irons hit. You dont always see the same figure twice. Thats my take on hunting anyways. Oh and check every single day. The day you don check they stock everything it seems like lol


Here is the UPC for captain America. It was shown on the review video. The numbers for the others were not shown.

Captain America. 6 53569 69384 0

How can we use this to help?


i took the upc provided for the ml avengers cap and i asked a girl at walmart if she could put into her price gun. It did pop up but when she checked inventory for a 30 mile radius, there are none in transit, or anything as of now. I still think these are coming out maybe beginning of june?


I also so this four sided avengers display. It contains hulk hands, more of wave 2 and electronic figures. No ml avengers.


^I was gonna do exactly what this got guy the girl to do. I work at walmart and constantly check to see on hands on local stores. I look to see when next toy reset is there is no way these are coming out this week.


Yeah the 6" figures for Thor and Caption America movie did not come out until Summer way after the movies came out about 3 Months after I remember being on the shelves around November.


yeah i remember that too. (then cap figures were on sale for SEVEN DOLLARS EACH 3 weeks later! only reason i got fury)


i scoped out temecula walmart last night. no joy. asked a guy on the way out who i have talked to before about comics and movies. seems to be "in the know". i asked him when the 6 inchers are coming. he said to check back the night of the midnight showing. thanked him and went on my way.


checked back again today just to humor myself (also because of the earlier comment "the day you dont check is when they restock" so true lol) and i noticed...

no pegs for them. no paper plan up for reset.


june seems likely at the earliest.

and that sucks because i am deploying for 6 months on tuesday.


hm.. maybe i will have some luck "overseas" ; )


anyway, happy hunting everyone!


hasbro should kick themself for making these exclusives. its the movie of the year and the 3 3/4 figure are sold out at most places where i live. the movie is awesome and so are these figs. they lost a lot with this exclusive to a shop crap.


the fact that none of the Walmarts have a shelf tag for them or are not planning a reset is not exactly indicative of when these will or won't hit.


I see stuff come in all the time that doesn't have a "home." Now, whether or not they will be put out depends on the competence of the night stock person. I have seen the stockers open a box and see that there wasn't a peg and just put them back in the case and load them back onto the pallet to go into the backroom of no return. And I have also seen the stocker get out a scan gun and MAKE a price tag right there on the spot.


i see it as $200, which is a bit high OR dealing with the morons that work at walmart. The customer service there is awful. The exclusives arent even at every walmart. Its either you pay $200 and guaranteed getting them or you hound idiot walmart employees witha upc and drive around like a fool, burning fuel and hoping that walmart employee wasnt pointing you in the wring direction. $200 for peace of mind, less miles on my car and not dealing with walmart employess= priceless.


I agree with you spiderdan, while they are pricey, they end up being on par with matty figures (MOTU, GB, shipping included) and for me it is either secure them this way or have to deal with long hours to get across the border (I live in Baja, Mexico) to only find left overs if anything at all, not to mention the area has at least 3 scalpers I know of, one of whom I've even seen giving cash to an employee for bringing hot wheels out of the back, so my chances of actually finding loki and hulk in the wild are pretty slim.


Cap and Ironman are apparently packed 2 per case seeing how they are the only two with individual orders at BBTS, so I could try ebay just for the really hard to find figures but given hawkeye is probably also one per case, and with individual figures probably going up to 50 minimum, I will go with the lesser evil.


whats up spidersam? i like your name. I deal with scalpers all the time too. It sucks! The hunt use to be fun back when walmarts didnt have grocery centers. I definitely pre ordered these and I can wait to get them!


You guys are making me feel bad for my "optimistic" post earlier. :wink:

Normally, toy companies would release toys either in advance of around the date of the movie.

Some of the WalMarts around me were advertising as such .... but it ends up only for the MU scale stuff.

And Shokker is correct, how can you miss the mark on the hottest movie event of the year, especially knowing the size of the fan-base???



i blame hasbro. now that the movie is well received, everyone will want them. who doesnt want the first bigscreen avengers team in their collection? exclusives are ok for one figure but not an entire set. thats my opinion. these will be very hard to find because scalpers will camp at walmart just to resell these. if bbts asks 200 bucks then guess what prices ebay will have..... forget it. i am out and i stay with the 3 3/4 figures. i am ok with them. hasbro fucks it up one more time and will blame it on us the little niche costumers again.


That's crazy. They're NOT that important. I'll get them if I see them at Wally for a decent price. But there's no way in heck I'm going to encourage BBTS or any other twad to keep gouging people. Preorder if you feel like you just have to do so. But I'd sooner go without than pay someone that kind of markup.


Yeah, not gonna pay $200.


I'm confident I'll find them. Literally every Walmart within a 50 mile radius of where I live was overflowing with Cap and Thor 6" movie figures. Some still have a bunch left that I bought up for fodder.


I'll find these when they're out, buy the ones that I want right away, and not have to worry about it anymore.


They won't be more than $15-$16 at Walmart guaranteed, so if you pay $200 for them on BBTS (not including shipping) you're more than paying double what you should.

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