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MARVEL STUD10S First Ten Years 6" Marvel Legends Ant-Man & Yellowjacket 2-Pack Video Review & Images


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This set looks great. The Yellow Jacket figure certainly is the best one, but the improvements made on Ant-Man are also to be considered. The only figure we had so far that was so screen accurate at a similar scale was the Marvell Select that I unfortunately missed and only the Disney Store exclusive had the unmasked head.  Also, as much as  I never dismiss an unmasked head in a figure, I'd rather have alternate hands. 

Otherwise it's a great set and I would definitely pick this one up. We never had an Yellow Jacket and the Ant Man figure is very screen accurate.   Too bad that the unmasked head doesn't fit into the new Ant-Man figure tho. 

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What a great review! I am thankful for the unmasked heads because we could have got none so I am satisfied with what they have put out for us collectors. It is unfortunate that the head is not compatible with the newer Ant-Man figure.

also just imagine if they started to make the shrunken version of Ant-Man, The Wasp and Yellowjacket in full articulation as the bigger figures. That would be amazing. They may have to wait to do that once the shrinking technology is developed for real though. lol

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That Yellowjacket looks great, easily the gem of the set. The Ant-Man looks good and it looks like they improved on some areas, hopefully the fixed the soft gummy joints the previous version had.  I know a lot of people hated Yellowjacket in the movie but I didn't found him so bad, I liked the idea that he felt cheated by his mentor and come on rich business wants more money and power that's the most realistic motivation I have seen in a movie villain. 

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I could see picking up this two-pack... But, based on the review, I’d probably want to get my hands on the single, formerly released Ant-Man, as it truly seems like the new one has lost something in translation.

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