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Top 10 Most Wanted X-Men


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Let’s get some lists going...maybe Hasbro can take notice. There are plenty more than 10 honestly, but here’s a start.

1. Storm (white outfit)

2. Colossus (Jim Lee)

3. White Queen (classic)

4. Mr Sinister

5. Domino (Liefeld)

6. Feral

7. Jubilee (yellow coat, jean shorts)

8. Nightcrawler 

9. Morph (animated series)

10. Lady Deathstrike

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Here’s my Top Ten

1.  Storm (Jim Lee white costume)

2.  Colossus (Jim Lee)

3.  Warpath/Thunderbird 

4.  Nightcrawler (Utopia era costume)

5.  Beast (Jim Lee)

6.  Banshee (blue and gold uniform)

7.  Forge 

8.  Mr. Sinister

9.  Jean Grey (Rocket Raccoon wave repack)

10.  Emma Frost (Utopia era costume with cape)

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I would also add that a Giant Size X-Men box set would be a great Amazon exclusive...

4 Pack

- Storm

- Nightcrawler

- Colossus 

- Thunderbird 

If it was a 5 pack then add Banshee in his green and yellow costume.

If it was a 6 pack then you could add the Apocalypse wave Wolverine with the Juggernaut/Retro Wolverine belt instead of the X logo belt to be consistent with his appearance in that issue.




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I definitely want a Nightcrawler re-do, more than just about any other character, but for this re-do to work it needs the right stuff:

-Two interchangeable heads, one serious, one laughing or grinning.

-Two sets of hands, one that's either for gripping or punching, the other relaxed for wall crawling.  

-The tail should have bendy wire, but if not it needs to be sculpted in a relaxed pose that doesn't mess up the more dynamic poses.  And absolutely no articulation points.

-Bonus points for this figure if it could have teleportation smoke effects or some sort of smoke cloud effect.

-Either his classic or utopia costume, not picky either way, but the utopia era costume would go better with Colossus, and you can best believe they're going to be posed side by side in my collection.


Other wants:

-Classic or First Appearance Storm

- Jean Grey (Jim Lee) re-do, the old one's articulation and head sculpt need an overhaul.


-Cannonball re-do





-Emma Frost re-do

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My top ten X-Men figures are:

- Beast (90’s version with alt head of his new look)

- Storm (white Jim Lee costume)

- Nightcrawler (classic costume)

- Mister Sinister

- Firestar

- Avalanche

- Pyro

- Cannonball

- Sunspot

- Nimrod

if the rumors of the vintage wave are true, I want this figures:

- Colossus (classic)

- Iceman (90s with ice board)

- Jubilee (Jim Lee)

- Jean Grey (Jim Lee repack with better head sculpt and articulation)

- Havok (classic costume with alt head without mask)

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36 minutes ago, jdgi said:

My top ten X-Men figures are:

- Beast (90’s version with alt head of his new look)

- Storm (white Jim Lee costume)

- Nightcrawler (classic costume)

- Mister Sinister

- Firestar

- Avalanche

- Pyro

- Cannonball

- Sunspot

- Nimrod

if the rumors of the vintage wave are true, I want this figures:

- Colossus (classic)

- Iceman (90s with ice board)

- Jubilee (Jim Lee)

- Jean Grey (Jim Lee repack with better head sculpt and articulation)

- Havok (classic costume with alt head without mask)

What rumors are you talking about?

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2 hours ago, mako said:

Just keep in mind, the only figure he could "confirm" was Wolverine (in an X-Men wave!?!), all the other figures he named were by his own admission,  just speculation.

As for my 10:

1. Updated Jim Lee Jean Grey is at the very top of my list.

2. Morph from the X-toon

3. 90s era Beast

4. Nightcrawler

5. Updated Blob

6. Updated Toad

7. Updated Jubilee

8. Lady Deathstrike

9. Quicksilver

10. 90s era Dazzler

Yeah I know it's pure speculation, that's why I took it as a rumor, and of course, if there's a vintage wave, Wolverine is going to be there hahahaha

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This is essentially half my list, I love the matching uniforms. The original 60's one is nice, but is a little too plain. I think you could do it in 5 figures with swaps instead of needing 7, lus a morph head too, obviously. Be nice to get Jubilee in her more 90's attire too, and just be able to pop her head on to one those bodies.


As for the other , Death Bird, the mutant empowered Super Skrull, X-Skrull. Arcade (he'd make great lego sets too, man I hope lego makes more x-men sets)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Lol, Ya predicting Woverine will be in the next X-Wave is like predicting Cap or IM will be in the next Avengers movie wave.

As for my wanted X-Men:

1. Strong Guy - rumors are strong (pun intended) that next year is his year.

2. Beast - not sure exactly what the hold up on this one is. I'm afraid this one might be the one ML Hasbro can't outdo TB on.

3. Quicksilver - been done but done baaad, and the whole Fox/Marvel tiff made us wait extra long for the improvement. I hope the boxed set has him in his black costume.

4. Nightcrawler - again, Hasbro just might be afraid they can't improve on him. Just put some new feet & hands & tail on a Spidey buck with a kickass headsculpt and call it a day. Maybe include a sword.

5. Forge - one of my favorite auxiliary X-Men. Never quite gets the respect he deserves.

6. Boom Boom - the anti-Jubilee, she was such a cool character in the early X-Force days. She's coming back so we need her in plastic form. And don't tone down her look.

7. Sunspot - his powers & story have gone really off the rails lately but hopefully the resurgence of the "X" franchises will fix that. His New Mutant or X-Force look would be cool.

8. Longshot - how the hell did we get his wannabe clone/brother/son/father Shatterstar before him? Really an injustice.

9. Monet - she is just suck a badass in the comics and she has a simple/non complicated look that would be very easy to do in plastic.

10. Siryn - I've always loved this character. The only character with worse luck than Cyclops. Gotta get a few more X-Factor characters in there.

There's a ton more characters that need a redo or alternate look done like Silvestri Dazzler in her blue leotard or Rogue in her modern costume or a Banshee redo (please), but these are the top of my list

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I'll play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beast Jim Lee 90's, My top want.

Nightcrawler, Classic

Banshee, Either version works for me. I am talking about the original guy of coarse.

Dazzler, Late 80's Outback Look in blue with brown jacket.


Rachel Grey, Red Outfit




Colossus, Jim Lee look.

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I also saw the Rektangular clip where he mentioned the vintage X Men line (what got me into collecting in the first place) Since those molds already exist, let's start there:


Colossus - red vest look has never been done.

Storm - First appearance/00's, with tiara head and short hair heads

Cyclops - Quitely X jacket, alternate Xorn head

Rogue - Outback look

Dazzler - Outback look

Spiral - updated articulation

Stryfe - better paint application

Wolverine - Quitely X jacket

Jean Grey - Quitely X jacket

Madrox - easy army builder


Now, for all new sculpts... I'd love to see some favorites get revealed;


Beast - Cassidy styled, with alternate modern head

Cannonball - with detachable waist and included blast effect

Avalanche - Classic

Pyro - Classic

Bonebreaker - Classic

Banshee - Bachelo style (clunky boots/gloves)

Silver Samurai - Classic

Emma Frost - Quitely style

Hellfire Guard - easy army builder

Sunspot - translucent body please


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll play, too, though it was hard to narrow this down to just 10...

  1. Nightcrawler * (classic black/red/white costume)
  2. Firestar
  3. Toad
  4. Mr. Sinister
  5. Pyro
  6. Emma Frost
  7. Banshee
  8. Avalanche
  9. Dani Moonstar
  10. Beast *

* articulation needs to be off the charts

I have many more I could add. Maybe we need a "Top 20" most wanted list. :biggrin:

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1 hour ago, tierneygreen said:

I'll play, too, though it was hard to narrow this down to just 10...

  1. Nightcrawler * (classic black/red/white costume)
  2. Firestar
  3. Toad
  4. Mr. Sinister
  5. Pyro
  6. Emma Frost
  7. Banshee
  8. Avalanche
  9. Dani Moonstar
  10. Beast *

* articulation needs to be off the charts

I have many more I could add. Maybe we need a "Top 20" most wanted list. :biggrin:

Whoa. Ask and ye shall receive...


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