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Should Hasbro retire the Bucky Cap and Hyperion Body molds?


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It has come to my mind that, despite the releases of both the Spider-Man 2099 body mold and the recent Omega Red Body Mold, Hasbro is still using the Bucky Cap and Hyperion body molds for their figures. The former have essentially the same articulation as the latter except with the added butterfly joints. While I don't have as much of a problem with the Bucky Cap mold than I do with the Hyperion mold, I still think those butterfly joints are a much-needed improvement. So do you think Hasbro should get rid of those molds entirely and replace them with the butterfly jointed molds? I would love to see a Sabretooth figure with that Omega Red Bodymold.

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I'm with @tarot with this one. I like the variation of molds Hasbro has at this time and there are certain characters I associate with each mold. For instance, the Bucky mold, or any small variation of it, is the only one used for characters like Daredevil and Hawkeye which fits as they are supposed to be these super fit superior athletes. It has been misused in the past with figures like Blizzard and Eel, but that was for sheer lack of other molds at the time. It was overused for a time, but let's not penalize a perfectly good sculpt for lack of resources while ML was gaining steam. Now that there are a number of mold's available there is less chance of constant reuse. The Spider UK buck has already moved to be the standard for Black Panther and now it's hard to picture him on another buck as well. The last Vintage wave, which is all about only reused molds only used it once. As far as articulation of the Bucky Cap mold goes, for not having butterfly joints it's still quite posable, even more so than some of the butterfly jointed molds, and that's a pretty widely shared sentiment in the ML community. Something about the shoulder ball joint's design just makes it work better than most. That mold is of superior design, plain and simple. To get rid of it would be a shame. I think a simple reduction in how often it's used would be fair enough.

As far as the Hyperion buck goes, I can take it or leave it. I don't think the Omega Red mold was meant to be its replacement as it's a bit bigger. I think the Odinson buck (which is different) was actually made to correct some of the weird proportions of the Hyperion mold, and I believe that's the mold that will be used for future Thor figures. If they wanna retire the Hyperion buck for thar one it would be fine with me but to completely abandon it altogether seems like a waste.

So to answer the question, no I don't think they should be retired outright but maybe used less frequently.

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100% with you on retiring the Hyperion buck for the Odinson buck. Hasbro better not, I repeat, better not use the new Omega Red buck for characters such as Thor , classic Doc Samson & a classic Luke Cage/Powerman! Thor 6'6 not 7'6!  The Omega Red buck can be utilized for a new Warpath as that buck can represent characters that are 6-10 to 7ft tall. The Odinson buck can & should be utilized for all Marvel characters in the 6-4, 6-5 & 6'6 range. That buck is perfect for a redone classic Wrecking crew.

I really like the Sunfire buck with the butterfly joints & that should be the go to buck for characters in the 5-10 to 6' range that are of a lean build. I loved the DCUC line but the one thing that kinda irked me about it was that up until the last few waves when they started making characters such as Plastic man, Elongated man, Creeper, etc, before that, they put just about every male character on the same cookie cutter buck so Flash was the same hgt as Supes & Bats. They did correctly put Martian manhunter on a bit bigger buck do to him being the tallest JLAer at 6'7. They did give Etrigan the Demon & Penguin their own unique body sculpts. But normal sized humans seemed to get the cookie cutter treatment. 


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The Omega Red body is great. Has the size, proportions, extra articulation, and just looks great. The bucky cap is a good mold, but I would like to see others with butterfly joints. We need better bodies for females. Rogue, X-23, their legs can't move up at all. There is so much restriction in the legs it sucks.

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4 hours ago, americamgl said:

The Omega Red body is great. Has the size, proportions, extra articulation, and just looks great. The bucky cap is a good mold, but I would like to see others with butterfly joints. We need better bodies for females. Rogue, X-23, their legs can't move up at all. There is so much restriction in the legs it sucks.

Yeah, it is annoying that the ladies can't do the same poses as the lads.

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1 hour ago, leokearon said:

Yeah, it is annoying that the ladies can't do the same poses as the lads.

It's been shown that it can be done in SW Black line and other companies like DC Collectables, so its totally possible. The creative team has made it clear that it's mostly based on aesthetics that it isn't being done. I might be in the minority but I 100% agree. I think double jointed elbows make the female arms too bulky. Not having double jointed elbows really doesn't bother me that much. That being said, I also agree we need more female bucks, particularly the legs. They have made several variations of the torso, but most of the lower bodies are using those flimsy Kate Bishop legs. They need to either beef them things up a little more or redesign them altogether. The Dark Phoenix/Psylocke buck seems to be the atempt to do this, plus add some range of motion, but people AR complaining about the gap in the hinge joint. While I enjoy the buck myself, I can't say that the complaints are unfounded. Females are a tough design to get right. Hell, TB never was able to. What sucks is when they finally get it right there's gonna be a ton of people demanding that they go back and redo previous figures. All that being said, the fact is, they just need to treat the female bucks like the male bucks. Females come in all shapes and sizes and since now it seems like they're intent on phasing out the Moonstone buck they need to get some more molds onto rotation.

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9 hours ago, watanabefan said:

Double jointed arms on the women would be a plus as well. I can be done. The Black Series Jaina Solo accomplished it.


Sorry, that looks gangly & makes her look like she has monkey arms. Normal females come in all shapes & sizes. In the world of superhero comics, I want my women to look like physical fitness models, so the majority should all share the same buck save for any characters that are short or tall in stature such  as Wasp or She-Hulk. 

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On 11/18/2018 at 1:44 PM, Hogun said:

It has come to my mind that, despite the releases of both the Spider-Man 2099 body mold and the recent Omega Red Body Mold, Hasbro is still using the Bucky Cap and Hyperion body molds for their figures. The former have essentially the same articulation as the latter except with the added butterfly joints. While I don't have as much of a problem with the Bucky Cap mold than I do with the Hyperion mold, I still think those butterfly joints are a much-needed improvement. So do you think Hasbro should get rid of those molds entirely and replace them with the butterfly jointed molds? I would love to see a Sabretooth figure with that Omega Red Bodymold.

Of course then Sabretooth would be too big, but who cares about that.

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I think that they should back off on using the bodies, but also I do not think they should be retired.  I like the idea that any future Daredevil figures would be on the Bucky Cap body to keep things in proportion between past and future figures.  Similarly I think that there are many figures now on the Hyperion body that would look weird if they suddenly shifted to the Odinson or Omega Red body.  I mean its already jarring enough that Spider-Man 2099 has the Pizza Spidey mold for his classic costume, and the Sunfire mold for the new costume, I don't want to see that happen with all the different characters Hasbro does re-dos and new costumes for.

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1 hour ago, greenlucario said:

I think that they should back off on using the bodies, but also I do not think they should be retired.  I like the idea that any future Daredevil figures would be on the Bucky Cap body to keep things in proportion between past and future figures.  Similarly I think that there are many figures now on the Hyperion body that would look weird if they suddenly shifted to the Odinson or Omega Red body.  I mean its already jarring enough that Spider-Man 2099 has the Pizza Spidey mold for his classic costume, and the Sunfire mold for the new costume, I don't want to see that happen with all the different characters Hasbro does re-dos and new costumes for.

Everything you just said.  Everything.  I was coming in here to say.  But you already said it.

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7 hours ago, Gmen4ever said:

Normal females come in all shapes & sizes. In the world of superhero comics, I want my women to look like physical fitness models, so the majority should all share the same buck save for any characters that are short or tall in stature such  as Wasp or She-Hulk. 

And no offense, but thankfully you aren't in charge of making the figures, lol. Same body gets boring after a while.

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So what do you want in female bucks? Fat/skinny, frumpy? I mean last time I checked this was a superhero based line & the males/female heroes are supposed to represent the pinnacle of physical perfection, not real world physiques.  If you look at the Cowboys cheerleaders, they all basically have the same exact type of body, not one skinny, one chunky,  not one 6'3 while the other is 5'2. Sorry, they want uniformity. Most are the same hgt  as well.  I want superhero type physiques on both my male/female action figures, what exactly do you want in your female action figures?  We already have at least 4 different female bucks that I can think of.

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The Hyperion mold, I never liked. I would like to see them retire it.  I think that aside from Venom & Creed, there aren't many characters that they could keep using it for, to keep up consistency. As for the Bucky mold, I like it, and hope they continue to use it, but they do need to incorporate the other molds more. I do think Sunfire is too bulky for their leaner characters (Torch just looks wrong on it), but it is a good one. Pizza Spidey needs more use, especially for the leaner characters. They need to use AIM/GR more, like the arms. The arms might hinder it, but Reed is begging to be used more.

I would love to see them mix-n-match parts more, like they do for the female figures. 

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I like both bucks, actually. The bucky cap, while the feet are too small, I've enjoyed the figures I have that are sporting the mold. It's solid and can largely be posed the way I want. I have two figures currently on the Hyperion body: Gladiator and Captain Britain. I think the buck suits them just fine, despite the longish neck. That's not to say I'm not open to improvements; I definitely am, as long as the trajectory is upward, and not the horror that Hasbro pulled when they first got the license from TB.

For bodies, like many have said here already, it's the female bucks I'd like to see more changes on, namely that Red She-Hulk buck's ridiculously short arms. I would really love for Hasbro to take their time to give us a really great new buck for the  heavyweight ladies (and make us a Titania already!)I really hope they don't retire the Moonstone buck as it's one of my absolute favourites. It's solid, makes a female character look 'super' while still looking feminine. The only thing I wish for it is greater posability in the legs, hips (i.e. Spider-Woman needs to be able to do the classic spider crouch).

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