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This wave is starting to shape up pretty good....I assume the missing Baf pieces are Movie Cross Bones? Nuke right next to fury in that shot...coming with the Gatling gun...also doubling as a Cross Bones Weapon?? Red Guardian Nice. That Iron Man tho...Finally Hasbro. so that leaves the last 2 slots and Baf to be officially reviled right.


nope that regular figure next wave. the BAF is *spoiler* Giant-man. it on the front page and it only a 6 figure wave.


For everybody hoping your favorite lines get revealed this weekend, just remember to consider yourselves lucky no matter how much Hasbro shows.


Chances are all that the Mattel fans will get is more of Matty pushing their MattyCollector exclusives (again).


Geez imagine what it would be like if they do decide to merge.



For everybody hoping your favorite lines get revealed this weekend, just remember to consider yourselves lucky no matter how much Hasbro shows.


Chances are all that the Mattel fans will get is more of Matty pushing their MattyCollector exclusives (again).


Geez imagine what it would be like if they do decide to merge.



I was having high hopes that Hasbro would show the Mattel people how to make these Legend style.


I've got a few friends that do the whole mattel thing and they hate it. Their always unhappy. I really hope they never merge. It would just be bad for everyone I think personally. If Hasbro did one it would have to be very X Men heavy or something very out of the ordinary for me to join. Celestial baf would get me. But it would have to be huge. The Celestial's would be a dream. Pipe dream lol.

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