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Marvel Studios The First 10 Years Age Of Ultron Marvel Legends 6" Ultron Figure Review & Images


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In what seems like a last minute addition to Hasbro's Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years anniversary Marvel Legends line from Hasbro comes this repaint of the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie 6" Ultron Build-A-Figure.

The figure comes in the same style of packaging we have seen for all the MCU Anniversary figures with the red and black box that has a bio for both the character and the movie the character is based on. This is the second figure we've gotten in this line for Age Of Ultron. The first was the Target exclusive Hulkbuster vs Hulk 2-Pack. The box also has the same kind of movie artwork on the side as the other figures in this line, however I can't say if it fits in with the art collage that can be created with the others. It is very similar to the art work featured on the Target 2-pack but not identical.

The figure itself is a straight up repaint as the original Ultron Build-A-figure, and like with that one this figure does not feature any accessories. The only difference between this figure and the original is that this one has a superior paint job. The metallic metal parts have a much more cohesive look to it than the original version and the red markings are a bit more distinct as well, especially with the head.

While the figure does look better than the original due to the paint, I am not sure that is enough to warrant getting this figure again if you already have the original, especially since this new figure costs $25 at retail. I guess it just depends on how big of a fan your are of Ultron or if your just a completest and want to have all the figures in this Marvel Legends sub-line. The figure has started to hit Best Buy stores and is currently available for pre-order at places like Megalopolis.Toys. Check out images for the figure below in our GALLERY!





















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I don't have the BAF, but now I will definitely pick this up. The paint is waay better.  I mostly collect MCU marvel sslect, but I guess that could fit in even being a little smaller. 

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