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Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years Iron Man 3 Pepper Potts, Iron Man Mark XXII, and The Mandarin Delayed

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Hasbro's Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years Iron Man 3 Pepper Potts, Iron Man Mark XXII, and The Mandarin 3-pack looks to have been delayed again here in the United States.

The set originally was supposed to be released as a Toys R' Us exclusive until the retailer went out of business. It was later picked up as an Amazon.com exclusive and was supposed to start shipping on September 15. Now Amazon has sent out word that the set has been delayed and has given a fairly vague release date of shipping sometime between Monday, October 15, 2018 - Monday, November 12, 2018. The set is still up for pre-order on the website.
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This one, at least to me, is a little lackluster.  I really widh that they have done something like the Warriors Three. 


I had an exclusive Transformer pre-ordered that was supposed to arrive last week, and the day it was scheduled to arrive, they let me know there was a delay (looks like it will be arriving next week...?). It looks like Hasbro dropped the ball in getting them multiple products on-time...


This set would be much cooler if the Mandarin had some accessories. He should have 2 pistols, a tv remote, and a beer can. Also, I feel like they need to do right by the Mandarin and reveal that Trevor was a body double and there is a real Mandarin that was pulling all the strings.


Watched the review and definitely the worse set of all. I thought that the mark I with Tony wasn't interesting, but this one most disappointing. The Trevor figure is fun an all, but is not worth the money. 

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