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Marvel Legends Inifinite 3 pack DCPI number & Price


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Yeah some Targets are really good and will just punch the numbers in on their little handheld scanner. I've actually had one question me on how I knew the dcpi number before they were released. Cap Wave 1 before they hit 19.99$. He got them for me but kept saying I don't know how you know the number. I told him I spent hours of doing math until I figured out the number by solving for X. He just looked at me like I was crazy. Whatever I got my Marvel Legends.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope this isn't too difficult to track down. Really want to pick it up. Have wanted a Ms. Marvel for quite some time and always struggled to bite the bullet on the ToyBiz one. It has always been a bit pricey and I never really thought the figure looked that great. I am hoping this will solve the gap in my collection at retail price with a more attractive figure.

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Where on the east coast are you? I've been hitting Targets in western Pennsylvania with no luck.

Yeah, I'm in Western PA too, no luck though.


Someone else in western PA; first time I've encountered anyone on the forums so close. Where in Pennsylvania are you, out of curiosity?



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