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POLL: BEST of the BEST Cap


Marvel Legends Captian America Figures  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the Best Cap figure?

    • Series One Captian America
    • Series Eight Ultimate Cap
    • Series Eight Ultimate Cap(Classic Cap Variant)
    • Face Off Series One Cap
    • Face Off Series One Unmasked Cap(Variant)
    • Queen Brood Series First Appearance Cap
    • Twin Pack Series One WWII Ultimate Cap

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Hey guys, a little bit ago I was thinking about my ML collection and realized that I don't own an official Cap figure. I have the newer Bucky Cap, and the Avengers movie line Cap, but I need a great Cap figure lol. So I was wondering if I could get some input from all you great people here on Mnews, on which Cap is the best from the Marvel Legends line. Is there one Cap that stands out from the rest as THE best? Let me know :)

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Face-off Cap is my favorite of the bunch. The Wave 8 Classic Variant is a great figure as well.

I will try to get some pics of all of them together soon, but here is The Wave 8 variant.


Thanks man, I'd appreciate that. That's a sick picture too!


Also thanks to everyone else as well, you input is highly valued! I guess I'll start having to fish around for a Face Off Cap when I start looking again. The only thing that really concerns me about that is that the way they painted his eyes, most of the time, they turn out to be crooked :\

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Face Off Cap is the one I displayed faithfully until the Steve Rogers figure came out, so I went to him to modernize my collection. Though from what I understand he doesn't wear that costume from the Steve Rogers figure anymore. Is he back to his Cap costume in the comics?


But of this list I voted for Face Off Cap.


I own all of these except the Ultimate ones, but the First Appearance one is fine for a nostalgia display, but doesn't fit the overall line. Series 1 Cap was fine at the start of the line but doesn't compare in quality to the rest at this point. Unmasked Face Off is great but not practical cause he commonly wouldn't appear that way alongside the Avengers who are all masked...

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Face Off Cap is the one I displayed faithfully until the Steve Rogers figure came out, so I went to him to modernize my collection. Though from what I understand he doesn't wear that costume from the Steve Rogers figure anymore. Is he back to his Cap costume in the comics?


But of this list I voted for Face Off Cap.


I own all of these except the Ultimate ones, but the First Appearance one is fine for a nostalgia display, but doesn't fit the overall line. Series 1 Cap was fine at the start of the line but doesn't compare in quality to the rest at this point. Unmasked Face Off is great but not practical cause he commonly wouldn't appear that way alongside the Avengers who are all masked...


Yeah, Cap is Cap again.

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ToyBiz's Face Off 2 Pack Cap currently the best 6" Comic Book Steve Rogers Cap out there(I'm mention Comic Book Rogers Cap, because there is now some 6" Movie Caps, as well as at least 1 Bucky Cap). It really captures the modern look of Cap(Well, before the whole upcoming Marvel NOW event at least). Nicely sculpted, very well articulated, has straps on the shield, and the belt is a seaparte piece made of a rubber like material. And it really just looks awesome. The Red Skull in the set I like and is good too, even if it's not in a traditional Red Skull costume.


That said, I should note that Face Off Cap doesn't have a star on his back. However, I fixed that by putting a piece of white sticker over the Face Off Cap's Star on his chest, traced it with pencil, remove the white sticker and cut out the star, erase any pencil lines, and stuck the new Star Sticker on the back just above the hole on the figure's back.


I should also note, that at least on mine, the chest/ab joint is stuck/frozen, as I'm guessing the paint on my figure was really thick or something. That said, it was probably only my figure, as the few other reviews I've seen and read don't have that problem. That said, it is something to think about, and maybe even ask if you are buying a loose 1. Oh, and another thing, be careful with the individual fingers, for they may pop out of the hand if the pegs/joints aren't assembled properly. Dispute all this though, this is the still the best 6" Comic Book Rogers Cap.


Of course, keep in mind that Hasbro will probably do a more traditional Comic Book Rogers Cap eventually, espeically since they have the shield sculpt, and the fact that they have just recently started to release U.S. Agent. So I can see Hasbro repainting U.S. Agent mold as Rogers Cap(Though I think they should consider doing a different head sculpt and not just repaint the U.S. Agent head. But that's just me).

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I think the US Agent sculpt would be great for a new Cap, but does he have the chain-mail on his shoulders and chest a Cap sculpt would need? I suppose it would be easy enough for Hasbro to simply do a new torso for Cap and just use the US Agent parts for the rest of the figure.


I would be all for a new traditional Cap figure in the ML line.

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I think the US Agent sculpt would be great for a new Cap, but does he have the chain-mail on his shoulders and chest a Cap sculpt would need? I suppose it would be easy enough for Hasbro to simply do a new torso for Cap and just use the US Agent parts for the rest of the figure.


I would be all for a new traditional Cap figure in the ML line.


Wouldn't that build be too small for Cap though? The USAgent body is the same one that the Bucky Cap uses, and he's kinda short if you ask me.

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