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Seen this on a few diffrent Facebook groups now and just wanted to share what I have read.


Cap Wave 2


King Cobra

Iron Skull

Captain Britain

Red Guardian

Nick Fury

Scarlet Witch

Captain America

Nuke (which is confirmed)



Just wondering if anyone else has seen or heard of this? I like the wave. Just wanted to share.


Yeah like I said rumor lol. But I have seen this wave pop up a few diffrent times in a few diffrent places. So who knows. Lots of times these are wrong. But here lately most of them have been close to right.


Honestly anything is possible. They could add an extra figure. Would they idk. They've been doing a very good job on the waves. It could be another very large baf. Who knows. I rather this wave be true then just a bunch of movie figures. I love the Black Panther. But the Cap and Iron Man is a no go for me.


it really does sound more of a wish list then anything else.



  • King Cobra - I did say that he would be one of the top 5 SS character to be release and would be a nice addition but it make me doubtful
  • Iron Skull - Seriously? I know the cartoon is actually popular for kids but I don't think hasbro would be that stupid to release another cartoon version. I let Taskie go cause it comes with the Udon head and it more suit to that then the regular figure but no more cartoons unless they are based on an actual comic version (Dracula and Atuma for example)
  • Captain Britain / Red Guardian - these two were on my ideal wave list for cap for a number of wave always together as internation Patriots, so Either hasbro likes the Idea or someone else read my list. If true both would use the Hyperion or Grim Reaper mold.
  • Nick Fury - I assume if true it would be a rerelease of the movie version unless they want to give us a 616 Nick Fury, Watcher Nick Fury or Junior on Commnder Rogers body
  • Scarlet Witch - Movie version I assume but it has to have a semi-new sculpt
  • Captain America - movie verion
  • Nuke (which is confirmed)
  • Crossbones -I doubt they would make a figure of this as he only seems to be in it for the start of the movie.

This isn't a rumored wave. It's a list of rumored figures, so they could be spread out over several waves. It comes from Mr. Curto who used to be involved with Cool Toy Review and has Hasbro connections. He used to tease Marvel Universe reveals years ago.


What about that added DCPI for Tigra in the video!!! Definitely need an updated Tigra figure, and I bet she'll be smokin!


i saw that too but it looks like he meant nuke but i hope im wrong


I've been reading here and there that what I posted the rumored wave is actually rumored figures that is going to come out at some point. If so it looks SS may come out


I more or less believe this wave now. I'm actually a bit disappointed. Not by the figure themselves but some things actually annoy me. The BAF for example is just a figure we got in 6' already and I know that he suppose to grow in the movie but to me it's a miss. nice figure though and it could just be my Comic exclusive collecting, (I collect the movie figures as well but have no room to display). the 3 movie figure are good.


Also this may be the first wave that has no female character. that is just wrong.


Great we are getting Nuke. both DD and Cap need more villians to fight. and I am delighted that one of my ideal wave figure is confirmed with Red Guardian. More Patriot characters please. Sabra, Sunfire, New Guardian. I want to create a new team I like to called the Patriots, a UN saction team lead by Captain America with Black Panther, Captain Britain, Red Guardian, Sunfire, Guardian and Sabra (Isreal hero).


I'm also pissed off with myself with Nick Fury as I just literally took off the SHIELD agent head on the 2pack to put Nick Fury head on. Great we are getting him in his "white" form for those who could find him.


what's left? of course we will have to wait for SDCC to confirm these as they definetly won't show them next week.


  • King Cobra
  • Iron Skull
  • Captain Britain
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Crossbones
  • Tigra
  • Age of X Cap

there's a wave in that. My guess for the BAF might be Abomination, since it was confirmed he is coming. Crossbone and SW might be a movie version although I think Crossbone might be a comic version on the Hyperion mold. Delighted for another SS member, Cap Brit needed a update but I hope he is a new costume for variety, and Tigra was a ugly figure first time and seeing how Hasbro has done their Female, she will be beautiful. we have the standard Cap inclusion (more then likely just a repaint of another Cap). But the sinker has to be Iron Skull. no more Cartoon figures unless they look like a comic or movie figure.


Until something is seen it can't be proven or denied. Generally when there's smoke. Fire is not too far behind. Plus rektangular dose a very good job. Some movie fig are ok but.. Most people not everyone wants comic related figs.Either way if true SS and West Coast Avengers are coming along nicely


*Rant Incoming*


I don't mind them not including some movie characters. I mean that would likely mean that they have more character to work with the next time. I mean we seem to finally be getting a movie Scarlet Witch but everyone is like where is.....such and such? I mean no one is saying where is Vision or SIF or The Warrior Three or Armin Zola. no it all about Falcon. And I better not see a post saying that Hasbro is white washing this line. For god sake, the first true Black superhero in Marvel is being brought into the MCU and is one of the figure being released. They could have just said, "You know what. Let's leave BP til his own movie". No they brought him out with this movie for fans.


I also saw people given out that the have has a mixture of Movie and Comic figures. It's frigging Marvel Legends!! it supposed to have comic figures! I like that Hasbro is mixing the 2 types into the waves. and it was the same last year when they mixed Cap IM and Hulk in the Thanos wave and War Machine with the HB wave.


*Rant Done*


It feels good to rant once and a while at some idjits who don't really think.


Yeah I've seen some of those people complaining also. I don't understand why people can just be happy that Marvel Legends is alive and well. I know people are always going to be unhappy with certain choices. Hasbro has done a great job with the figures as of late. Minus the female teen body mold. I have several of mine break in the wrist joints and feet. Other then that. That is my only complaint.


Tarot, So . . . are the people idjits because they don't think . . . or because they don't think like you?


Think about it. :wink:


nope just don't think at all. Like the saying goes "Think before you speak". most people speak before they think and don't look at the issue properly.


I want ALL the movie characters produced. Black, white, red, green, purple, blue (and those last few are referencing Guardians of the Galaxy movie characters!)


I am all for fair representation, and I don't think it's a race issue that these figures haven't been made yet. Lots haven't been made. But I WAS screaming sexism when the entire Avengers movie wave first came out and the only character missing was Black Widow. I was for real sitting there at the computer shouting WTF.


But on a happier note, we've got a lot of black folks in the new Civil War movie. The previously seen sidekicks War Machine and Falcon. And I'm assuming Nick Fury will be appearing again. PLUS Black Panther?! Four black superheroes in one movie that WASN'T produced by Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, or The Wayans Brothers?! Unprecedented. We've come a long way from the back of the bus.


Anyway, I want movie Scarlet Witch (another notoriously neglected female character... remember her shutout of the 5" toy line based on the old 1994 Iron Man cartoon? We got EVERY other member of Force Works. And she was MIA from the toy line for the Avengers: United They Stand cartoon, but Tigra and Wasp were included, AND Wanda's love interests Wonder Man and Vision... then comic Scarlet Witch came out shortpacked in the poorly articulated 4-character Avengers wave with Thor, Loki, and I forget who the fourth was, maybe Heroes Reborn Iron Man, finally she was released in ML by Toy Biz and we all know what an epic fail that figure was. Talk about having a hex on you... Until Hasbro finally broke the curse!). I want a movie Vision. Movie Falcon. Movie Red Skull. Movie Mandarin/Trevor Slattery. Movie Yellowjacket. Movie Ronan. Movie Nebula. Movie Yondu. Movie Collector with Movie Cosmo the space dog and movie Howard the Duck. Movie Quicksilver, even though RIP. BRING. THEM. ON.


Not only a shield Army Builder but also a Dirk Anger head. That 3 character in one. so maybe we don't have 6 (7 if you want to count the BAF) but 8 characters (more if you are a ABuilder)


I was bummed about this wave but seeing the extra stuff make it look incredible. Hasbro really throws these thing at us fans and honesty no wonder ML is alot of toy reviewers Line of the Year last year. It just keeps getting better.


I hope for next week Toyfair we will see the next Spidey and the X-men wave, then I be satisfied as I know they won't reveal much. I can wait until SDCC for them to reveal second rumoured wave, doc strange and next Spidey wave.


Let's also give Hasbro some cred here; they've really upped the ante' with including swappable heads. Fury and the Black Panther. I believe this is a policy that will stick!


I actually mention something like that in the Spider-woman NCS, where I said that hasbro had not realised the profitability of swappable when they released Spider-woman without the FA had. this just show that hasbro learns properly and caters to fans. both MCU and Comic fans. (yes they haven't out such and such but at least they are trying unlike some companies that expect you to pay subscriptions to get toys.......*cough*Mattel*cough*)


This wave is starting to shape up pretty good....I assume the missing Baf pieces are Movie Cross Bones? Nuke right next to fury in that shot...coming with the Gatling gun...also doubling as a Cross Bones Weapon?? Red Guardian Nice. That Iron Man tho...Finally Hasbro. so that leaves the last 2 slots and Baf to be officially reviled right.



*Edit* My Fault just read it:

  • BAF: Giant-Man (Movie Scott Lang)

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