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Avengers Marvel Legends at Walmart


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Thats cool, <--Conan. Yeah after the 3rd case I bought the Hulk and hawkeye and all the rest have been there for a week untouched. hope they move soon i really want them to stock the 6" spider-man as soon as possible.

The 6 inch spider mans arent even in walmarts system yet. I dont know what that means for release date but to compare the avengers were in there month before release. And there are no mod resets in system either.

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I walked into one of my Toys R Us's today and there is a huge display for Spider Man just as there was for the Avengers!


Walmart having the exclusive was the worsted idea ever! The figures aren't properly displayed and with just 2 pegs a store that bites! TRUS has a display that is ceiling to floor with plenty of room for multiple cases!


It;s just a shame that Hasbro has the deal with Walmart!



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Tonight I finally saw some of the Avengers 6-inchers at the Wal-Mart near my job.

Of course, the Hulk and Hawkeye were gone.

Maybe it was me and this dearth of Marvel Legends, but the Iron Man and the Movie Thor look bigger than normal. Too bad the Thor was not buff enough.


Question: Are they still going to release a 2nd Wave with the Black Widow?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still looking for Hawkeye and Hulk.


I have a few extras of Avengers 4-inch Black Widow and Hawkeye to trade.


I could also send payment as well.


So far I've only found 1 Walmart which sold these and all they had was Iron Man. A friend of mine hooked me up with Captain America and Loki. I don't have Thor yet, but since I have the last one Walmart one I might pass on him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Ben,


Thank you for contacting Hasbro Customer Service. I certainly appreciate your interest in our figures!


Yes, the figures you are referring to (Avengers and Spidey 6" figures!) are available via US and Canada (that's me). Regrettably, we cannot guarantee availability at any one Wal-Mart store.


Again, thank you for your interest. I hope you have a fun day!



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