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THE Marvel Legends Spiderman figure


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So I have recently gotten back into the original WebHead and I was taking a look at my Legends collection only to realize that I don't have a decent Spidey. All of my iterations of him are either not in Legends scale or in a different costume i.e. Iron Spider, Big Time, FF. and I was hoping that you guys on here could help me decide on which Classic Red and Blue spidey to buy. I'm not crazy picky, I like Toybiz and Hasbro both. My only concern is availability. I really like the big eyed lighter blue costume but would be willing to sacrifice look for a better fig. So lemme hear it!!! Which Red and Blue Spiderman is the best in the bunch?


P.S. How sick would a 2012 Scarlett Spider be in Legends form?




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Y'know, I'm not usually too crazy about "First Appearance" versions of characters, but I really like the Toybiz Marvel Legends First Appearance Spider-Man. He looks better in later versions, but...I don't know, there's just something cool about his darker colors and squinty eyes. I've just always preferred Spidey's eyes to be smaller than they're generally drawn in more recent books.


He may not be the definitive Spider-Man, but I'd like to have the "First Appearance" one in my collection. Otherwise, I'm probably too out-of-touch with all of the different versions to suggest the ultimate one.

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Dude I posted this same question on here some months ago and got alot of great suggestions on where to start. I'll tell you the best advice was to decide which style you like the best and how much articulation you need. Check out the database here and marvellegends.net. Please make sure you read the reviews. some may look good and not have good articulation or vice versa. Just take your time because the most popular ones you will kick out for. I settled on one of the super posable Toby Spider Men because I liked the look and displays well. Plus I got it for a good price. FYI Snap Shot Spidey, Parachute Spidey and Spin and Kick are some of the most popular as well as the ones listed here.

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Also here's a good link with reviews and comparisons I was given to help me out when I had this problem.http://spideywebtoys.blogspot.com/2007/04/spideywebs-guide-on-spider-man-figures.html

Also I dont know how good you are at this but people have gone so far as to swap out simple parts such as hand, head and feet on a figure to get what they feel is the perfect Spider Man.

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If you twisted my arm and told me I could only keep one Spider-Man figure, I would pick Snap-Shot Spider-Man here.




Very very very close second would be the McFarlane/Campbell Superposeable Spider-Man (Spider-Man Classics 12).




If you can find one, and if you can afford it, you can't go wrong with either of these two.


As a third option there is also Spider-Strength Spider-Man, but his hands aren't very articulated.




I tell you Hasbro could make a mint if they would release a new super-poseable classic red and blue Spider-Man figure in Marvel Legends. I guarantee it would fly off the shelves. But I guess they just don't like money.

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Thanks for all of the help everybody!!! locating these guys for less than an arm and a leg has proved difficult. I picked up a snap on rocket armor Spidey from one of the most recent hasbro runs simply for the costume. His articulation blows so I am still on the hunt for my definitive one. Everyone's advice has meant millions to me though.

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Dude! That super strength Spidey is so cool! He looks a lot like they way the designed him in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. Is he expensive?


I got an extremely good deal on them a couple of years ago at ToyGlobe.com. I got them for $4.95 each (so I bought 3). The next time I checked (about a week later) they had raised the price by $10.00 to $14.95. I guess after I started buying them, they must have said "Wow, this figure is getting hot, let's jack up the price." I checked with them today to see what they are going for and they are asking a whopping $49.95 each for them!!! I also checked Ebay and they don't have any for sale at all. So, if you can find one, it probably won't be cheap.

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  • 11 months later...

Obviously some great suggestions. My personal favorite as I don't have the "McFarlane" Spider-Man yet is the Sinister Six Box Set Spider-Man. It sports a darker paint job (personal preference) but I believe is the same mold or similar mold to the Snap Shot Spidey. Great articulation a fair head sculpt that is somewhere between classic small eyes and McFarlane large eyes. But sadly this one also goes for a hefty price.

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