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2018 SDCC: Hasbro Marvel Legends Panel Info & Images Live Updates


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Archangel- Cool never got him so this will be one down.

Professor X- Perfect. Exactly what I wanted. I assume he's not in the actual wave then if he's a vehicle. So easier to get then. Yay!

Gambit- Exactly what I wanted. Can't wait.

Storm- White or Silver or both, I don't care. Can't wait to finally have her. Still mad we never got her in 3 3/4 though.


I believe that leaves Beast and a proper Jubilee and Colossus since we just got Psylocke and Bishop.

Hoping the Build a figure is Beast or that Beast is in the wave and not yet announced. Given Xavier doesn't appear to be in the wave itself, that opens a slot for Beast. Unless they actually have Storm ready to go and its all about how to paint her which would be amazing.

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Ah, I forgot to mention Archangel... Missed out on his earlier release, and soooo gonna want to pick him up.

Also, to those saying they’re experiencing image issues; I saw someone saying that over on the corresponding Facebook post, to this one. I did see two or three images that weren’t loaded correctly, or something. But, the majority of them worked for me, just fine.

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I know there's always a new Spider-Man wave announcement every year but it's the announcements that I look forward to. I haven't read a lot of comics in a while so i didn't know there was a "modern" Symbiote Spidey look. It doesn't look very nice. The spidey symbol looks good but I don't like how the eyes flare out. I'm especially looking forward to the new Black Cat ML. I like the currently released Black Cat ML but I'd go for another one in a more modern costume. Maybe the default modern look or the "Kingpin" Black Cat from the Slott run on Amazing Spider-Man.

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6 minutes ago, Hylian_Knight97 said:

I'm especially looking forward to the new Black Cat ML. I like the currently released Black Cat ML but I'd go for another one in a more modern costume. Maybe the default modern look or the "Kingpin" Black Cat from the Slott run on Amazing Spider-Man.

Did they show Black Cat or Sable? I didn’t notice them amidst all the photos.

3 minutes ago, Wheel-Jack said:

ZAMM!  Booth pics are going up now!


Nice!! :biggrin:

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7 minutes ago, ADour said:

It's from Amazing Spider-Man #800.

Thanks for the info. I just googled it. Apparently its from the last few issues of Slott's run. I think I'm going to go catch up on it and check out the new Spidey run while I'm at it.

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3 minutes ago, sXeblues said:

Did they show Black Cat or Sable? I didn’t notice them amidst all the photos.

Nice!! :biggrin:

I looked around and I found some pics of Black Cat. They are indeed going for the "Kingpin" Black Cat. I didn't see any pics of Sable though.

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3 minutes ago, Hylian_Knight97 said:

I looked around and I found some pics of Black Cat. They are indeed going for the "Kingpin" Black Cat. I didn't see any pics of Sable though.

Cool, I’ll be on the lookout for her.

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